Anyone have any real shaolin forms videos?
Anyone have any real shaolin forms videos?
look in the luohanquan, tongbiquan, and paoquan threads. we've posted and discussed literally dozens.
did it ever occur to you that they didnt have video several hundred years ago?
Dont care about s.d. crap!
Just wanted to see some real shaolin videos.
Go so Sal Canzonieri's Youtube page. He is a well respected researcher, and a well known exponent of Authentic Shaolin Kung Fu and the arts preserved there.
He is the real deal, and knows the ancient Shaolin arts. I spent several hours learning from him Saturday, being thrown around like a rag doll, with ease, (all on tape mind you), despite him having had major abdominal surgery recently, and still being full of stitches.
He did this with moves out of the old School traditional forms, verbatim, exactly how they are done in the forms.
The Tai Tzu system he was showing me is exactly what my 10+ years of independent research says the art should be. From the form choreography, to the method of uses, to the very body mechanics themselves.
You can also see a number of threads on this forum showing many,many clips of Authentic Shaolin from all time periods (well, the material that survived to this day anyway).
Look to the threads On Louhan, "Hongquan anyone?", "Pao Quan what a Mess", and the one about Tongbei/Tongbi all of these threads are discussing the ancient Shaolin arts. They are well known through out the Shaolin world, and it's not hard to find examples of them.
Also, Sal Canzonieri is currently writing a book summarizing the decades of deep historical and evolutionary research that he's done. Everything one would need to know about Shaolin history and development, and how a large number of related arts are connected, can be found in it.
Last edited by Royal Dragon; 11-01-2009 at 03:52 PM.
Those that are the most sucessful are also the biggest failures. The difference between them and the rest of the failures is they keep getting up over and over again, until they finally succeed.
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