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Thread: World Games

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    World Games

    I didn't even realize these were going on now.

    Click this one for a nice fight pic.
    07/24/09 Iranian woman wins gold in World Games Sanshou

    TAIPEI, July 24 (Mehr News Agency) -- Zahra Karimi claimed a gold medal in the Wushu Competition's Sanshou [combat] event of the World Games 2009 on Thursday.

    The Iranian woman defeated Mariane Mariano from the Philippines 2-1 in the 60 kg category in her first game. Karimi then beat KAO Yu Chuan from Taiwan 2-0 and won the gold.

    Farshad Arabi, another Iranian athlete, won the silver medal of the Taolu Nanquan & Nangun on Friday. He finished second with 9.75 points behind Peng Wei Chua from Taiwan who scored 9.80.

    The World Games of 2009 takes place in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, from July 16 to 26.
    July 23, 2009 23:31 PM
    National Wushu Athletes Start Competing In World Games

    KUALA LUMPUR, July 23 (Bernama) -- Hopes are high on four wushu athletes selected to represent Malaysia in the 2009 World Games currently taking place in Kaoshuing, Taiwan.

    When wushu opened in the Kaohsiung County Stadium today, Malaysia were represented by two male and two female athletes.

    A report taken from the championship's official website, stated that for the women's category hopes were on World Wushu Championships gold medallist Chai Fong Ying and Diana Bong Siong Lin, while Lee Yang and Ho Mun Hua were due to take part in the men's category.

    In today's events, Fong Ying finished in fourth place in women's Taijiquan discipline with 9.60 points behind Cui Wenjuan from China, who scored 9.89 points.

    Fong Ying, who is making her debut in the World Games, will continue competing in the Taijijian discipline tomorrow for a medal.

    Like Fong Ying, Diana Bong, Lee Yang and Mun Hua received a similar fate after each finished their disciplines at fourth place.

    According to the report, after the women's Nanquan event, Diana Bong had to settle with 8.92 points, which was three steps behind Lin Fan from China, who obtained 9.87 points.

    In the mens category, Lee Yang obtained 9.75 points through the Taijiquan discipline while Mun Hua received 9.61 points in the Nanquan event.

    Tomorrow all the athletes will continue competing in one discipline in their respective events.
    -- BERNAMA
    Taiwanese Opera performer wins gold in World Games Wushu event
    Central News Agency
    2009-07-25 04:00 PM

    Kaohsiung, July 24 (CNA) Peng Wei-chua, the 2005 World Wushu champion and a prominent performer of Taiwanese Opera, thrilled the home crowd by winning a gold medal in the World Games in Kaohsiung Friday.

    Peng works for the popular Taiwanese opera troupe the Ming Hua Yuan Arts and Cultural Group (MHY) as a leading actor and became its action director 18 months ago.

    Holding a master's degree from Taipei Physical Education College, Peng was also a silver medalist in the Wushu competition at the 2008 Beijing Olympics Games, where it was a demonstration event.

    On Friday, crowds of people packed Kaohsiung County Stadium to watch Peng perform in the men's Nanquan (southern fist) round of the Taolu Nanquan and Nangun (southern staff) category, and they were not disappointed.

    Peng's routine wowed the judges for its many difficult mid-air movements -- clinching the gold medal -- and won warm applause from the crowd.

    His coach Chang Shih-po said he was not surprised to see Peng bring home a gold because he knows Peng is a true Wushu master.

    The coach said, however, that he was disappointed that China did not enter a competitor in the event because he had looked forward to seeing Peng compete with a Chinese athlete.

    Iran's Farshad Arabi won silver in the event with a 19.51, and Malaysia's Ho Mun Hua scored 19.25 to grab bronze.

    In the other division of Wushu, the Sanshou, which involves barehanded physical combat, China's E Meidie beat Vietnamese competitor Nguyen Thuy Ngan in the woman's under 52kg class to win gold, while Mary Jane Estimar of the Philippines took bronze.

    In the women's under 60kg category, Iran's Zahara Karimi Vardanjani had already clinched gold Thursday after winning her two bouts in the three-women competition. On Friday, Mariane Mariano of the Philippines beat Chinese Taipei's Kao Yu-chuan to win the silver. In the men's under 56kg. division, China's Duan Hansong defeated his only competitor, Russia's Sait Khayrulaev, to win gold.

