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Thread: Successful Street Applications

  1. #91
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonzbane76 View Post
    lol...comments like this i wonder.
    what's to wonder about?? i bought a goat for the family as a christmas present one year, it was a nuetered male(i didn't know this), my girlfriend pointed it out, we returned the goat and she picked out a different one, only this one happened to be unknowingly pregnant - she gave birth to a male a few months later that we named "wang", who lived for about 9 months and got to a weight of about 120... he was dangerous to anyone not paying attention, especially the children... unfortunately he died of some crazy male goat problem where the uretha gets a knot in it or twisted and they cannot urinate, so they slowly poison themselves. i found this out after racing wang to the vet after he got sick... i was balling my eyes out when they said there really isn't anything to do, so they put him to sleep and i brought him home and fed him to the turkey vultures. before he died, we took the mom and shot her and ate her... i butchered her up on a butcher block thrown across the hood of my old '81 jetta.
    Last edited by uki; 02-13-2010 at 05:02 AM.

  2. #92
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    CA, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Kevin Huang View Post
    I had always thought that capoeira was "hiding" reality combat grappling moves in its aerial dance moves, but I'm not a capoerista.

    In any case, the bully thing in high school applies just as much to CMA circles as well. Anybody who's perceived as "different" or "uncool" is going to face lots of social opposition from the "in crowd". Bullies don't change their stripes as they get older.

    By the way, I'm sure people remember that incident where that guy robbed the US track and field team and then got chased down by Olympic caliber athletes. I remember thinking "Those track athletes were very fortunate that the guy robbing them didn't have a GUN".
    I'm reciting this from memory, so forgive my lack of details. But this was a fairly big local story in 2009.

    Last year, there was a series of home invasions in the San Diego area in which a Caucasian man was targeting lone Asian women and raping them. He was probably targeting them as they shopped, and would attack them as they were entering their houses/apartments. Finally, he targeted the wrong woman. As he attacked her in her open garage, she fought him off and he ran. The woman (who was not Asian), a marathon runner, then proceeded to chase him for several blocks. At one point she caught up to him and he turned and punched her in the face, but she got up and continued chasing and yelling. Eventually the man was subdued (by either passers-by or a cop, I don't remember) and arrested. His DNA linked him to the earlier series of rapes. The man (if I remember, 39 years old) was married and the respected owner of a popular coffee shop in San Diego's Little Italy district. While in jail awaiting a court date, he committed suicide by hanging himself in his cell.

    I know this wasn't martial arts, but thought it a fitting story. This woman sure has the fighting spirit.

  3. #93
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Kung fu cyclist!

    The old 'I know kung fu' warning worked!

    Kung fu cyclist catches crook in Hatfield
    4:54pm Monday 22nd February 2010

    A HATFIELD boy of 14 helped catch a shoplifter yesterday by cycling after him and threatening to use his martial arts skills.

    After seeing a security guard chasing two thieves out of Asda in the town centre at 1.50pm, the youngster chased one on his biycle, caught up with him and warned him he practised kung fu.

    The 19-year-old crook dropped his loot, but was soon arrested by police arriving at the scene, and accepted an official caution for theft.

    Inspector Ian Grout said: "Whilst we would not encourage members of the public to intervene in any situation for their own safety, the actions of this community spirited young man should be highlighted.

    “If he had not intervened we may not have arrested this man."

    The boy was rewarded with a £10 Asda voucher.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  4. #94
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    Whilst we would not encourage members of the public to intervene in any situation for their own safety
    LOL... i love how they are sooo concerned about our safety. of course they don't want people to develop a backbone and learn to stand up for themselves - there would be little need for the police then.

  5. #95
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    Sadly, today a body was found during a search for missing 17-year-old Poway High School student Chelsea King. She disappeared Feb. 25th while jogging in Rancho Bernardo Community Park. John Albert Gardner III, a convicted sex offender, has been arrested in the case.

    (The following is a partial excerpt from the San Diego Union-Tribune, March 2).

    'He appears to be the same man who attacked a 22-year-old woman jogger in the same park on Dec. 27. The woman, Candice, was visiting her parents who live near the park. Her mother, Lorie, says that back home in Colorado, her daughter usually runs with her pit bull and a can of mace, but Candice was on her own that Sunday morning in December.

    She was walking on the trails headed back toward her family's home about 10:30 a.m. when she passed a man walking the other way, her mother said. She said "hello" to him and he nodded back. He then body-slammed her to the ground and asked for money. When she screamed, he told her to "shut up."

    She responded, "You're going to have to kill me first." He said, "That can be arranged," the mother recounted.

    The assailant, who she described as football-player big, then pulled her up and started shaking her by the shoulders, and Candice elbowed him in the nose and ran. She thought she might have broken his nose. She stopped at the first house she found, banged on the door and called 911.

    Officers showed up moments later to begin a search of the area, and a police helicopter broadcast the man's description to residents.

