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Thread: Martial Arts Deaths

  1. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by sanjuro_ronin View Post
    Wow at anyone thinking that was a murder-suicide.
    Looks more like a "lesson" was being taught to someone...
    It does look that way. At first it seemed reminiscent of the Chris Benoit murder-suicide, but the 'suicide note stuck on the shirt' in this case sounds weird.

  2. #77
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    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Jimbo View Post
    It does look that way. At first it seemed reminiscent of the Chris Benoit murder-suicide, but the 'suicide note stuck on the shirt' in this case sounds weird.
    And the fact that he had a gun shot would to his own head...

    Inside the gym they found Diaz had hanged himself. He also had a gunshot wound to the head, and a suicide note stuck to his shirt.
    I mean, sure it is POSSIBLE that He put a rope around his neck himself and then shot himself so that he would be shot AND hanged but possible doesn't mean probable...
    Psalms 144:1
    Praise be my Lord my Rock,
    He trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle !

  3. #78
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    Jan 1970
    It was tragic.

    Nothing I can do about it though.
    So RIP kid and dude.
    Kung Fu is good for you.

  4. #79
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    Hong Kong
    For the ease of discussion, let's confine it to tournament only. I am advocate of full-contact training and contest. Sure, I suppose no one wants to have death occurrence. But how do we balance safety and skill being tested, so as to decide who will be the winner. Off my head, I can think of the following requirements:

    1) Health check of the athelete just before the tournament
    2) Paramedic on site
    3) Police officers on site
    4) Rules to be carried out

    To give an example of problem in rules, I saw on TV decades ago a demonstration of protective helmet for martial art tournament. It is much like those wear by astronaut, with half sphere shape transparent face guard. While it offers much protection to the athelete, but knock out or submission is very unlikely to happen then.


    Hong Kong

  5. #80
    1. Accidents and injuries abounds in training and sparring sessions.

    2. Saftey gears and rules/practice and common sense help.

    But accidents happen.

    3. Murder and suicide cases are beyond the MA training grounds/halls.

    FBI and local police detective needed.

    MA teachers or sen sei supervise students during training hours.

    Life advisory after hours is a bit much and beyond call of duty.


  6. #81
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    Slighty OT - Boxer Davey Browne Jnr

    Sydney boxer Davey Browne Jnr dead after title fight at Ingleburn RSL
    Date September 15, 2015
    Melanie Kembrey Journalist

    Tragic loss ... A file photo of Davey Browne Jnr and Jack Brubaker (right) sparring at Ryan Waters' gym. Photo: Chris Lane

    A 28-year-old Australian boxer has died in a Sydney hospital after being knocked out in an IBF regional title fight.

    Davey Browne Jnr was floored by a punch from Filipino Carlo Magali on Friday night during the bout at Ingleburn RSL.

    Died in hospital ... Davey Browne Jnr was taken to Liverpool Hospital on Friday night in a critical condition after being knocked unconscious during a boxing match at Ingleburn RSL. Photo: Gary Dring/TNV

    The incident occurred in the twelfth and final round and, while Browne appeared to regain consciousness and was sat on a stool, he suddenly slid off and lapsed into unconsciousness.

    The father of two from Sydney's south west was taken to Liverpool Hospital in a critical condition. Browne did not regain consciousness and his family made the decision to turn of his life support.

    John McDougall, the president of the Australian National Boxing Federation, said Browne had been injured in the sixth round of the fight but told the referee he wanted to continue. He was, Mr McDougall said, about to win.

    The bout was scheduled to go for twelve, three-minute rounds.

    The fighters completed the eleventh round, but 30 seconds into the final round Browne was knocked to the canvas.

    "It's really easy in hindsight for people to cry that the fight should have been stopped and unfortunately the officials are in the position that they have to make a decision and they based it on their experience and that Davey himself said he was quite okay and wanted to continue," Mr McDougall said.

    "Accidents happen in sport and boxing is a hard sport and at the same time it has been more than 30 years since the last death or serious injury has occurred in NSW."

    Mr McDougall said Browne was at the top of his game and his death was a "tragic loss" that had shattered the boxing community.

