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Thread: Successful Street Applications

  1. #346
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    slightly OT

    I count a jump-kick as martial arts.

    Man Jump Kicks Black Bear Who Broke Into Cabin
    By Steve Large July 2, 2018 at 11:59 pm

    SOUTH LAKE TAHOE (CBS13) — One man’s close encounter with a black bear has given him a survival story of a lifetime. He jump-kicked the bear in the chest, as it stood on its hind legs in his Fallen Leaf Lake cabin.

    “I faced death,” Johnny Bolton said. “And that’s a strange feeling when you do, and then you walk away with a big scratch.”

    The bear broke through the front door of the cabin.

    “Who knows what happens in these moments,” Bolton said. “I did a jump-kick—this is martial arts training from age 8,” Bolton said. “And I kicked him right in the chest.”

    Bolton showed us the scratches on his legs from the bear’s claws. Bolton is no black belt, but against this black bear, his instinct kicked in.

    “I didn’t make a decision, I just kicked,” Bolton said. “There was no cognitive process there. It was just instantaneous. ‘I have to move this threat away from me,’ and it was fight or flight, with no opportunity for flight.”

    Bolton says the jump-kick didn’t move the bear much but left the animal stunned and maybe even scared.

    “When I kicked the bear, the bear urinated,” Bolton said. “When the whole thing was over I kind of checked, ‘Did I? I think I might have.’ And I didn’t. So only one of us wet himself but it was the bear.”

    Bolton’s friends were upstairs asleep during the confrontation.

    Gerry Orton came downstairs just as the bear was leaving.

    “I had no idea the bear was inside the house,” Orton said.

    Beating the odds in a face-to-face confrontation with a bear with a karate move he hadn’t practiced since he was a kid.

    “There was no wax-on wax-off,” Bolton said. “It was a lucky shot. Hit the bear just right, startled him enough.”

    The local Bear League installed an electrified mat on his porch in case the bear comes back.

    This isn’t the first time we’ve brought you the story of a local man confronting a bear. In 2015, it was the story of Carl, the man who defended his dog from a bear with a punch, that captured the imagination of the Internet.

    “The man or beast I run from ain’t been born, and it’s mama’s already dead.”
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  2. #347
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    Ebrahim Gawargi

    There's a vid if you follow the link.

    6 days ago
    Gas station clerk uses martial arts to thwart robbery
    Lucia Suarez Sang By Lucia I. Suarez Sang | Fox News

    Gas station clerk uses martial arts to fight back robber

    Security footage catches Ebrahim Gawargi fighting back a robber with his highly honed martial arts skills.

    A Massachusetts gas station clerk who trains three to four hours a day in martial arts tapped into his skills Tuesday night.

    Ebrahim Gawargi, who works as a cashier at a Mobil gas station on Route 1 in Norwood, was counting cash when a would-be robber came out of nowhere and tried to swipe the money from his hands.

    Surveillance footage shows the man, who was wearing a dark gray sweatshirt, enter the store and try to grab some of the cash. Gawargi was quick to respond, hitting the man repeatedly.

    At one point Gawargi was able to grab the man’s sweatshirt, pulling it off before jumping over the counter.

    The two men continued to fight before Gawargi pinned the suspect on the floor. After throwing more punches, Gawargi put the man in a sleeper hold and knocked him out.

    “I just tried to do what I had to do,” Gawargi told Boston 25. “He grabbed my hand, I had over six hundred dollars in my hand.”

    Police arrested 46-year-old John Benedict, of Dorchester.

    Gawardi said martial arts is a hobby for him and he never actually expected to use his skills outside of a gym. However, Gawardi said he wasn’t going to stand idly by.

    Said Gawardi: “When he attacked me, I had to do something."
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  3. #348
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Score another for MMA

    Eight knife-wielding thugs tried to rob the wrong MMA fighter
    By Yasmin Harisha, SWNS October 25, 2018 | 10:55am
    Modal Trigger

    Louis Nicholson was taken to the hospital with multiple stab wounds after he fought off his attackers. SWNS

    A group of eight knife-wielding thugs was forced to flee when they unknowingly attempted to rob a martial arts instructor.

