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Thread: Point Fighing Ref almost Kills Kung Fu Guy

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by cerebus View Post
    Well, he was clearly refereeing the match. Other than that, I don't know...
    He was indeed refereeing the match. I forget why he was appointed to that job, but I remember seeing it on TV when it occured. He was the sensai of the guy in the dark gi. This is the problem with supposed full contact fighting. Full contact is just that, and people get hit and often times get hurt. They get hacked off and others take sides in the matter. If it is done any other way it is not full contact. Full touch?
    I suspect that this is why we see UFC guys hugging after a fight. It is an exibition of sportsmanship. It sort of eases the feeling some people might get about watching 2 men or women pound on one another. We know that some of these guys hate each other. That way they can refer to it as a friendly compitition.
    Then again, maybe not.
    Back when you made points on no contact techniques, before full contact, late 60's or early 70's, There was a white belt fighter that fought his way up through the compitition and even defeated some black belts. This hacked off lots of people because it was just not supposed to happen. No black belt would want to be whipped by a white belt. The white belt had a few moves that he practiced to perfection. He did not have near the arsenal of the black belts, but he pointed them out. More than anything I think this sort of pushed toward full contact eventually. If you are going to compitition fight you need to do it right. The more rules you have the less like real fighting it is, but you do have to have rules. The first time someone gets killed or perminently brain damaged you will see all sorts of legislation taking place. Big brother is going to look out for you, like it or not.


  2. #17
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    Jul 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by MasterKiller View Post

    Actually, they were both Karate fighters. I have been surfing utube a lot lately, and from what I have seen, I can see why some think kung fu is bs. I watched a young man walk around a tree for a while, then stop and walk around it the other direction for a while, then over and over and over. He held his hands in a position as if saying, WHAT? I have no idea just what he was training, but I did not see martial applications. Then there was the old man walking in a figure 8 and now and then doing something like a kick or punch. I even watched some compitition kung fu where the guys were doing forms. I could not see martial applications in any of it. Mostly like Elvis Presly posing for the camera. Doing cart wheels and flips and all sorts of stuff like we see on TV. None of this is really applicable in a real fight. I found one that I wanted to post here, but couldn't figure out how. It was called Insane Kung Fu. The guys and gals ran around screaming like they were on fire and beating the heck out of everything with chains, sticks, pipes, and even grabbing and biting the face. That had some real potential I think. It would scare the heck out of most people, and it did not require you to learn any fancy moves. I admit that I am not familiar with most of todays kung fu styles, and so cannot accurately compare them to anything I know about. I can say however that I can quickly see why someone would discount kung fu as a viable fighting system. As compared to Karate and other more aggressive looking styles. I do Wing Chun and have no knowledge of other forms of Kung Fu. It is made of pure fighting concepts without fancy or sexy postures or other wastes of time or energy. However, like any other fighting system, it requires a martial attitude to make it work for you.


  3. #18
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    Pound Town
    Quote Originally Posted by Lee Chiang Po View Post
    I do Wing Chun and have no knowledge of other forms of Kung Fu.

    Honorary African American
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    Senior Business Director at TEAM ASSHAMMER consulting services ™®LLC

  4. #19

    That ref has a beautiful front snap kick. If that was his student he was kicking, his school must be totally badass. His student was pretty good, too.


  5. #20
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    Jul 2006
    From what I was led to understand, it was not one of his own students, but rather opposition. It is a conflict of interest for a Sensai to referee or judge when his own students are competing. It seems to have shown here more than usual however.

  6. #21
    Join Date
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    North, strong and Free
    I find it disturing that some here commend this guy in his badassedness (tm) and that his students must also be badass. By that logic, battered women must also own the str33t deadly kung fu !!


  7. #22
    It really doesn't require any "badassedness" to suckerpunch someone in the back of the head when they're not expecting it and kick them when they're down...
    Slips through fingers
    Like this world of dust

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    So. Oregon

    No Wude here!

    If you look at the time 01:56 to 2:00 you can clearly see that the guy in the blue is in a frog top, not a gi. What style I do not know, maybe WC. As for the ref...You can see he was most likley a Karate Do... As in the video everyone around is Karate Do. It look to me the ref was faving the one in white. To be expeted at a all Karate event. You can see the ref got upset because the one in the blue frog, was a better figher then the one in the white. Imho... But the Karate-do guy had better technique, but bad timing.

    The ref was a poor sport! If he is a "MASTER" then he should have had the b@lls to face him and fight him if needed. In this case I would say not! But the ref was being a Pu$$y and blind sided him. In my mind he is not any better then a bull-e in a school yard. He made his teacher and students look like an A$$!