    "It was great to see him climb back in the ring and he appeared to be better than he ever was," Mr McDougall said.

    "Big things were in line for him. This fight would have placed him in the lower half of the top 15 rankings in the world."

    Browne was clearly looking forward to getting back in the ring, posting about the bout weeks in advance on his Facebook page.

    "This will be my biggest test to date and a win should open some doors for some bigger fights," he wrote on August 5.

    He came from a family of boxers including his father David and brother Tommy, who boxed on the undercard on Friday night and fought for the world title in 2005.

    NSW Minister for Sport Stuart Ayres said the Combat Sports Authority, the government agency which supervises both professional and amateur combat sports, would cooperate with the police investigation.

    "I have also written to the Combat Sports Authority asking it review this sanctioned event and the application of the Combat Sports Act," Mr Ayres said.

    "My thoughts are with David's family and friends during this tragic time."

    A post-mortem examination will be conducted.

    Police from Macquarie Fields Local Area Command will prepare a report for the Coroner.

    Earlier this month, the Australian Medical Association released a position statement calling on boxing to be banned from the Olympic Games and the Commonwealth Games.

    The association also recommended a ban on all forms of combat sport for people aged under 18 years.

    "Head injuries are essentially invisible, and can evolve over time. Even what may appear to be minor head injuries can turn serious very quickly," Association president Professor Brian Owler​ said at the time.

    Boxers and fans from Australia and around the world have expressed their sadness at the news of Browne's death.

    Australian boxer Danny Green, a four time world champion, said he was "gutted" for Davey and his family.

    "Davey was a great little fighter with a tonne of skill and heart," he said.

    "Boxing is a very tough game and they didn't come tougher than Davey.

    "Rest In Peace, champion."

    Former world champion and Commonwealth Games gold medallist Darren Barker posted on social media: "RIP Davey Browne Jnr such sad news. You forget sometimes just how dangerous this sport really is. God bless the friends and family".

    So tragic.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  7. #82
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    Slighty OT

    Most of these are tournament or sparring deaths. This one is completely different.

    Hamilton martial arts instructor found dead after sex abuse claims
    Last updated 11:34, September 21 2015

    Hamilton man Stephen Wallace was found dead after a police launched an investigation into him.

    A Hamilton martial arts instructor who worked with young bullies has been found dead days after police launched an investigation into claims that he sexual abused young men.

    Stephen John Wallace was a well known martial arts instructor at Incorporated Martial Arts club on Colombo St in Hamilton.

    A police spokesman said Wallace was found dead at his home after the investigation was launched last week following complaints of sexual offending against young men.

    "Police had not yet spoken with Mr Wallace as the investigation was still in its very early stages at the time of his death," police said in a written statement.

    "The priority for police now is to identify victims of Mr Wallace's alleged offending who have not yet come forward.

    "It is important that these individuals have the opportunity to speak to police so that they can be provided with all appropriate support."

    A woman at Incorporated Martial Arts, who refused to be named, said the group had brought in Victim Support workers to speak to younger members of the club.

    "The club are doing everything we can to support the members and the victims."

    The woman said staff at the club did not know of the alleged offending and were still coming to grips with what had happened.

    "We didn't know that there was an investigation until after he died. We are broken."

    Chris Jones, executive pastor of Hamilton's Gateway Church, confirmed Wallace attended the church but said Wallace had no involvement in the youth section of the church.

    Jones would not comment when asked if any of the victims were members of the church, saying a statement from the church would be made later this week.

    Wallace's death has been referred to the Coroner.

    In 2011, in a interview Wallace said he was running programmes to straighten out young bullies.

    At the time he said 15 of approximately 100 children and teenagers who came to his Frankton martial arts gym were bullies who had harassed or assaulted other children.

    He said that children who bullied others usually need boundaries, discipline and to learn respect for others - all of which are offered by sports such as kickboxing, judo, karate and mixed martial arts.

    Wallace said teaching bullies martial arts didn't make them better at dishing out beatings - claiming a 100 per cent success rate with reforming bullies.

    In many cases, the children "had incredibly brilliant parents", who had been searching for a solution to curb their children's violent behaviour and aggressive attitude.