    Russia's Murad Akhadov secured the gold medal in the under 70kg weight class after knocking down South Korea's Kim Deuk Su. Chinese Taipei's Chou Ting-yuan won silver by virtue of his victory over Kim Thursday, while Kim took bronze.

    Meanwhile, Iran's Hamidreza Gholipour defeated his only competitor, Russia's Muslim Salikov, in the under 85kg division to win gold.

    The two-day Wushu event, one of five invitational events at the 2009 World Games, ended with China the big winner with eight golds, followed by Russia (two gold, two silver and one bronze), Iran (two gold, one silver and one bronze), and Chinese Taipei (one gold, three silver and one bronze).

    Because Wushu is an invitational event, the medals do not count in the official medal standings.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  2. #2
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    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Random profile on Chai Fong Ying

    Malaysia's wushu sweetheart. Chai Fong Ying's name comes up in several international wushu competition threads - this one was the smallest one.
    Saturday February 19, 2011
    Chai Fong Ying: Demure yet determined
    Stories by LEE MEI LI

    Time and time again, wushu world champion Chai Fong Ying has appeared in the news, but who is she really?

    Giving her silver-rimmed glasses a slight nudge, Chai Fong Ying enters my car and says, “So sorry that you had to pick me up here. I’m not familiar with KL roads.”

    Blessed with eggshell-smooth skin and an innocence that belies her 24 years of age, Chai bears an uncanny resemblance to actress Zhang Ziyi.

    Malaysia’s Chai Fong Ying in action at the 16th Asian Games in Guangzhou last year.

    As we leave Mid Valley City and head back to the office for a scheduled photo shoot, Chai’s bashful nature kicks in — something that one would not expect from a seven-time wushu gold medallist.

    “I’m a quiet person. When my friends talk, I’m more of a listener,” she reveals.

    Today, Chai has dropped the flowy materials of her wushu costume in favour of a simple T-shirt and jeans. At a glance, you would not believe that she is the same stern-faced wushu exponent who claimed gold for the taijijian (sword) and taijiquan (fist) wushu combination event at the 16th Asian Games in Guangzhou last year.

    Hailing from Batu Berendam, Malacca, the fresh-faced accounting undergraduate at Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) was only four years old when she took up the sport.

    “My dad and uncles would bring me along during their training sessions, and I just watched and learned. It was not until I was 14 that I started taking wushu seriously,” she recalls.

    It comes as no surprise that Chai’s father Chin Chay, 51, coaches the Malacca wushu team. Her younger siblings Fong Wei, 22, Fong Chin, 18, and Chong You, 15, are also actively involved in wushu.
    Sisters Fong Ying (in glasses) and Chai Fong Wei. — GLENN GUAN & NORAFIFI EHSAN/The Star

    “My mother is a homemaker,” Chai points out. But more precisely, her mother Teh Mary, 45, doubles up as the secretary of the Malacca Wushu Association.

    So how does a sword-wielding, shadow-boxing expert end up in the number-crunching field of accountancy?

    “My favourite subject was mathematics,” Chai offers, shyly adding, “I usually get an A for it.”

    In perspective, accounting really isn’t too different from wushu — after all, both deals with the principles of achieving “balance”. Chai’s steady and calm persona, for one, is an acquired trait, thanks to the discipline of wushu.

    “Wushu taught me appreciation — after being selected for the state-level team, I learned how to appreciate my time and manage it better,” she says, adding, “Academically, I also improved a lot.”

    With hardly any time to spare, Chai has to juggle between training and classes.

    “The first thing I do when I wake up is go to the gym. I do this at 7.30am on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. Then at about 9am, I have to get ready for class. In the afternoon, I have to train on my wushu routine and techniques,” she says. “But this schedule is not very difficult — I’ve gotten used to it.”

    Though 100 sit-ups a day is now normal for Chai, it was once an impossibility.

    “I had asthma when I was eight. We used to train only twice a week on the weekends — doing things like ma-bu (horse-riding stance) and uphill running. I didn’t like the running because it was very difficult for me.”

    Tomboys and sambal prawns

    Upon first meeting her, one thinks of the word “grace”. From her petite frame to the lilt of her voice, you’d never guess that this feminine lass used to be a “tomboy”.

