Wanted to drop you all a line and let you know that I am trying to cut back on the large stock of Tieh Da Jiu / Dit Da Jow (Fall - Strike Liniment), and am offering a sale. The (full) name of this particular formula is "The Essence of Shaolin Fall-Strike Liniment" and this batch has been untouched since it was made in Nov. 04! 3 1/2 years it has been soaking, and this stuff is solidly strong!
Used for various bruises, contusions, sprains etc. (avoid open cuts / sores, DO NOT ingest!) this formula works to bring heat, blood, qi to the injured area facilitating the healing process, and relieving pain and swelling.
I have a limited amount of this formula available. The following quotes do NOT include S&H if you choose to have me ship it to you:
4oz. Bottle $15
8oz. Bottle $25

Feel free to contact Jake Burroughs with further questions, or to place an order.
Thank you, and have a great day!
Jake Burroughs