    Louis Nicholson, 22, was alone walking down a street in Grays, England, at 4 p.m. on Oct. 16 when a gang of thugs approached him demanding his phone.

    But Nicholson, who is trained in mixed martial arts and coaches sessions, refused to hand anything over.

    Nicholson claims the gang started to attack him but as he managed to fight them off they pulled out knives and stabbed him multiple times.

    Nicholson was stabbed under the armpit and received a large gash to his arm, which he has received stitches for.

    Nicholson is a MMA fighter and instructor in Essex, England.SWNS

    “I’m minding my business when eight people decide they wanted to liberate my hard-earned possessions from me,” Nicholson said.

    “Long story short I said I was ready to fight them because I was not going to give them my things — it was probably a stupid move, I realize that now. So anyway, we start fighting — it was one person against eight, bearing in mind.

    “I was doing my best to keep them at bay, I even managed to punch two of them in the face, so they dropped to the floor. Only after they had already attacked me though of course. Anyway, at this point, the absolute cowards decide eight versus one isn’t a big enough advantage for them.

    “So they pull out their blades and start stabbing and slashing at me while I’m trying to fight off the others.”

    Nicholson claims the fight lasted for two minutes as he tried to move the fight closer to a site where more members of the public were.

    Nicholson was stabbed in the armpit during the melee.SWNS

    “I had to fight them all the way down the road about [300 feet] to get to the Metalworks,” he said.

    But the unsuccessful robbers eventually ended up fleeing from the scene as Nicholson managed to clear space around him and run into a construction site nearby.

    “I got away with all of my stuff,” Nicholson said. “I was fighting them and they had me circled then one of them broke the circle like a coward when I went to swing for him so I ran out of that gap he created.

    “I ran in a construction site that was open at the time and shouted for the guys to call the police. And the funny thing, this all happened at four o’clock in the afternoon in broad daylight.

    “I have to say though, with zero shadow of a doubt, martial arts saved my life. I would not be here if not for being able to create space and get out of there. So honestly, get your kids trained in martial arts, I cannot stress it enough, it is literally a matter of life and death — stay safe, everyone.”

    Essex Police are appealing for information about the attack.

    An Essex police spokesman confirmed Nicholson was taken to the hospital for injuries described as serious, but not life-threatening.

    Nicholson teaches MMA fighting at Thurrock TSG MMA fight school in Corringham, Essex.
    That armpit stab could've been lethal if it was a little deeper and caught the axillary artery.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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  4. #349
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    CA, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by GeneChing View Post
    That armpit stab could've been lethal if it was a little deeper and caught the axillary artery.
    Indeed. Although it would have been much wiser for him to have given up the phone, it's still quite possible they would have attacked him anyway, just for kicks. He was fortunate, that's for sure. But this does prove that, in certain situations, and depending on the individuals and the circumstances, one man CAN successfully fight against multiple assailants. There are LOTS of people who will tell you that the idea of one man fighting multiple attackers is a fantasy; that even two attackers automatically spells doom for the lone defender, let alone eight. In reality, anything and everything can happen out there (and has). I know of more than a few instances where single guys have fought off multiple attackers.

  5. #350
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Cow vs bike woman. W: Cow

    Honestly, who can resist a Kung Fu Cow?

    There's an embedded vid behind the link.
    5 hours ago
    Kung Fu Cow Kicks Unsuspecting Woman Off Her Bike
    Dominic Smithers in NEWS

    Cows are an enigma of the animal kingdom. From the outside they don't ever appear to be doing much, they just stand in a field and eat grass.

    The only useful or vaguely interesting thing that cows actually do is lie down because it means it's going to rain and you can bring your washing in from the line.

    That was until today.

    A video released online has revealed another incredible skill, even more impressive than their meteorological clairvoyance; 'king-fu'.

    Yes, according to this shocking footage one deceptively agile cow charges across a road, leaps into the air and heel kicks an unsuspecting rider off their bike, sending them flying into the dirt at the side of the road.

    And to add insult to injury, the milky ******* does a runner.