    館術國勇威 Wei Yong Martial Arts Association
    戰挑的權霸統傳 The Challenge for Traditional Supremacy
    What is 'traditional kung fu' ?
    Chinese fighting arts developed before the advent of the modern age in China. Not to be confused with modern, post-1949, Wushu or competitive fighting such as kick boxing .
    By Shanghai Jing Mo

  9. #24
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    May 2007
    The state that resembles a middle finger.
    I think they both need castrated and set on fire for point sparring anyways.
    Originally posted by Bawang
    i had an old taichi lady talk smack behind my back. i mean comon man, come on. if it was 200 years ago,, mebbe i wouldve smacked her and took all her monehs.
    Originally posted by Bawang
    i am manly and strong. do not insult me cracker.

  10. #25
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    Playa Jobos, Puerto Rico
    Quote Originally Posted by Fen View Post
    If you look at the time 01:56 to 2:00 you can clearly see that the guy in the blue is in a frog top, not a gi. What style I do not know, maybe WC.

    I don't care if that guy set up his wooden man and an alter of Yip Man on the sidelines, that was karate. Side kicks. Spinning back kicks. Reverse punches.

  11. #26
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    Playa Jobos, Puerto Rico
    I had an experience where I went to a national Tae Kown Do tournament in Queens like 7 or 8 years ago.... I beat two black belts, then a black belt from Korea that was behind the "officials" table entered my division halfway through. I got disqualified after stuffing two of his high kicks and putting him down. Sometimes between them I was able to cross up his arms, whaled on the little red dots on his chest guard... I lost a point for "holding."

    I'm glad I got out of there un-lynched .

  12. #27
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    Playa Jobos, Puerto Rico
    Competing in other style's tournaments is unwise. That's why I like MMA: fists, elbows, feet, knees, forearms, shoulders... use them how you want. It's pretty universal.

  13. #28
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    Huntington, NY, USA website:
    Quote Originally Posted by Ray Pina View Post
    I had an experience where I went to a national Tae Kown Do tournament in Queens like 7 or 8 years ago.... I beat two black belts, then a black belt from Korea that was behind the "officials" table entered my division halfway through. I got disqualified after stuffing two of his high kicks and putting him down. Sometimes between them I was able to cross up his arms, whaled on the little red dots on his chest guard... I lost a point for "holding."

    I'm glad I got out of there un-lynched .
    pretty funny. I had a very similar experience. Also a full-contact TKD tournament.
    I had come fresh out of a Kenpo school-where grabbing the gi, grabbing the hair, groin kicks, was allowed, and bare knuckle sparring. We used to wear sleeveless Gi's-not because we were fashionable, but because we ripped the sleeves off during sparring. I showed up in my "Salt n pepper"Gi -with sleeves.. (White top, Black pants) everybody else was in pure white-oops.
    The judges were Korean, as well as my opponent. I kicked, punched, grabbed and punched, shoved and punched this guy into chopped meat. The one thing he landed on me was an illegal face (jaw) punch.
    The ref raised his hand (the guy could barely stand up) and the crowd booed.
    When I went to the ref afterwards to see my score, he ripped up my scorecard and said,"You go home!"
    People came up to me afterwards telling me how I got robbed and I had won, but the truth of the matter is I really didn't. Had I followed the rules, perhaps it would've had a different outcome.
    Nonetheless, it was a good learning experience.
    "My Gung-Fu may not be Your Gung-Fu.
    Gwok-Si, Gwok-Faht"

    "I will not be part of the generation
    that killed Kung-Fu."


  14. #29
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    So. Oregon

    Thumbs down

    Quote Originally Posted by Ray Pina View Post
    I don't care if that guy set up his wooden man and an alter of Yip Man on the sidelines, that was karate. Side kicks. Spinning back kicks. Reverse punches.
    He may have been karate. This like you, I do not know nor care... But like I said he is in a frog top ether way.

    館術國勇威 Wei Yong Martial Arts Association
    戰挑的權霸統傳 The Challenge for Traditional Supremacy
    What is 'traditional kung fu' ?
    Chinese fighting arts developed before the advent of the modern age in China. Not to be confused with modern, post-1949, Wushu or competitive fighting such as kick boxing .
    By Shanghai Jing Mo

  15. #30
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Playa Jobos, Puerto Rico
    That is interesting, about the top. I didn't look that close. Kind of grainy on my end.

    Keep thinking about that shot. Yes, it was from behind and as cheep and "suckery" as you could get, but it still wasn't a punch or chop, it was something else. He kind of turned him off. And positioned his head/neck to do it first, right?

    I guess I should go look at it again before talking smack but I got to $hit and go surf.

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