    He believed martial arts, which requires intense training, mental discipline and respect for oneself and others, offered that solution - what he termed "old-school values".

    "What I have found, over the years, is the bullies have the lowest self-esteem," he said.

    Bullies would be immersed "in the values we have at the school - wanting to achieve, wanting to be recognised".

    Wallace said a violent 13-year-old, on the verge of being removed from his school, had been brought to Incorporated Martial Arts to try to modify the boy's behaviour.

    "His temper had got out of control, " he said.

    Wallace said stroppy or aggressive children quickly learned to respect him and other instructors, and that filtered back to parents.

    "I get parents ringing me saying, hey, can you just get Jimmy to do his homework? They have a respect here."

    - Stuff
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  8. #83
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    Slighty OT

    Maybe I need to start a thread dedicated to martial arts terrorists.

    October 22, 2015
    Haredi man shot by IDF in Jerusalem 10-21-2015

    IDF soldiers sent to guard the population of Jerusalem due to a spate of Palestinian terror attacks against Jews shot and killed a 28-year-old ba’al teshuva haredi man who yelled “I am Daesh [ISIS]!” in Hebrew and tried to take a rifle from one of the soldiers.

    Above: The haredi BT who was shot and killed

    In Jerusalem, Soldiers Shoot, Kill, Confused Martial Arts B.T. Who Tried To Steal Their Weapons And Screamed, “I Am ISIS!”

    Shmarya Rosenberg •

    IDF soldiers sent to guard the population of Jerusalem due to a spate of Palestinian terror attacks against Jews shot and killed a 28-year-old ba’al teshuva haredi man who yelled “I am Daesh [ISIS]!” in Hebrew and tried to take a rifle from one of the soldiers, Ynet reported.

    The soldiers, who were guarding a bus stop, thought the man was a terrorist.

    The man, who has not yet been named, reportedly made aliya from Dagestan and studied at the Dvar Yerushalyim yeshiva for ba’al teshuvas (people who were not born into Orthodoxy but who have decided as adults to become Orthodox) in Jerusalem's Har Nof neighborhood. He also reportedly served in the IDF's haredi combat brigade Netzah Yehuda, better known as Nahal Haredi.

    "He was involved in martial arts in Dagestan,. After the yeshiva he joined the army and worked as a security guard before going back to the yeshiva. We saw him two days ago, he seemed a bit off, confused. He was involved in physical altercations in the past, and was hot headed,” a friend told Ynet.

    According to police, this is what happened:

    • The two soldiers wanted to get on a bus at the end of their shift.

    • The haredi man asked the soldiers to show him their ID's, perhaps believing them to be terrorists.

    • In return, the surprised soldiers asked the haredi man to identify himself.

    • At that point, an altercation between the haredi man and the soldiers apparently began. The haredi man reportedly attacked the soldiers and tried to grab a rifle from one of them.

    • Meanwhile, the bus driver saw what was happening and tried to help the soldiers control the haredi man. The driver tried to shoot the haredi man with a taser, but the attempt failed.

    • The haredi man continued fighting with the soldiers and continued to try to steal one of their weapons.

    • A nearby security guard saw what was happening and rushed over to help the soldiers. He then fired his gun at the haredi man and the soldiers immediately followed it with their own gunshots.

    But witness statements, which are reportedly now being examined by the IDF's criminal investigation division (CID), show that a series of mistakes led to the man's death.

    "An initial investigation found that the soldiers opened fire, and the details and circumstances are being examined,” the IDF’s spokeman reportedly said.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  9. #84
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    RIP Lance Cpl. Patrick A Woehle

    Marine's Death after Martial Arts Training under Investigation

    Officials are investigating the death of Marine Lance Cpl. Patrick A Woehle, 19, following command-sponsored martial arts training in November. (Facebook photos)