    The cow ran away from the scene after the attack. Credit: CEN

    The bizarre incident took place in a rural area of Capiata in the central western Paraguayan region of Departamento Central and slightly less surprising has gone viral since the clip was shared.

    In the video footage, a herd of cows is seen crossing a road as two motorbikes pass in both directions, nothing too strange, a fairly mild affair. However, things quickly take a turn for the worse when a rogue cow suddenly quickens its pace and ends up making a beeline for one of the bikers.

    As the cow draws level with the motorcycle, it springs into the air, ballet dancer-esque, twists its huge frame and kung fu kicks the biker from behind with its hind legs.

    The female motorcyclist is sent crashing onto the grass verge while the brazen cow makes his escape, running off into the distance.

    A male biker does stop to check on the injured woman, lying on the ground without a helmet on, but according to local media the woman wasn't seriously inured and didn't need to be taken to hospital.

    Janeth Yovanna Morales Vargas wrote online: "What a funny thing, poor biker!"

    An anonymous user added: "The cow did not attack the biker, it tried to jump over her to avoid bumping into the motorcycle."

    And Gustavo Salas said: "I think the cow was spooked by the bike and reacted by kicking her."

    Featured Image Credit: PA/CEN
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  6. #351
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Score another for Kung Fu

    Russian thieves run off after Chinese tourists retaliate with kung fu
    Source:Global Times Published: 2019/1/3 17:23:40

    A group of monks is seen at the Shaolin Temple on Songshan Mountain, central China's Henan Province braving the chill and practising Chinese Kung Fu after heavy snow hit the region. (Photo: Xinhua)

    A tourist group of 30 Chinese arriving at the train station in Saint Petersburg, Russia at 5:15 am on December 20, were terrified when three Russian men came out of nowhere and tried to grab one of the tourists' bag as they walked together to their bus.

    They did not get very far as another member of the tourist group, Zhu Chuan from Jinan, East China's Shandong Province tackled one of the thieves.

    This lead another of the Russian thieves to reach into his coat and apparently attempt to pull out a weapon, but he too was subdued by Zhao Wenyong, who is an auxiliary police officer from Jinan, Shandong newspaper Life Daily reported.

    The two Chinese men used their kung fu skills to deter the robbers who finally fled the scene empty handed, the group's tourist guide told the newspaper.

    "It was the first time I have ever witnessed someone snatching a bag back from muggers, using their bare hands," the guide said. "I was frightened. My hands are still shaking," she said.

    The group finally boarded their bus and headed to their hotel, but apparently did not report the incident to local authorities.

    Global Times
    Henan & Shandong - two provinces renowned for their Kung Fu.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  7. #352
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    South FL. Which is not to be confused with any part of the USA

    Karate Instructor Defends Woman

    hope he gets enough new students to get him a bigger dojo.

    I first clicked because I know people in Charlotte. But, not this guy.

    Good on him. I hope some video surfaces.
    "George never did wake up. And, even all that talking didn't make death any least not for us. Maybe, in the end, all you can really hope for is that your last thought is a nice one...even if it's just about the taste of a nice cold beer."

    "If you find the right balance between desperation and fear you can make people believe anything"

    "Is enlightenment even possible? Or, did I drive by it like a missed exit?"

    It's simpler than you think.

    I could be completely wrong"

  8. #353
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Score a major one for a Karate Dojo

    luv this

    An alleged kidnapper followed a woman into a karate studio. It didn't go well
    Ryan W. Miller, USA TODAY Published 7:10 p.m. ET Jan. 4, 2019

    (Photo: Robert Cicchetti, Getty Images)

    A man in North Carolina allegedly attempted to kidnap a woman, but she led him somewhere he couldn't fight his way out of – a karate studio.

    Local media in Charlotte reported that August Williams was arrested after an instructor at Bushiken Karate Charlotte Dojo fended him off when he followed the woman into the school.

    Police said Williams tried to force the woman into his car but she made it into the studio, WSOC-TV reported.

    Williams was charged with attempted kidnapping, assault and other offenses related to the incident Thursday, WBTV reported. He allegedly had an altercation with police officers who arrived at the scene and was later taken to the hospital for his injuries.

