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Thread: The Official UFC Sell-Out. UFC turns to Tae Bo

  1. #1
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    36th Chamber

    The Official UFC Sell-Out. UFC turns to Tae Bo

    By Beau Dure, USA TODAY

    Ultimate Fighting Championship is betting that everyday people are looking for a chance to train like Brock Lesnar or Georges St. Pierre without being punched in the face.

    UFC is partnering with Mark Mastrov, founder of the 24 Hour Fitness chain, to build UFC Gyms, offering a blend of traditional and modern workouts with a healthy dose of UFC atmosphere.

    For UFC President Dana White, who worked in the fitness industry before moving into mixed martial arts, the gyms are a chance to extend UFC's brand as the company goes global. White, not one to keep his ambitions quiet, thinks the new business can make an impact.

    "The fitness industry has gotten stale, much like the fight industry had gotten stale," White says. "A lot of it hasn't changed much since the 60s — a lot of the same equipment, a lot of the same stuff going on. We're going to have treadmills and weights for people who still want that, but there's going to be a lot of different things."

    Those different things may include flipping tires, lifting chains, swinging sledgehammers or lugging bricks.
    FIND MORE STORIES IN: TVs | White | Octagon | Brock Lesnar | Hour Fitness | Georges St. Pierre | Muay Thai | Mark Mastrov

    "If you look at the world today when it comes to training, everybody's starting to morph off into what I call nontraditional training," Mastrov says. "What UFC Gyms is going to do is leverage that."

    Workouts can also include classes in mixed martial arts disciplines such as jiu-jitsu, taekwondo or Muay Thai fighting. But Mastrov and White see their gyms as a lively workout facility for all types of people, not as a breeding ground for new fighters.

    "We're going to bring the programs to help you get in shape like those fighters," Mastrov says. "If you find yourself eventually wanting to be a fighter, you're going to go to the places that really train you to become a fighter. We'll have a lot of entry-level programming around that, and I'm sure a lot of fighters will come work out here on their strength, their core. The actual sparring and fighting isn't going to be done in our centers."

    The atmosphere, though, may feel like a fight night. The gyms will have flat-screen TVs offering UFC footage as well as the usual cable choices, and Mastrov says they'll have plenty of music with "nice bass."

    "When you're working out, it's going to almost be like being at an event — how visually stimulating an event is," White says.

    Yes, the gyms will have an Octagon, the eight-sided cage used for UFC fights, for a few functions and perhaps for some curiosity-seekers who want to know how it feels to be confined in a fighting space. If customers would rather stick with treadmills and a kickboxing class, with an unconventional tire-flipping drill mixed in, the gyms will give offer that without the fight-club environment.

    "This gym won't be intimidating," White says.
    He most honors my style who learns under it to destroy the teacher. -- Walt Whitman

    Quote Originally Posted by David Jamieson View Post
    As a mod, I don't have to explain myself to you.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Nothing wrong with that, heck, I have always wanted a body like BJ Penn !
    LOL !

    On a serious note, Dana is a smart business man, he is milking it as much as he can for as long as he can.
    Gonna be funny seeing those sledge hammers flying out of peoples hands or bouncing back into their faces !
    LOL !!!
    Psalms 144:1
    Praise be my Lord my Rock,
    He trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle !

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Huntington, NY, USA website:
    agreed. Some of the "hardcore" workout techniques have an element of risk, to the practitioner and the gym owner. Heck, even shin kicking a firm set of thai pads will cause bruising on a neophyte, and have them running for the door, and then the doctore, and then the lawyer. These gyms are going to hve "the look" of UFC, without the fighting, so it will attract the dillitantes and wannabes, more than the people looking to enter the fight game. An accident waiting to happen.
    BUT-if one oepns up near me, I will probably join. I don't have the space for truck tires, throwing dummies, and all sorts of fun toys.
    "My Gung-Fu may not be Your Gung-Fu.
    Gwok-Si, Gwok-Faht"

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    that killed Kung-Fu."


  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Beat me to the punch again MK

    I was just going to post this.