    Military.comDec 03, 2015 | by Hope Hodge Seck
    Officials are investigating the death of a Mississippi-based Marine following command-sponsored martial arts training in November.
    Lance Cpl. Patrick A Woehle, 19, had been attending weather school at Keesler Air Force Base in Biloxi as part of his entry-level military training, said Lt. Matthew Rojo, a spokesman for Marine Corps Training Command. On Nov. 13, Woehle became unresponsive during Marine Corps Martial Arts Program Training. He was taken to Garden Park Medical Center in Gulfport, where he died Nov. 14, Rojo said.
    Woehle's cause of death has yet to be determined, Rojo said. Naval Criminal Investigative Service and military command officials are investigating the death, he said, but no legal actions are currently pending.
    Woehle was from Vader, Washington, and a graduate of nearby Castle Rock High School. He had received attention as a high school track and cross-country athlete. He enlisted in the Marine Corps on Oct. 20, 2014.
    "The loss of Lance Cpl. Woehle is tragic," Maj. Cody Stewart, the commanding officer of Keesler's Marine Detachment, said in a statement. "We remain committed to Patrick, his family, and those in uniform who served with him. We will do all we can to keep faith with them during this difficult and trying time."
    Woehle is the second Marine to die this year following physical training. Cpl. Alexis Aaron Alcaraz, 22, died in August after succumbing to heat stroke during a conditioning hike aboard Camp Lejeune, N.C.
    -- Hope Hodge Seck can be reached at Follow her on Twitter at @HopeSeck.
    How tragic.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  10. #85
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    Jan 2008
    Hong Kong
    A good thread even though it is an old one. We should be cautious not to over load people in MA training. Always do only what we can do for both students and instructors. The question is where do we draw the line? When the training for a student is not challenging enough? When is it not working hard enough?


    Hong Kong

  11. #86
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    Jan 1970
    CA, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by SteveLau View Post
    A good thread even though it is an old one. We should be cautious not to over load people in MA training. Always do only what we can do for both students and instructors. The question is where do we draw the line? When the training for a student is not challenging enough? When is it not working hard enough?


    Hong Kong
    In recent years in my area alone, there have been at least a few incidences of high school (or even younger) athletes collapsing and dying while training or playing in their sports. They had appeared to be healthy and in excellent condition. Later it was often revealed to be from undiagnosed, pre-existing heart conditions. I don't know if these events were as common when I was a kid, but I personally never heard of this happening back then. I'm wondering if this problem is becoming more common among many in this younger generation? Because these are no longer rare occurrences.

    Perhaps the only thing MA instructors can do is, before someone joins their school, to require proof that they got a checkup from their doctor. I think that would hurt business, though. Otherwise, there's no way to tell what's too much or too little. Already, most traditional MA schools that I see nowadays seem to cater mostly to kids, a MUCH different situation from when I was a kid. I always had to train with adults, and it was hardcore compared to many schools these days. The few kids in class were pushed just as hard, and never had any health-related problems other than bruises or sometimes getting the wind knocked out of us. If someone thought it was too much, they always knew where the door was. Karate (and most MA) was seen as more of an adult activity. That would not be acceptable nowadays for kids taking kiddie karate classes or whatever MA, so much is already watered down when kids predominate, to protect them and to avoid lawsuits.

    With otherwise healthy and fit-looking young adults, it may be even harder to determine, because the assumption is that if they're physically fit, they're healthy. Which is not always the case, because some underlying issues are like a ticking time bomb.
    Last edited by Jimbo; 12-12-2015 at 09:10 AM.

  12. #87

    i agree with Jimbo about deaths in high school athletics being uncommon. Yet, I have read about deaths due to military style training for a very long time. Sometimes, it is called "sudden death". It is not widely reported. It still happens. Instead of looking at the autopsy, maybe they should be looking at the complete training program, including recovery and nutrition.


  13. #88
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    CA, USA
    Regarding military-style training, I agree, I've been hearing about these also. Not counting fatal accidents during training, I've heard about cases...again, in my area alone...where men died while in Marine or Navy SEAL training. At least a couple have occurred while swimming in a pool.

  14. #89
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    RIP Jordan Bari

    Sounds like one of those 'wrong place, wrong time' situations.

    Taekwondo expert, 20, gunned down on his doorstep in east London in case of 'mistaken identity'
    BARNEY DAVIS, MATT WATTS 6 hours ago

    A young martial arts expert who was shot dead on the doorstep of an east London flat may have been the victim of mistaken identity, it was claimed today.