    "It's a great thing the people in there were able to help defend her, extremely lucky that it was a karate studio and usually you don't see a suspect act like this," police Capt. –JD Thomas said, per WSOC-TV.

    Head instructor Randall Ephraim told CNN that he was cleaning with a few child and adult students still in the dojo when the women came in. Soon after, the man entered, Ephraim told the network.

    "I asked how I could assist him and he stated that he was there for the lady. She insisted that she did not know him and tried to kidnap her," Ephraim said.

    Williams wouldn't leave at Ephraim's request and soon got physical, the karate teacher told CNN.

    "I then went into action defending myself and got him out of the dojo. Once outside he attempted to attack again and was dealt with accordingly," he said.

    Follow Ryan Miller on Twitter @RyanW_Miller
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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  9. #354
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Score another for MMA

    I'm liking this thread in 2019. All of the stories this year here have been AWESOME.

    Mugger targets UFC's Polyana Viana, immediately regrets decision
    Jason Owens Yahoo Sports Jan 6, 2019, 5:06 PM

    Polyana Viana weighs 115 pounds.

    She’s also a UFC fighter with a 10-2 MMA record, with many of her wins coming via painful submissions.

    A would-be mugger in Rio de Janeiro clearly wasn’t aware of the latter when he thought a woman of Viana’s stature made a proper target for robbery.

    Robber’s cardboard gun doesn’t help his cause

    Viana told MMA Junkie that a man with a cardboard cutout shaped like a gun attempted to steal her phone on a Rio street Saturday night.

    According to Viana, the man’s decision resulted in a police escort to the emergency room. She told MMA Junkie that he initially asked for the time before declaring that he had a gun and demanding her cell phone.

    “He was really close to me,” Viana said. “So I thought, ‘If it’s a gun, he won’t have time to draw it.’ So I stood up. I threw two punches and a kick. He fell, then I caught him in a rear-naked choke. Then I sat him down in the same place we were before and said, ‘Now we’ll wait for the police.'”

    According to Sherdog, the rear-naked choke is a popular finishing move for Viana, resulting in a pair of her professional submission victories.

    Polyana Viana used a favorite finishing move of hers on an attacker in the Rio streets Saturday. (Getty)

    Viana: Attacker asked her to call police

    Viana shared images of her bloodied and battered would-be assailant and his fake gun with MMA Junkie. She said by the time she was done with him, he was asking for the police.

    View image on Twitter

    Sean Ross Sapp of

    According to Dana White, this is what happened when a guy tried to rob Polyana Viana

    7:43 PM - Jan 6, 2019
    140 people are talking about this
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    “I was fine because he didn’t even react after,” Viana said. “Since he took the punches very quickly, I think he was scared. So he didn’t react anymore. He told me to let him go, like ‘I just asked for the time.’ I said, ‘Asked for the time my ass,’ because he saw I was very angry. I said I wouldn’t let go and that I was going to call the police.

    “He said, ‘Call the police, then’ because he was scared I was going to beat him up more.”

    An attacker thought Polyana Viana made a good target for robbery. He was wrong. (Getty)
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
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  10. #355
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    More from Polyana Viana

    'I knew how to defend myself,' says UFC star Polyana Viana after subduing wannabe thief
    By Ben Church, CNN
    Updated 3:13 PM ET, Thu January 10, 2019

    (CNN)Inundated with messages of support after taking on a wannabe thief, UFC fighter Polyana Viana has begun to reflect on an incident that has gone viral.
    The 26-year-old was waiting outside her apartment in Rio de Janeiro when she was approached by a man demanding her phone.
    Viana's assailant had a fake gun but he hadn't accounted for the Brazilian's Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) training as she launched a devastating counterattack -- aiming two punches and a kick at the man before subduing him with a choke hold from behind.
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    "When he got close, I already thought if this guy is a thief, I'll do this and that. I already knew what I was going to do," Viana told CNN Sport.
    "I did not do it on impulse, I was calm, I knew what I was going to do. But I only did it because I knew he did not have a gun."
    Viana held the man down until police arrived to make the arrest.