    Will they have special ring girls training? Now there's a market. How to get a Ring Girl Body DVD. Training kit comes complete with a thong and a round number.

    Meanwhile, I demand to know why this thread keeps falling off the main page here. What is wrong with you guys?
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  5. #5
    Just from a business standpoint I see the risk as extremely high. First of all I'm just wondering about the clientele this gym would attact. There's going to be a lot of ordinary business men(I don't think this school will attact women at all) but they will also attact their share of psychos, rednecks, violence name it.

    Personally I think you would have to nuts to invest in something like this but you never know.

  6. #6
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    Feb 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by MasterKiller View Post
    with an unconventional tire-flipping drill mixed in, the gyms will give offer that without the fight-club environment.
    Hmm. What is this talk of traditional boxing regimes being called unconventional?

    Hmm, Marketing.
    “An ounce of action is worth a ton of theory.” – Friedrich Engels

  7. #7
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    It was bound to happen. If TKD schools can wear the face of MMA, the cardio kickboxing classes would be soon to follow. I wonder what the cardio-MMA wear would be for classes? Bald head wigs and temporary tattoos?

    I know Dana White's a smart business man, so if he can spin it in a way to appeal to soccer moms, he's golden.
    The 10 Elements of Choy Lay Fut:
    Kum, Na, Gwa, Sau, Chop, Pow, Kup, Biu, Ding, Jong

    The 13 Principles of Taijiquan:
    Ward Off, Roll Back, Press, Push, Pluck, Elbow, Shoulder, Split, Forward, Back, Left, Right, Central Equilibrium

    And it doesn't hurt to practice stuff from:
    Mounts, Guards, and Side Mounts!

    Austin Kung-Fu Academy

  8. #8
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    A UFC Gym opened in the Bay Area

    We're happy about that.

    Martial arts firms targets families for new gym
    Alejandro Martínez-Cabrera, Chronicle Staff Writer
    Saturday, November 28, 2009

    It is difficult to say what is more surprising about the Ultimate Fighting Championship's new line of gyms: the fight-cage-like Octagon ring sticking out from the center of the floor or the fact the mixed martial arts promotion company known for its brutal and bloody fights is advertising its new venue as a family-oriented gym.

    The UFC took its most recent step to expand its brand last week with the opening of its first gym in Concord and, while the new venture has certainly appealed to UFC fans eager to train like their favorite athletes, it also seeks to accommodate kids beginning in martial arts and adults who just want to lose a couple of pounds.

    "This was the natural evolution for our brand. UFC revolutionized traditional martial arts. It's a perfect fit to us to expand into the fitness area," said UFC Chairman and CEO Lorenzo Fertitta.

    The facility's operators think they can make a strong case. UFC Gym reveals exactly what you would expect to find: music blaring in the background, metal dropping on metal clanging from the weight-lifting machines, and eager instructors on the floor. Even promotional banners feature everyday women breaking a sweat and kids training for martial arts in karate uniforms.

    "We're not looking to train or create fighters. We're looking to create a fun family environment," Fertitta said.

    While the Octagon with the black wire fence is certainly an unusual element, this is not a fighting gym. Jim Rowley, co-founder of New Evolution Fitness Co., which launched the venture with the UFC, said the gym is a place for those who want to be fit like martial arts athletes but aren't interested in the bruises. Instead of finding muscular types beating each other inside the ring, you'll find ordinary members kicking into the arm pads of supportive Thai boxing instructors.

    "You probably never want to get into the Octagon and get choked or punched in the face," Rowley said, "but why not get trained like the best-conditioned athletes in the world?"

    So while the gym is equipped with the typical machines and treadmills, the venue seeks to distinguish itself through its mixed martial arts courses and a training curriculum inspired by UFC athletes' exercise routines.

    In one room, members can train by flipping 275-pound tractor wheels or swinging ropes as thick as an arm attached to a 165-pound weight.

    Fertitta said members can expect to see UFC athletes drop by the gyms for the occasional seminar or meet-and-greet and will enjoy benefits like priority access to tickets and first-look privileges to news and events.