    “All through secondary school, my hair was very short. After Form Five, I decided to wear it longer. I think my personality started changing from then. Anyway, short hair is not very nice-looking for a wushu performance,” Chai opines with a laugh.

    “I used to always ask my dad to buy me toy guns — I played with pistols while my sister played with dolls,” she says.

    Save for special occasions, Chai is almost always in black slacks, collared shirts and ballet flats these days.

    “I seldom wear skirts because then I have to wear high heels, which are tiring for my legs,” she explains.

    So are there other unlady-like indulgences that we should be aware of?

    Chai hesitates and says, “I can cycle with both my arms in the air.”

    The young sportswoman is, perhaps surprisingly, not a fan of the outdoors.

    “The sun will make me tanned,” she says with a blush.

    “My friends used to go for bowling sessions after school, but I never had the time to join them. Now it’s the same when they go clubbing. To them, my life is very ‘colourful’; in reality, I really wish that I could’ve joined them.”

    Chai tries to catch a game of badminton every now and then; she also likes to tinker with her iPad in the comfort of her dorm. Some weekends she drives back to Malacca to have her mother’s steaming herbal soup and sambal prawn.

    “I actually don’t like spicy food but my mum knows how to make the dish taste just right for me,” says Chai, who also loves chocolates.

    “I’m not a gymnast so I can eat anything I want,” she clarifies. All the same, her three main meals of the day are regulated by the National Sports Council.

    Big sister and dreams of travelling

    For someone who performs to audiences of thousands, Chai is surprisingly nervous about public speaking.

    “When I perform my taiji moves, I am in absolute control of my whole being. It’s all hands and legs — there’s no need to open my mouth. For class presentations, I’m always afraid that I will say something wrong.”

    As something of a veteran in competitive sports, Chai has come to accept that things don’t always go her way. She’s learnt not to fixate on winning. In 2009, she failed to retain her world title at the 10th World Wushu Championships in Vancouver, Canada.

    “When I have a target, that’s when the pressure mounts. In the last two years, I failed to manage myself; maybe I was focusing too much on my studies. I made mistakes in both my events. Now I’ve learnt that I cannot always think about ‘winning’. Instead, I only focus on my routine and carry out my performance with a clear, relaxed mind,” she says.

    This year, Chai is eyeing a double victory — at the 11th World Wushu Championships in Turkey and the 26th Southeast Asian (SEA) Games in Palembang, Indonesia.

    Just like her idol, Datuk Michelle Yeoh, Chai aspires to successfully “multi-task”.

    “I admire (Yeoh’s) talent. When she was young, she played the piano and focused on sports and still she did well academically. Now, she’s even gone into acting,” gushes Chai who harbours her own silver screen dreams.

    “I am a curious person. Who knows, maybe I could learn something new from acting,” she shares.

    Right now, Chai wants to master swimming.

    “My teammates have no problems diving into the pool, whether it’s 3m or 10m deep, but I can’t — I don’t know how to swim. I would like to learn, and maybe go diving as well,” she says.

    Chai may have travelled to many countries for her wushu tournaments, but in her own mind, she has yet to see the world as she has always stuck to tight itineraries planned for her.

    “My friends always share their travel stories with me — it makes me want to go along too. One day, I’ll join them and go backpacking,” she says, adding, “I would love to visit Hong Kong and Europe.”

    When asked about what she misses most, Chai says it’s her “mother’s and grandmother’s cooking.”

    “In my primary school days, my parents used to celebrate my birthday and invite many people to the party. I had all those who were concerned about me joining in the fun together — I liked that feeling. Now, I don’t have much time for family gatherings,” she sighs.

    At the mention of her family, Chai’s fingers fly to the silver pendant on her neck — a two-year-old birthday gift from her mother. For now, though, Chai is devoting herself to wushu.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  3. #3
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    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.


    IWUF News

    2020.09.22 by iwufteam

    Wushu is included as an invitational sport in The World Games (TWG) 2022 in Birmingham, Alabama, USA from July 7-17, 2022. All contests for the wushu tournaments will take place from July 11-12, 2022. This is the third time for wushu’s inclusion into TWG. Wushu has also been an invitational sport in TWG in 2009 and 2013.

