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Thread: Discipleship

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Southern California


    What is discipleship? Is it some kind of ceremony or something that students get when they reach a certain level? I heard that some Kung Fu schools have tea ceremonies when their students reach black belt or start their own studio. Has anyone else heard about this? If so, could you illustrate what discipleship is and what ceremonies, if any, are involved?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Herndon, VA
    What is it?

    Poor Grammar.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Sydney, NSW, Australia

    Re: Discipleship?

    Originally posted by eric_thomson
    What is discipleship? Is it some kind of ceremony or something that students get when they reach a certain level? I heard that some Kung Fu schools have tea ceremonies when their students reach black belt or start their own studio. Has anyone else heard about this? If so, could you illustrate what discipleship is and what ceremonies, if any, are involved?

    Traditionally when a student became a disciple, the relationship between student and teacher becomes similar to one of father and child. In some schools this also implies a more spiritual relationship as well as meaning that the student may be trusted to learn the 'secrets' of the art.

    The idea of a disciple is not unique to the MA. In fact it is probably more common in a religious sense.
    Behold, I see my father and mother.
    I see all my dead relatives seated.
    I see my master seated in Paradise and Paradise is beautiful and green; with him are men and boy servants.
    He calls me. Take me to him.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Southern California
    If I wanted an English lesson I would have posted at If your not gonna help me out stay away!

  5. #5
    A disciple is someone who studies and learns under a 'master'. The disciple would faithfully learn the masters art, his methods, principles, possibly even his moral code and/or ideologies. Descipleship implies a deeper level of commitment than just a student or follower. To use the term any other way is incorrect (refer to ST00's reply).

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Herndon, VA
    The disciple would faithfully learn the masters art, his methods, principles, possibly even his moral code and/or ideologies. Descipleship implies a deeper level of commitment than just a student or follower.

    You've just joined a cult.

    and you called me incorrect. ohhh the irony..

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    What's wrong with being in a cult? You get instant friends, you never have to worry about what to wear every morning, haircuts are a thing of the past, and everybody gets new white sneakers and all the Kool-Aid they can drink. Heck, you don't even have to do pesky stuff like think for yourself!

    See ya later, I'm late for my mass wedding.

    p.s. - eric, I believe Gene Ching is a disciple of a Shaolin monk, as is russbo at Try posting in the Shaolin Kung Fu section or visit the above site, you can get a lot of information (fact-based rather than rumor-based) that way.
    There is a great streak of violence in every human being. If it is not channeled and understood, it will break out in war or in madness. ~Sam Peckinpah

  8. #8


    Don't get your knickers in a twist- I was refering him back to your post because you are correct. I'm agreeing that it is poor grammar.

    As for the cult thing, all cults probably have disciples, but all desciples aren't necessarily in cults. The only cult I know of that didn't have any disciples was the one I tried to start. Every one thought I was disagreeing with them and left!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Sydney, NSW, Australia
    I took up discipleship with my current sifu's father. It wasn't a cult - we only had to shave our heads once, and wear purple robes every 3rd Saturday of each month

    Seriously though, I wouldn't have called it a cult. It was just a formalisation of the relationship between the student and the teacher.
    Behold, I see my father and mother.
    I see all my dead relatives seated.
    I see my master seated in Paradise and Paradise is beautiful and green; with him are men and boy servants.
    He calls me. Take me to him.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    It's almost a synonym for apprenticeship.
    "Extra inch, extra power." -Tarm Sarm

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 1970


    Jesus had a 12 disciple-cult?

  12. #12



    This is the first time on the forum and a big hello all to all.

    My question is about discipleship.

    Why is there a disciple concept in the first place?

    Back in China in the 1900's what was the structure and values of been a disciple?

    Today in our modern society do kung fu traditional schools still have exactly the same standards as in China in the 1900's.

    For those who are or have been a disciple what is teh up side and down side of this type of relationship?

    Anyone have any tips and advice about this please feel free to share.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Desciple was used way back then, but today they use other terms for it. Sucky and brown nose come to mind.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Pound Town

    Honorary African American
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  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Quote Originally Posted by Shaolin brother View Post

    This is the first time on the forum and a big hello all to all.

    My question is about discipleship.

    Why is there a disciple concept in the first place?

    Back in China in the 1900's what was the structure and values of been a disciple?

    Today in our modern society do kung fu traditional schools still have exactly the same standards as in China in the 1900's.

    For those who are or have been a disciple what is teh up side and down side of this type of relationship?

    Anyone have any tips and advice about this please feel free to share.
    When you learn an art, you learn from a teacher and mentor.
    If you are especially good and eager to learn, then it is generally a good bet that you will carry the art forward upon the demise of the current master.
    that distinction is recognized through and act of acceptance that is mutual, and that falls within a framework of passing the art of one to another as well as maintaining the standards for cultivation of it.

    that's not something you just dole out to anybody, because you basically can't just give an art to someone who doesn't have the focus to gain it and redistribute it.

    discipleship serves in the manner that it keeps the art vital and not just tossed around in bits and pieces by uncaring and ignorant people.

    It is a contract.
    Kung Fu is good for you.

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