    The gym operator's ambitions are nothing small. The state-of-the-art, 38,000-square-foot facility in Concord is expected to be followed next year by others in Hawaii, Montreal and more in California. Fertitta said the UFC hopes to open 300 to 400 gyms across the United States within five years.

    When news of the gym's opening broke out on UFC Web sites this year, local enthusiasts hurried to be among the first members to register. By June, gym officials said, they had signed nearly 2,500 members.

    Brook Gaona, 22, said he has been a UFC fan for four years and drives more than 30 miles from Vacaville to the gym almost daily.

    "It's a more powerful workout because everybody's in the zone. The energy of everybody else draws you a bit more," he said.

    Ricky Chacon and his wife, Tatiana Briones, both 22, said they were excited to hear UFC is opening gyms because other mixed martial arts classes in the area offered only beginner levels and the UFC has credibility in the field. Plus, there are other advantages, Chacon said.

    "Here's two for one: I can learn mixed martial arts, and I can also just work out," he said.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  9. #9
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    Sep 2007
    I have a GSP bobble-head on the dashboard of my 72 Pinto.
    Last edited by MasterKiller; 11-30-2009 at 12:40 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2007
    The state that resembles a middle finger.
    I have a GSP bobble-head on the dashboard of my 72 Pinto.
    suprised you know who GSP is.

    totally shocked there is a Pinto still around
    Originally posted by Bawang
    i had an old taichi lady talk smack behind my back. i mean comon man, come on. if it was 200 years ago,, mebbe i wouldve smacked her and took all her monehs.
    Originally posted by Bawang
    i am manly and strong. do not insult me cracker.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    i'm shocked i even said all that...

  12. #12
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    Jan 1970
    Quote Originally Posted by couch View Post
    Hmm. What is this talk of traditional boxing regimes being called unconventional?

    Hmm, Marketing.
    Because if you go into almost ANY Gold's Gym, you will only see people doing exercises that are the "in thing". I don't know HOW MANY people I saw doing everything they could on a balance ball or swiss ball, yet were so new to lifting they couldn't even do the base move right, but that's what the "trainers" were having them do.

    Also, only about 1 out of 50 people actually used the power rack for squatting or other power movements. Other than that, it either sat there empty or I'd get stuck behind some pantywaisted frat boy who thought it was a curl rack and would use it for his barbell curls. AGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!

    Many things are "conventional" but you will NEVER see them in a commercial gym.

    ok, rant off
    "God gave you a brain, and it annoys Him greatly when you choose not to use it."

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    How can you train like a UFC fighter, seriously that’s like saying you are going to train like a WBA boxer, they all have their own trainers with their own methods and ways of training, whats Dana going to do hire them all to write programs?

    And good luck if you think training 3 times a week will get you looking like a pro athlete, but still at least it will get people who have never worked out before swinging sledgehammers playing with thick ropes and flipping tyres… can anyone else see some massive lawsuits on the horizon?

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    its already annoying enough watching fights. people watch a few and think they are muay thai pros and bJJ black belts. now they can "train" like fighters(
    A BJJ player and notorious pimp, Da Big Deezy, in the Crenshaw district tried to "raise up" and "slap a ho" ..... I impaled him with my retractible naginata. I wish there were more groundfighters in the world. They make my arsenal that much more deadly. - john takeshi


  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by MasterKiller View Post
    "The fitness industry has gotten stale, much like the fight industry had gotten stale," White says. "A lot of it hasn't changed much since the 60s — a lot of the same equipment, a lot of the same stuff going on. We're going to have treadmills and weights for people who still want that, but there's going to be a lot of different things."
    LOL. That is the biggest load of bull I've ever heard. Yeah, a new fad, that's new to the fitness industry. It's amazing to me sometimes how most advertising relies on you being younger than forty so you don't know how untrue it is.

    And throwing tires and sledgehammers works, but give that to part timers, and you'll be paying their chiropractors.

    I wonder if next they're gonna revolutionize the tattoo industry with Gothic lettering and tattoos like "Pain is Pleasure." Maybe skulls, too. It'll be so fresh.

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