    A would-be robber in Brazil (right) was made to regret the moment he targeted Viana (left).

    Pictures from the alleged incident, reportedly taken by Viana, appeared on UFC president Dana White's Instagram account showing the man's gruesome injuries.
    "On the left is @polyanaviana, one of our @UFC fighters and on the right is the guy who tried to rob her," wrote White, who added: "#Badf***ingidea"
    Meanwhile, Viana hasn't been able to answer all the messages of support she's received.
    "I got to see how much people like me," said the Brazilian, who has a 1-1 record in UFC.
    "My fans, family, friends, they all sent me messages asking me if I am OK or if I got hurt. I still haven´t answered every one."

    Polyana Viana (left) told CNN Sport she felt "calm" throughout the incident.

    The Rio police department were unable to confirm the individuals involved in the incident but told CNN Sport that an attempted robbery had taken place.
    "A criminal was found immobilized by civilians after trying to rob a person on site," a statement read. "A fake gun was seized with him."
    Viana says "nothing had changed" following her ordeal and that's she been busy training -- and dealing with the influx of attention.
    But Viana cautioned she doesn't want her actions to inspire others who might find themselves in a similar situation.
    "I would not recommend it at all. I'm a trained fighter. I knew how to defend myself because I have knowledge and more so because I managed to stay calm," she added.
    Viana's next UFC fight will be against Hannah Cifers on March 2 at the T-Mobile Arena, Las Vegas.
    'I knew how to defend myself' - well, duh, I would hope so.

    But still, luv this gal.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  11. #356
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    56-year-old woman vs masked gunman

    This woman is my hero for this Monday.

    Clerk trained in martial arts dragged armed robber out of store, Madison police say
    BILL NOVAK Jan 25, 2019

    Police siren lights light bar squad car

    A 56-year-old woman who trained for decades in martial arts took matters into her own hands when a masked gunman tried to rob the store she was working at.

    The woman grabbed the suspect and dragged him out.

    The incident happened at about 7 p.m. Thursday at Citgo, 3401 Milwaukee St., Madison police said.

    The gunman entered the store and demanded money, and the clerk turned him down.

    “That’s when he went to the register and grabbed some cash,” said police spokesman Joel DeSpain. “The clerk kicked into action and put her martial arts skills to work.”

    Police said the clerk got behind the robber, grabbed him across his chest and forehead, and dragged him out of the store.

    “Although summarily dismissed from the store, the robber still got away with some bills,” DeSpain said. “He fled on foot, while the clerk returned to her post and immediately called 911.”

    The robber, who was described as in his late teens to early 20s and 5-foot-8 to 5-foot-10, was wearing a black hooded sweatshirt under a brown Carhartt-style jacket, dark pants and black boots, and a black ski mask.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  12. #357
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    Score another for Karate

    ‘I Just Threw Him’: Woman, 22, Uses Karate Training To Take Down Man Who Broke Into Her Home
    By Ross Guidotti January 3, 2019 at 6:10 pmFiled Under:Burglary, Greene County, Karate, Local TV, Nemacolin, Ross Guidotti

    NEMACOLIN, Pa. (KDKA) — Meeting Hannah Hughes, one is struck by how reserved the young woman is, polite and quiet. But Hughes is also someone you just don’t want to mess with.

    It was New Year’s Eve and festivities were wrapping for the Hughes family in Nemacolin, Greene County, when Deb Hughes, Hannah’s mom saw something unusual.

    “I saw all of her lights on in the upstairs of her house. She lives right across the street,” Deb said.

    Hannah recalls the moment, saying, “She [Deb Hughes] came and met me in this area, and said, ‘Who’s in your house?’ I said there better be no body in my house.”

    Hannah Hughes (Photo Credit: KDKA)

    Moments later, Hannah took off.

    The 22-year-old telling KDKA’s Ross Guidotti, “I just bolted out the door. The only thing I could think is if I get a hold of this guy, I’m not letting him go.”