    On September 9, 2020, the International Wushu Federation (IWUF) accepts the invitation to participate in The World Games 2022 Birmingham USA and commits itself to send the best athletes in accordance with the World Games Rules.

    Here are some details for wushu in 2020 TWG.


    Changquan Men with 3 medals

    Changquan Women with 3 medals

    Daoshu, Gunshu All-round Men with 3 medals

    Daoshu, Gunshu All-round Women with 3 medals

    Jianshu, Qiangshu All-round Men with 3 medals

    Jianshu, Qiangshu All-round Women with 3 medals

    Nanquan, Nandao All-round Women with 3 medals

    Nanquan, Nangun All-round Men with 3 medals

    Taijiquan, Taijijian All-round Men with 3 medals

    Taijiquan, Taijijian All-round Women with 3 medals


    Birmingham-Southern College – BILL BATTLE COLISEUM, Birmingham


    Jetlag day: 09.07.2022 (Arrival Day for IF-Passportholders outside of USA)

    Arrival day: 10.07.2022 (for IF-Passportholders inside USA)

    Training day: 11.07.2022

    Start competition: 12.07.2022

    End competition: 13.07.2022

    Departure date: 14.07.2022

    The above information is subject to change.

    About TWG

    The World Games is an extraordinary, international sports event held every four years, in the year following each Summer Olympic Games. Staged over 11 days, The Games represents the pinnacle of competition for 3,600 of the world’s best athletes in 30+ unique, multi-disciplinary sports. The World Games generates worldwide exposure for participating sports and provides a highly visible stage on which athletes from more than 100 countries compete for gold.

    The World Games is led by the International World Games Association (IWGA), a non-profit organization that is composed of 37 International Sports Federations and recognized by The International Olympic Committee (IOC).

    For more information, please visit TWG 2022 website at and IWUF website at
    I just assumed it was still included from the previous post.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  4. #4
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    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Wushu & Sambo

    Sambo and Wushu apply for IWGA membership


    The Fédération Internationale de Sambo (FIAS) and the International Wushu Federation (IWUF) are applying for membership of the International World Games Association. The decision on whether to approve either of the two martial arts’ applications will be made by the representatives of the 37 current IWGA member federations during the Annual General Meeting on 27 May 2021.

    At its February meeting, the IWGA Board postponed a decision on whether to hold this year’s AGM remotely, as happened last year. This was announced by IWGA President José Perurena after the virtual meeting. The Executive Committee wants to wait and see whether the SportAccord Convention planned for May in Ekaterinburg, Russia, can take place as a 'physical event'. This should be clarified in the near future, according to information received by José Perurena.

    During the AGM 2020, the IWGA had already adapted its constitution to be able to organize the annual members' meeting remotely in the future. The new statutes also allow for decisions, for example about membership applications, to be made virtually in a legally-binding manner.

    FIAS and IWUF submitted their official request to join The World Games family by the deadline of 15 February 2021. Admission will be granted if a two-thirds majority of the existing member federations approves the application. Membership does not grant automatic participation in the official programme of The World Games. Sambo was already part of the official programme in London (GBR) at The World Games 1985 and in The Hague (Netherlands) at The World Games 1993. Wushu was represented at The World Games as an invitational sport in 2009 in Kaohsiung (Chinese Taipei) and in Cali (Colombia) in 2013. In 2022 in Birmingham, Alabama, Wushu will again participate again in the programme as an invitational sport.

    During the February meeting, Treasurer Lukas Hinder gave the Board an overview of the financial impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and the related financial impact of the necessity of the postponement to the coming year (7-17 July 2022) of the next edition of The World Games in Birmingham, Alabama. Without wanting to publish concrete figures, Lukas Hinder made clear that the IWGA had come through the pandemic year 2020 better than originally expected. The Board will present the exact figures and data to the member federations during the Annual General Meeting.

    The agenda of this year's meeting will also include a concept on sustainability, which the IWGA board is currently preparing and discussing with the 2022 Host, Birmingham and will discuss with all IWGA members.

    As a service to our readers, Around the Rings will provide verbatim texts of selected press releases issued by Olympic-related organizations, federations, businesses and sponsors.

