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Thread: To WCK practitioners: Who burned down the Fujian Shaolin?

  1. #76
    Quote Originally Posted by chusauli View Post
    Nothing is right or wrong. We can look back know and see what happened.

    I think the Qing oppressed the Southerners and caused a great deal of resentment. When the uprising failed, anguish and suffering were the norm. Death by executions and torture were amongst means of extracting information from the lowly to get at the leaders. The stories became convoluted over time, giving rise to many myths, and misconceptions. That was a painful era. Also, many put faith in Hong Xiuchuan to lead them. However, he was crazy - he declared was God's Chinese son and Jesus' brother, and freely interpreted the Bible for his own use. Tai Ping Tian Guo, also incorrectly referred to as a "Christian" uprising..."Heavenly Great Peace Kingdom it was not.

    The period in which Wong Wah Bao and Leung Yee Tai lived in, the Opera was banned. Leung Jan allegedly took care of them. After the ban was lifted, Wong Wah Bao went back to the Opera. Others scattered....leaving the seeds of WCK to be eventually passed to us.

    It was a painful story in China's past.


    Here is good song for all of these. China has gone through lots of these...

    Partial lyrics:

    看 大江东去 ( look at the east flowing river)
    浪花淘尽千古英雄 ( the wave washes away heros from different eras)
    笑 指点江山 ( commanding the country in war with laughter)
    是非成败俱灰飞烟灭 ( right or wrong , win and lost, all turn into dust.)
    此地一为别 ( fairwel to this location)
    青山旧 雨初歇 豪情却 向谁说 ( Green mountain still unchanges after the rain, however who can I express my heartly emotion?)

    人生纵使一别 ( We all will leave somedays)
    天涯共此明月 ( Wish we all share this bright moon disregard where we end up)

    Last edited by Hendrik; 07-18-2009 at 01:06 PM.

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