Quote Originally Posted by David Jamieson View Post
I don't think you know "most" teachers.

there's lots of kf teachers who have adopted mma training regimens and added them into their curriculum. simply to get their guys into those venues.

blanket statements that say "most" of this demograph or that demograph are simply misguided and misinformed.

there are always gonna be guys who say "most karate is crap" and "all kenpo is nonsense" and so on.

this is only indicative of a closed mind and limited experiences.

if you spend 20 years in the same circles, then it stand sto reason your world view will be based on that little circle you've been walking in.

these types of threads are always the same and spiral into nothing because they are notr definitive.

the primary point being: there must be a lot of crappy mma teachers out there because there must be a bajillion guys who practice mma and bjj that absolutely suck at it, are hobbyists and are not "fighting" in professional or amateur venues.

training is training.
Ok. ha ha ha! Give me a list of great teachers and examples of their greatness (kung fu, karate, etc).

I am not saying BJJ and MMA is the best but they have opened a lot of eyes about TMA. They showed that a lot of the claims are bull.

Have I met every kung fu master and artist? No, but I don't have to. It is the same reason I dont have to go to mars to see if gravity works there too. I have notice the trends and excuses of TMA. The trends point to bullsh!t. The main culprit is kung fu.

Like I mentioned above, kung fu, itself, is not bad. But it is filled with bull. There are good kung fu guys but they are far in between. "good" TMA doesn't mean unbeatable. It practical or workable. And it must be realistic. Have you notice that CMA has the bulk of the chi/ ki blast master, one touch kill masters and i have the best style masters? Oh but they can't demo this skill. Also there isn't much proof except hearsay.