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Thread: Ward Chuchill fails to get his job back

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Austin, TX

    Ward Chuchill fails to get his job back

    Looks like the liar lost. I hope he didn't spend that $1 already!

    "DENVER — A judge has refused to reinstate a University of Colorado professor who was fired on plagiarism charges after he likened some Sept. 11 victims to a Nazi.

    Monday's ruling means Ward Churchill can't return to the classroom even though a jury ruled in April that his firing was politically motivated.

    Churchill wrote an essay after the 2001 terrorist attacks calling the World Trade Center victims "little Eichmanns," a reference to Adolf Eichmann, the Nazi leader who orchestrated the Holocaust.

    The university fired Churchill in 2007 on the plagiarism charges and other research misconduct allegations. None of the allegations were about the Sept. 11 essay."


    Looks like lying about your race, beating your wife, not having the requisite education, and making up stories doesn't mean you deserve to be a professor, despite some fools idolizing you.
    When given the choice between big business and big government, choose big business. Big business never threw millions of people into gas chambers, but big government did.

    "It does not take a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men" -Samuel Adams

  2. #2
    Just the first step. Still a long way to go.

    However it does my heart good to see that Ward has really made everyone see American history without the sugar coating.

    In any case I've spoken to Ward and he expected this. We'll see how higher courts view this.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Austin, TX
    Now it looks like the University is gonna bill the poseur for their legal bills!

    I love this. His audacity finally bit him in the ass. He got away with so much for years, and the poseur got cocky. Now he is likely gonna have to pay, literally.
    When given the choice between big business and big government, choose big business. Big business never threw millions of people into gas chambers, but big government did.

    "It does not take a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men" -Samuel Adams

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