    Lorie and her husband, who live nearby, heard the helicopter and decided to take their dogs down to the park, she said. As they were walking, they didn't think for a second that their daughter had been the victim, even joking that if he had come across Candice she would kick his butt.

    When the couple returned home later, they found their daughter with bruised shoulders and evidence that she had been in a fight for her life. Candice had trained in martial arts since she was a little girl.

    "I've never been so grateful for that training in my life," her mother said.

    Collins said Candice left town before she could work with police to do a composite sketch of the assailant. Candice's sister, a senior at Rancho Bernardo High School, wrote an editorial in the school paper last week about the ordeal, saying police swabbed Candice's elbow for DNA evidence in hopes of getting a hit.

    Police did not disclose what evidence was obtained in the case, nor if any tests were conducted.'

  6. #96
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    Grand Rapids, MI
    Wow, just saw that guy on the news. Gotta love the old elbow to the nose! Whatever you can do to give yourself time to get away is a win!
    "The true meaning of a given movement in a form is not its application, but rather the unlimited potential of the mind to provide muscular and skeletal support for that movement." Gregory Fong

  7. #97
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Successful home invasion defense

    "a more gentle part of his fist" indeed. What is up with this guy getting in so many self defense situations?

    Student picks wrong home for break-in
    By Lise Fisher
    Staff writer
    Published: Monday, March 15, 2010 at 6:01 a.m.
    Last Modified: Sunday, March 14, 2010 at 11:37 p.m.

    A man trying to break into a southwest Gainesville home early Sunday made the mistake of picking the home of a martial arts trainer with a black belt.

    When police arrived at 17 S.W. 24th St., they found Christopher Brunson, a 22-year-old University of Florida student in criminology from Gainesville, on the ground with Mark-Jason "M-J" White, 26, standing guard. White, also a UF masters student who has a second-degree black belt and teaches a form of martial arts called Cuong Nhu, caught Brunson entering the downstairs part of the home he shares with his two sisters.

    "In essence, he gift wrapped this case for us. He did a great job," Lt. Keith Kameg said about White.

    Brunson later told police he had been out drinking, had too much and thought White's residence was his home, which officers reported is located almost four miles away.

    White said he heard something in the downstairs part of the home where his sisters live at about 7 a.m. Sunday.

    He rushed downstairs, wearing shorts, no shoes or a shirt, and carrying a short stick and a sheathed knife and found a man starting to climb through a broken window.

    "I told him to get down," White said. At first the man seemed to be following orders but then, White said, the man started getting up. "I quickly moved behind him and struck (him) once in the middle of the back and he basically flattened out," White said, describing how he used a more gentle part of his fist to hit the man on the back just below his shoulder blades.

    "At that point, he was more pliable," and followed commands, White said.

    Police reported Brunson, arrested for burglary of an occupied dwelling, had been banging at the front door of the home and then picked up a chair and threw it into a window. Brunson later told police he did remember throwing the chair but nothing else afterward.

    Police said there was no indication Brunson had any injuries.

    White said his sisters weren't home at the time and they didn't know Brunson.

    This isn't the first time White, who has lived in Gainesville since 2002, has had to ward off an intruder or attackers locally.

    He surprised a woman who broke into his home when he was living behind Norman Hall. He also twice fended off muggers when he worked as a pizza delivery man.

    Currently in a master's program in children's literature, White also runs a dojo on campus and helps out at the Unified Training Center in Gainesville. He's been training in different forms of martial arts, focusing on Cuong Nhu, since 1998.

    White said he wasn't sure why Brunson tried to get into the home. "People make mistakes. He was saying some weird stuff about it being cold," he said.

    "That's why I didn't go any harder on him. I didn't use a more painful hit. I tell my students all the time, if there is a situation where you have to use self-defense, you have to monitor what you're doing."

    Nonetheless, White said he was prepared for a tougher adversary. The knife he had, called a karambit, has a brass knuckle edge on the front and a curved dagger.

    The stick is called a tambo and is a basic weapon a martial arts student would start out with, he said. But it only takes one shot with the stick to cause injury.

    "It's nothing to joke about," he said.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  8. #98
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Open up a can of kung fu!

    Robber picks wrong victim who opens up can of kung fu

    One robber picked the wrong place to hit early Thursday morning. His victim, a self-defense instructor, fought him and forced him to run away.

    The victim called Seattle police at 3:32 a.m. to say a suspect walked into his business in the 400 block of Dexter Avenue North and tried to take the cash register.

    Our victim/self-defense instructor went all Bruce Lee on him and tried to grab him.

    The robber escaped, but dropped the cash register and left behind his cell phone and bicycle. (Well, at least he was an environmentally sound robber.)

    A police search with dogs failed to find him. But an officer spotted the robber at Fourth Avenue West and West McGraw Street before 5 a.m. The victim identified the suspect, who is in jail.

