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Thread: Buddha Maitreya to be borned soon

  1. #31
    SifuAbel Guest
    Polar shifts are tricky business. It would radically change the balance of the continental plates. The poles wont exactly melt, but they would shift over to the correct place. Which would utterly destroy everything in it's path. Anything found on that south polar continent would be underground. A sudden polar shift would be earth shattering. It is theorized that such an event turned the home of the mammoth from a tropical paradise to an ice field. The sudden inertial boom would destroy every city in the world. That would really suck, and I do mean that literally. The atmoshphere would take an earth moment to readjust, causing a momentary thining of the atmoshere on one side and an extremely high pressure on the other. At the lowest pressure everything would flash freeze. On the highest everything would be crushed. Weather will go haywire for a few years.

  2. #32
    prana Guest
    I am quite saddened by how many people are trying to cash in on Lord Maitreya's prophecy...

    Quite funny too actually.... sigh

    The mind is like a candle flame, blown by the 5 winds of distraction, to the past and future.

  3. #33
    Anarcho Guest
    The Greek/Indian connection is interesting, ScarletMantis, do you have any more specific information on that? I know that some parallels can be drawn between Buddhist and Stoic philosophies, despite fundamental differences.

  4. #34
    Bak Mei Guest
    Everyone has the potential to become a Buddha, here and now.

    Some already now that the Buddha nature is inside them, and by stopping all thoughts of future messiahs, and present woes and so on lets it shine through.

    Do not wait to be freed by some future prophet, free yourself now.

    Stillness in the heart of motion.

  5. #35
    origenx Guest
    For all you have have recently speculated upon the possibility that "God" is just aliens or some other type of advanced (but not omnipotent) beings, congratulations. You're awakening and breaking the "Godspell." Please read this article, it nicely sums up the research that has been going in this theory for the past several decades:

    But here's some interesting tidbits just to whet your appetite - according to Zechariah Stitchin, one of the world's only and foremost experts on Sumeric cuneiform:

    The original word for "ADAM" meant "slave worker,"
    "Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam,..." - Genesis 5:2

    And "God" sometimes refers to himself in the plural sense:
    "And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us,..." - Genesis 3:22
    That's because there were actually many different beings' names used in the original texts, but later translators just generically relabelled them all "God."

    Alien/human interbreeding:
    "...sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose." - Genesis 6:2
    The aliens (God) saw this further interspecial breeding as evil, and so saved no one in the coming Flood except Noah, who was "...perfect in his generations..." (Genesis 6:9) - meaning his bloodline had not re-bred with aliens.

    Of course, humans were alien/apeman hybrids to begin with...which explains how we seem to be partially the product of eons of natural evolution, but also "created" or "jumpstarted" to some degree. So the evolutionists and Creationists are both half-right.

    Anyways, its all a very interesting theory and actually makes a sh*tload of sense. I'm just glad other people are starting to realize this as well. Modern-day Christianity is a joke! It's been completely twisted around like a pretzel! The Old Testament was really just one huge alien/human soap opera, and the New Testament a political rebellion against Rome.

  6. #36
    origenx Guest
    Even if some Buddha Maitreya is one day born and helps lead this world to peace, he will only be a holographic materialization of the Buddha within all of us. That "Buddha" is all those good qualities that we possess (if not always use), such as complete unbiased devotion to the truth (not twisted propaganda), siding with right (not just might), love for all and unity (not division from self-interests), compassion, goodwill, unattachment & tolerance, etc... Recently, more and more, I have increasingly lost faith in the common man. Give him the opportunity to lie, cheat and steal for a little self-gain, and 90% will. Rarely now, am I "disappointed" in this. The "Buddha" is supressed in all of us right now, and so "Buddha Maitreya" won't reappear until great tragedies knock some sense and decency back into us all.

    Conversely, madmen arise to power because we have largely reverted to our self-serving divisive sides, as one can easily observe in today's world.

    But, like the Taiji, going to the extremes of war can only eventually flip-flop into the extremes of peace.

  7. #37
    Anarcho Guest
    Old Jong, I think this forum will soon need you in a professional capacity. :eek:

  8. #38
    Bak Mei Guest
    My God, are all of you from California or something, have you been sprayed?

    What ever happened to the cosmos developing form a singularity (the universe is expanding very rapidly so in the past it was closer, at one time singular)expanding, cooling, gases, hydrogen, meteors bringing in the basis building blocks of life, time, more time, single cells, devision of cells, evolution?

    No, could never be. Must be aliens. And they are a strange bunch, revealing themselevs only to the most uncredible people on the planet.

    I do believe that life is existing in other places in this huge universe. I do not know if any of it would have the technological ability to do the impossible -- travel faster than light -- to actual be vacationing in the Milky Way.

