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Thread: wah lum as preformance art

  1. #1
    jutsow Guest

    wah lum as preformance art

    as a member of wah lum i am becoming incresingly distraught over seeing forms being altered or changed outright at tournaments and demos. On our kung fu alter it says "RESPECT MATERIAL BEING TAUGHT". It seems to me that altering or adding to forms is about as disrespectfull as it gets. Am i the only one who feels this way?

  2. #2
    danny from miami Guest they only change them for tournaments and demos? or just to change them and leave them that way?

  3. #3
    jutsow Guest

    wah lum as a preformance art

    does it matter if they only do it at the tournaments? Either way it still seems disrespectfull to me.If they want to do splits and 50 butterfly and hurricane kicks in thier forms they should have taken up modern wushu.when they do it the way they do now what are you left with? It doesn't look as good as wushu,plus the form loosses it meaning.Please don't take this the wrong way.I'm not saying everyone is doing this, but enough are were i feel it's starting to become a problem.

    [This message was edited by birdstail on 12-12-00 at 08:52 PM.]

  4. #4
    danny from miami Guest
    hmmm, youre right

  5. #5
    obiwan Guest


    Unfortunately, this is what has happened to most martial arts.

    You start off with a good one. Then you get students who didnt learn it properly, "learnt" the applications on their own.

    Thus abandoned some important techniques they didnt know how to use and added extras they use because they are deficient in other areas.

    It it actually not common where systems diverge for the better. We all know how many off shoots there are. The forms altering is a reflection of these off shoots.

    There are so many derivitives of so many different types of kung fu, but the ultimate test is time. If it doesnt work, eventually it will get snubbed out.

    Unfortunately/fortunately, our times are much safer so most martial arts dont get put to the real test. So during these times of relative peace, we become insulated from realities of combat. (Most people, not all!) and so many bad shoot offs arise.

    Besides, what could you do to stop this? This is no centralised world martial arts organisation to report them too. Even within famous martial arts, there are so many bodies claiming to be the "legit" head school or orgo.
    So there's not much we can do legally. Just train hard at what you know is correct. Then when it comes to it, you and your school can fight and teach the knowledge to others.

    If more people know the correct version, then EVENTUALLY I hope, the bad ones will get weeded out.

    I do agree, some of these dodgy schools give the rest of us a bad name.

    (Eg, school near my home called "Shaolin Su". After confronting the sifu, he admitted that he taught mostly karate and kickboxing with some kung fu forms chucked in. He said he would change the name. That was 5 years ago. It is still a popular school. I sparred with one of their students. Couldnt fight for crud.)

    Many good teachers are in hiding even to this day too.

    train hard i guess

    The Force will be with you...always

  6. #6
    Shaolin Master Guest


    Yes I think you mean Keith Blackburn's school quite funny. I was talking to Paul about it as well he exclaimed the teaching of 'James bond like techniques'....hehehe
    He is a nice individual but no way a true teacher of traditional martial arts...poor soul. Suffice to say that he students are inevitably worse off.

    Regarding the Issue....There are many occassions where we purposefully modify forms for tournaments not for asthetic appeal as much as to fool the hooligans who attempt to copy things and try to sell them off as there own at a poor level mind when they perform using added movements one knows the source of their knowledge...Hehehe

    Shi Chan Long

  7. #7
    MiamiMantis Guest

    Wah Lum forms

    I believe all Wah Lum forms are copyrighted for protection. The forms are changed so Joe Blow with a video camera doesn't learn forms the wrong way. I have seen it with my own eyes. A couple of years ago a guy came to our school from a "21 blender style of karate", and wanted to take Wah Lum. He wanted to see a form so I showed him First form. Believe it or not he says to me " I know that form, it's a part of our system, where did YOU get it from?. I asked him to show his form to me and it was first form heavily modified. After I explained that First form came from Wah Lum he never came back. (Probally was embarrased). So that's why forms are changed, so Sifu Rewind the VCR, won't become a Wah Lum instructor. :D :D :D :D

  8. #8
    7kicks Guest
    MiamiMantis has it right. The forms are intentionally changed so that if some smuck videos it he won't be getting the true or complete form and try to teach at some chop suey school as wah lum.

  9. #9
    woliveri Guest
    Wah Lum forms are NOT copyrighted. The only thing
    that is copyrighted is the Wah Lum name.


    Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East
    By Baird T. Spalding

  10. #10
    Fu Manchu Guest

    bad Form

    It's no good that the instructor purposely modifies the forms on video and try to flog it of as the real deal. Afterall, the purchaser of the video has paid good money for it. If he thinks that the forms are priceless then don't see it or even pretend to sell it or charge a higher price.

    Ultimately, the instructor will be hurting his own name and the Wah Nam brand of Mantis.

    Like other professions (eg. doctors, accountants), there should be a level of professional conduct as it would improve the quality control of what is being taught. it is only the phoney and the dishonest who has to fear!!

  11. #11
    MiamiMantis Guest


    I didn't say the forms are modified on video...I said they are modified so they cannot be videoed and then taught from the tape. To the best of my knowledge they are no Wah Lum forms on video for teaching, only the books. :D :D

  12. #12
    Brad Guest
    My very first teacher...Well,not really "teacher" since he never taught me anything :D ...ok the "head" of my first school used to videotape forms at tournements and then try to pass them off as his own. He also did this from going to siminars. One of the forms he had taken was a Wah Lum form, I think. Fatal Flute. So it does happen, probably more than anyone realizes. It all came crashing down on his head though, since he was way to public.

  13. #13
    iamaloser Guest


    Tournaments, competitions, performances, etc. are just that...performances. It is kind of sad that we are seeing less and less of the "real" art but to gain new students or interest in the arts, these performances must be (and have been) done. Really good schools differentiate real vs. performances during training so the potential for loss is at a minimum. After all, how many times have you seen chi kung displays but when you actually train at the school, it takes years of practice to get to the level you've seen?

  14. #14
    BeiTangLang Guest

    You kidding right??...

    You guys are kidding right?? That means that none of you have the real form?? or does it mean you are right right now? It changes tomorrow so you don't know the system all over again? Does the material in the forms cycle once every 5 years? How do you know if your form is for real if it always changes?? If I have misunderstood you, then I appologize up-front; But if I do understand you, I then really _do not_ understand your motives.
    The simple fact that watchers of videos will not get the applications to the forms should be enough for instructors to not mind putting them _correctly_ on video. There are subtlties that you will not get from a book or video anyway.
    Selling video is another question as well. If someone makes a video & deliberatly shows impropper/lack of/extra movements, then they are frauds & should be totaly dishonored by their lie.
    Some respect for ones ancestors.....
    Just some wandering thoughts;

    "In another time, we shall meet. But not today."

  15. #15
    danny from miami Guest
    dude, heres the thing, its really simple - at TOURNAMENTS and DEMOS,Wah Lum forms are changed so no one else can video tape the real form, try to learn it, and teach it. thats all.

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