    Posted by Scott Sunde at March 18, 2010 10:26 a.m.
    went all Bruce Lee on him...
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  9. #99
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    Grand Rapids, MI
    Whew! If he had failed, this would have been in the Bruce Lee Wannabe thread...
    "The true meaning of a given movement in a form is not its application, but rather the unlimited potential of the mind to provide muscular and skeletal support for that movement." Gregory Fong

  10. #100
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    CA, USA
    Back in the '90s, the local paper reported a small story about a woman who successfully defended herself from a burglar in her house. I don't remember all the details, but the gist of the story was, she had "kicked him through a wall" and was able to put him under control until he was arrested (or something). I can only imagine the wall was some cheap drywall(?). The article mentioned that the woman had been a black belt in the "Chuck Norris Karate System".

  11. #101
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    I have been showing a friend of mine basic boxing so he can work the heavy bag for fitness...also throwe in some slipping and covering up now and then for fun.......long story cut short he whilst on a stag night he was attacked by a drunk, he slipped the drunks attack and hit him with a hook punch tot he ribs, he later found out he had cracked two of the guys ribs

  12. #102
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    home defense & divorce

    More apps for samurai swords. Every home should have one.
    Apr 8, 2010 3:18 pm US/Eastern
    Erie Man Won't Be Charged For Killing Burglar
    ERIE, Pa. (AP) ― Erie County District Attorney Jack Daneri says an apartment resident won't be charged for killing a burglar with a samurai sword last month.

    Authorities have not released the name of the tenant who stabbed 24-year-old Delvon Crockett in the chest about 11:30 p.m. March 9.

    Daneri says Thursday that "The actions of the homeowner do not rise to the level of criminal conduct."

    Authorities say Crockett had a walkie-talkie when he broke into the home, but they haven't determined if anybody else was involved in the crime.

    Crockett's family has said he got a call about an opportunity to make money earlier the day of the burglary.
    Family court judge says Samurai sword attack not grounds for divorce
    BY Thomas Zambito
    Friday, April 9th 2010, 4:00 AM

    Shlomo Kupperman tried to divorce his wife on 'cruel and inhuman' grounds after he said she attacked him with a Samurai sword.

    You can live by the sword or die by the sword. But one Long Island couple can't get divorced by the sword.

    Computer analyst Shlomo Kupperman tried to dissolve his hellish 30-year marriage on the grounds that his wife, Irene, had threatened him with a Samurai sword.

    But Nassau County Family Court Judge Edward Maron ruled that since Kupperman wasn't hurt, it didn't amount to "cruel and inhuman" behavior.

    Shlomo Kupperman, 58, claimed that after Irene had repeated affairs, she went ballistic when he asked where she had been one day in August 2005.

    He claimed she grabbed a sword with a 3-foot blade from his collection and charged at him while he was standing in the kitchen with his daughter - coming within inches of his chest.

    "He testified that he slowly retreated back in the bedroom and locked himself in for the night, fearing that his wife would come back and hurt him in the middle of the night," Maron wrote, noting that no one called cops or went to the hospital.

    After the incident, Kupperman said he developed a sleeping disorder because he feared "sneak attacks" by his wife.

    Irene Kupperman, 57, claims she never attacked anyone.

    "It's beyond ridiculous," said her lawyer, Andre Ferenzo, who noted that the husband is a black belt in karate. "The first thing he would have done was call the police or report it to the court."

    The judge rejected the "cruel and inhuman" grounds, but granted the divorce because Irene Kupperman moved to Virginia to open a bath and shower business in 2007.

    Ferenzo said she may appeal. Shlomo Kupperman had no comment.

    "He's happy he's divorced," said his lawyer, Anthony Capetola. "It has been a dead marriage for years."
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  13. #103
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Frost View Post
    I have been showing a friend of mine basic boxing so he can work the heavy bag for fitness...also throwe in some slipping and covering up now and then for fun.......long story cut short he whilst on a stag night he was attacked by a drunk, he slipped the drunks attack and hit him with a hook punch tot he ribs, he later found out he had cracked two of the guys ribs
    Impossible, boxing is a sport and not created for the street !!
    Psalms 144:1
    Praise be my Lord my Rock,
    He trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle !

  14. #104
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    Sep 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Jimbo View Post
    Back in the '90s, the local paper reported a small story about a woman who successfully defended herself from a burglar in her house. I don't remember all the details, but the gist of the story was, she had "kicked him through a wall" and was able to put him under control until he was arrested (or something). I can only imagine the wall was some cheap drywall(?). The article mentioned that the woman had been a black belt in the "Chuck Norris Karate System".
    one of my friends in florida was the victim of an attempted robbery - got shot 4 times point black and still managed to beat the p!ss out of the dude and was sitting on him when the police arrived... he survived, but is kinda mangled from the gunshot wounds... it's all about willpower.

  15. #105
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    Jul 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by sanjuro_ronin View Post
    Impossible, boxing is a sport and not created for the street !!
    just as rugby is a sport, however i would much rather mess with a wing chun guy than a good AM boxer, or a prop who is drunk and looking for a fight

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