    These press releases appear as sent to Around the Rings and are not edited for spelling, grammar or punctuation.
    "Wushu was represented at The World Games as an invitational sport in 2009 in Kaohsiung (Chinese Taipei) and in Cali (Colombia) in 2013. In 2022 in Birmingham, Alabama, Wushu will again participate again in the programme as an invitational sport." Nice bit of history. I would've run a news story on this in the print mag...
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  5. #5
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Wushu & Sambo added to the World Games

    The World Games family welcomes two new members. During the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the International World Games Association (IWGA), the representatives of the 36 participating member federations approved the applications of the International Wushu Federation and International Sambo Federation. A two-thirds majority was required.

    The AGM was again held remotely due to the restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The meeting was attended by 36 of the 37 IWGA member federations.

    IWGA President José Perurena, who chaired this year’s AGM, congratulated President Gou Zhongwen of the International Wushu Federation and President Vasily Shestakov of the International Sambo Federation on the admission of their federations as the 38th and 39th members of The World Games family. The federations already have IWGA history: Sambo was part of the official programme in London (GBR) at The World Games 1985 and in The Hague (Netherlands) in 1993. Wushu was represented at The World Games as an invitational sport in 2009 in Kaohsiung (Chinese Taipei) and in Cali (Colombia) in 2013. In 2022 in Birmingham, Alabama, Wushu will again participate in the programme.

    The last new admission of a federation took place in 2014, when the World Association of Kickboxing Organizations successfully applied for admission to the IWGA.

    The AGM decided to extend the term of office of the IWGA Board by one year to 2023, due to the postponement of the eleventh edition of the World Games in Birmingham, Alabama to the coming year. Extending the term of office by one year will enable the existing board to complete the preparations for The World Games 2022 in the USA.

    Max Bishop, Vice-President of the IWGA, describes why the motion of prolongation was on the agenda:

    "Leaving office just before the Games - and before the evaluation phase has even started - is obviously not ideal. We therefore invited the membership to extend the current ExCo's term of office, given the exceptional circumstances.”

    With almost 14 months to go before the opening of the multisport-event at the newly built Protective Stadium in Birmingham Alabama, Nick Sellers, CEO of the local Birmingham Organizing Committee presented the current state of preparations for The World Games 2022 (7-17 July 2022). All 25 competition venues have now been decided upon for the ten competition days, when 34 sports will be showcased and more than 200 medal events held. In addition, Nick Sellers announced that the launch of ticket sales will be on 7th July 2021, exactly one year before the Games. Sellers assured the meeting that Birmingham is ready and very much looking forward to hosting The World Games 2022. He stated that The World Games most likely would be the first major international sports event in the USA, and possibly in the whole world, to be held with full stands again.

    “It will be a great re-connection of humanity,” Sellers said.

    President Perurena concluded the meeting: “Thank you all for attending, and for your understanding of the difficult circumstances that made a physical meeting impossible. Thank you also for your support of the Executive Committee.

    I sincerely hope that we will all be together somewhere for next year’s AGM, just a couple of months before we all go to Birmingham for The World Games 2022. In the meantime, I look forward to seeing some of you in Birmingham this November, when we hold a series of planning meetings with the Birmingham Organising Committee.

    Usually, I wish you a safe journey home. Today, I just say “Stay safe… wherever you are! Goodbye.”

    The World Games is a multi-sport event staged every four years by the International World Games Association under the patronage of the International Olympic Committee. The 11th edition of The World Games will be held in Birmingham, Alabama, USA, 7-17 July 2022. 3,600 athletes from over 30 sports and 100 countries will take part in The World Games.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  6. #6
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    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  7. #7
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    The only US coverage I've seen so far...

    The World Games: Wushu competition
    By WBRC Staff
    Published: Jul. 12, 2022 at 7:24 PM PDT|Updated: Jul. 12, 2022 at 7:26 PM PDT

    Women’s Taijijian - Wushu(WBRC)
    BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (WBRC) - Martial arts, incredible skill and technique, intensity and stunning uniform colors are all part of Wushu, an exciting competition at The World Games 2022.

    The Wushu competition was held at Bill Battle Coliseum at Birmingham Southern College July 12-13, 2022.

    Athletes from all over the world, men and women, competed in the contemporary Chinese martial arts sport.
    There are a lot more pix but I'm only going to copy the first one. I heard that there were some US champs that got on the podium but I didn't make note of who it was. I was hoping for more coverage (I'm always hoping for more coverage).
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

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