    Coming Buddha's, aliens, these are are speculative. Better to get on your hands and knees and study something concrete, factual, tangible. These other theories are "what ifs."

    No matter what, relies that there is a natural mystic running through all of us, it is what annimates our mere body of flesh -- chi. Where did it come from? Who knows? Who can become better equainted with it and make it more powerful? You.

    Stillness in the heart of motion.

  9. #39
    Bak Mei Guest



    Why is it so hard to believe that those pyramids were built by the hands of man -- by thousands of slaves?

    In the future, after we are blown ourselves up, perhaps someone or something will discover "A lost civilization" built by super powers. Buildings made of glass that reach the sky. Imagine what they would think of our movies, Godzilla?

    Give more credit to our anscestors. Technology may have been different, but still the same curious, adventurous mind.

    Stillness in the heart of motion.

  10. #40
    Radhnoti Guest
    Hey Bak Mei,

    I'm of a scientific bent (philosophically speaking) myself, thought I'd throw this at you.
    Did you know that scientists have recently been able to accelerate particles so that they are traveling FASTER than the speed of light? There WAS some sort of trick used, I wish I had the URL for the article in front of me...
    Another "impossible" thing that scientists have recently done involving Quantum mechanics: They seperated two linked particles by a few miles. Any way they turned one of the particles, the other particle mirrored. INSTANTANEOUSLY. No visible connection, no speed of light time lapse.
    A lot of the things we consider scientific "laws" are being bent to the point of breaking.
    Anyone ever heard the analogy where scientists are climbing this vast mountain? Step by step, gaining altitude as they learn more and more. Finally reaching the top, they look and find a mystic who's been sitting there for years. I try to never belittle those of a mystic bent, they MAY already be sitting where I'll end up. ;)

  11. #41
    BAI HE Guest



  12. #42
    Bak Mei Guest
    I am of a scientific bent, in that I want to see evidence of points being made, but at the same time feel as if I have a deep mystic mind. My father tuned me on to Taoism at a pretty young age, like 7 or 8, against my Christian mothers aproval. She thought it would confuse me, it only made me see the truth more clearly.

    As for the paricles passing light speed this is how they did it:

    The particles were near light speed but could not reach it, a difference of less than 5 miles an hour. So they spun the tunnels they were traveling in counter to their movement by a speed greater than 5 miles an hour.

    We still have a long way to go but I am happy that we are continuing our search. I'd would much rather have seen that super conductor they wanted to build than more Stealth Bombers. But ....

    Stillness in the heart of motion.

  13. #43
    Anarcho Guest
    Bak Mei, do you have a link to a site with info about that experiment? The whole point of the special theory of relativity is that experiments like that *don't* work. I'd be interested to find out why they've started working all of a sudden. Was the speed of light measured from the reference frame of the rotating tunnel?

  14. #44
    Daedalus Guest

    Another possible Explanation,..from a Christian view

    I am not going to belittle anyone else's religion here. I am simply going to offer the Christian view of what has been talked about on this thread.

    All of this "age of aquarius", "all religions are basically the same", "Christianity is like Buddhism" talk is very interesting, but from the Christian perspective it is part of the deception of the devil.

    It is a deception to believe that all religions lead to the same place. They do not. It is a lie.

    I have heard many people say that Buddha, Krishna, Mohammed, and Jesus were all prophets or christs and each offered a piece of the whole truth. This is also a lie. Jesus said "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes to the Father but by me."

    He made no mention of Buddha, or Krishna, or Mohammed. Jesus is the one and only Christ.

    To the Christian, much of our present state has been expected; false prophets, end time predictions, etc. In the book of Revelation, John talks about the great harlet that will lead many to destruction. The harlet is often interpreted as the religious system of the end times. That is a religious system that accepts all religions into it. A combined faith if you will. A belief that Buddhism is just as viable as Christianity, or Hinduism, or Islam.

    If it seems as if all of these world religions have similarities, you are right, they do. That is what makes the deception so convincing. If it seems as if it is so simple to see and realize how well the different religions of the world fit together and compliment one another. Again, you are right, it was designed that way by the evil one.
    In our culture, if you embrace this concept of "all are one", you are considered enlightened. To be Christian and accept only one way, you are considered stupid, ignorant, prejudiced. Many people now considers Christians to be a hate group.

    Oddly enough, all of this is coinciding with the bible. Jesus said it would be this way. "When they hate you and deliver you up to the courts to be condemned, know that they first hated me."

    Please understand that I am not meaning to insult anyone here. I am merely expressing the Christian standpoint as I understand and believe it.

  15. #45
    Anarcho Guest
    Okay, so basically what you're saying to people who believe in non-Christian religions is "I'm not trying to insult you, but what you hold most dear is nothing but a tissue of lies concocted by the most evil being imaginable."

    Cool, that makes sense. :D

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