    She would have her chance. Standing in her home’s doorway was a man, identified as 19-year-old Edward William Staley of nearby Carmichaels. Hannah had no idea who the stranger was.

    (Image Provided)

    According to the California University of Pennsylvania senior, things got physical quickly,.

    “I pushed him and he came at me to try and push me back. That’s when I grabbed him by the hair and put my arm around his arm and I just threw him,” Hannah said.

    Unbeknownst to Staley, he was tangling with someone trained for the task at hand.

    Hannah trained for 10 years and was a brown belt in karate.

    “A switch went off in my head,” Hannah said.

    In a second, Staley was face down and hurting. Hannah, who was now in complete control of Staley, advised him, “Don’t move or I’ll break your neck.”

    Staley stayed still until state troopers arrived.

    Hannah got a few bruises out of the whole ordeal, but Staley got charged with burglary, assault and some other counts.

    Meanwhile, Hannah says while she was angry at first, she hopes Staley makes positive life changes. Given what could have happened, Hannah is okay with the how it worked out.

    “It was a bad situation, but it ended in one of the best ways it could have,” she said.
    2019 has been doing well by this thread so far.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  13. #358
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Emily Javier pleads guilty

    Girlfriend pleads guilty to grisly, Tinder-inspired samurai sword attack
    Updated Jan 29, 10:59 AM; Posted Jan 29, 10:58 AM

    Alex Lovell (left) recovers in a hospital after being attacked with a samurai sword in March 2018. His girlfriend Emily Javier (right) plead guilty last week to attempted murder charges. (Courtesy of Alex Lovell / Associated Press)

    By Shane Dixon Kavanaugh | The Oregonian/OregonLive

    A Camas woman pleaded guilty to trying to kill her live-in boyfriend with a samurai sword after she claimed to find a Tinder dating app on his phone.

    Emily Javier, 31, will face up to 20 years in prison for attempted first-degree domestic violence murder, according to The Columbian.

    She will be sentenced March 11.

    The grisly attack drew national and international headlines last year, both because of Javier’s choice of weapon as well as her boyfriend’s easygoing attitude about the whole episode.

    "I was just so proud for beating this samurai wannabe crazy lady with hate in her heart," Alex Lovell told The Oregonian/OregonLive. Emily Javier, his girlfriend, faces attempted murder charges.

    “I was just so proud for beating this samurai wannabe crazy lady with hate in her heart,” an upbeat Alex Lovell, then 29, told The Oregonian/OregonLive from his hospital bed.

    Javier told police she had hatched the brutal assault on Lovell because she discovered he had a Tinder dating app on his phone and suspected he had been cheating on her, records show.

    She also fumed over his penchant for playing video games, according to a probable cause affidavit.

    Enraged, Javier said she went to a shopping mall and purchased a samurai sword.

    She said she then spent the next week stewing and plotting her revenge before whipping out the saber and repeatedly slashing Lovell in bed during the wee hours of March 3, 2018.

    "There's too much blood!" Emily Javier told a dispatcher after she said she attacked her boyfriend with a samurai sword, 911 audio obtained by The Oregonian/OregonLive shows.

    Lovell, who admitted to playing video games 12 hours a day but insisted he was never unfaithful, suffered life-threatening injuries, including wounds to his torso, neck and the left side of his head.

    His index, middle and ring fingers were nearly lopped off at the base, though doctors managed to reattach them, he said.

    Though facing months of recovery, Lovell remained positive.

    “I was able to wing chun my way to survival,” he said, referring to a traditional Chinese martial art that focuses on close-range combat.

    "I've been preparing my whole life for something like this."
    wannabe samurai story
    Wing Chun
    Successful Street Application.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  14. #359
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Slightly OT

    Local powerlifter lifts vehicle off man trapped underneath after accident

    Just goes to show, any skills can be useful and practical, given the right circumstances.

    Power Lifting
    Successful Street Applications
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  15. #360
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Knoxville Tennessee
    This sounds like the beginning of a 1970s Chuck Norris flick. But you're right; good on him.
    Quote Originally Posted by Oso View Post
    AND, yea, a good bit of it is about whether you can fight with what you know...kinda all of it is about that.

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