    Jordan Bari, 20, was shot at “point blank range” as he answered the door to the property in Florida Street, Bethnal Green just after 8pm on Monday.

    Mr Bari was a black-belt in taekwondo and had won a number of trophies and titles for the prestigious Gurumu Taekwondo Club in east London, whose members have represented Great Britain at the Olympics.

    Neighbours described hearing a series of gunshots echoing around the communal hallway of the housing block.

    Victim: Jordan Bari, 20, was shot at point blank range

    Armed officers called to the scene found Mr Bari, a former pupil at Brampton Manor Academy in Newham, collapsed in a pool of blood in the stairwell. He was pronounced dead 45 minutes later.

    Two men, age 29 and 21, were arrested at the scene on suspicion of murder but released later on police bail pending further inquiries.

    Detectives were today trying to establish a motive for the killing of the popular and talented martial arts enthusiast.

    One neighbour said the victim had been staying at the flat but did not live there.

    Last night forensic officers were searching the flat and the courtyard outside for clues as well as examining a silver Vauxhall Zafira and blue saloon car parked in the drive.

    Neighbour Jackie Boxall was watching television when she heard a “big bang”.

    She told the Standard: “It sounded like someone had chucked something off the roof. There was loud banging on our door but I was too scared to open it.

    “I looked down from the balcony and saw we were surrounded by police. A neighbour told us there’d been a murder down there.”

    Another resident Mahbub Hussain, 33, said: “There was blood all over the stairs. There’s normally someone shouting in our block but there was no arguing - just a bang.”

    Mr Bari switched to taekwondo after excelling as a teenager at Tang Soo Do, a Korean martial art and trained at the London Blackbelt Academy in Newham.

    His former coach said he was among the best young fighters in Britain, winning trophies and medals.

    Kieran Mackey, who had trained the fighter from the age of seven to 17, said: “It’s absolutely tragic. He was a lovely lad and an exceptionally talented martial artist.

    “He competed in tournaments all over Britain and won loads of titles.

    “He was a nice, kind person he trained hard and got on with things. I can’t imagine him being caught up in anything bad. It’s a complete shock.”

    His mother Lisa Bari, is the founder of the East Village Nursery in Newham and chair of her local residents’ association.

    A cousin who answered the door at the home of relatives in Poplar said the family were struggling to come to terms with what happened, saying: “We can’t deal with this right now.”

    Friends took to social media to pay their respects.

    Recruitment consultant Reise Apaloo-James wrote: “It hurt me to hear this. I remember that joyful smile you always had, always positive, you’re in a better place now bro. God bless your soul.”

    Detective Chief Inspector Chris Jones, from the Homicide and Major Crime Command, appealed for witnesses to come forward.

    He said: “At this early stage we are still working to establish the reasons why this young man was killed. If you have any information that could help, please contact us.”

    Witnesses are asked to call the incident room on 020 8345 3734 or ring Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  15. #90
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    RIP Jessica Lindsay

    Only 18. What a tragedy. Cutting weight is evil.

    Perth teenager dies while training for Muay Thai fight
    A PERTH teenager has collapsed and died following a punishing training regimen for an upcoming fight. NOVEMBER 20, 20178:10AM

    Jessica Lindsay, Perth Muay Thai fighting teenager who died. Picture: Facebook Source:Supplied

    A TEENAGER has died from severe dehydration while she was training for a Muay Thai fight.
    Jessica Lindsay, 18, from Perth, was said to be cutting weight in the run up to an amateur martial arts event when she collapsed.

    Jessica Lindsay, the Perth Muay Thai fighting teenager who died. Picture: Facebook Source:Supplied

    She was rushed to hospital on November 10, the day before the fight.
    Ms Lindsay, who was trying to reach the weigh in weight of 64 kilograms, died four days later after the hospital admission.
    The teenager was healthy before the event, Channel 9 reported.
    Two days prior to the collapse, Ms Lindsay wrote on social media: “yeah nah cutting weight is sick hey”.
    The coroner is investigating the case.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

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