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Thread: Without a girl for Yin

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Whippany NJ, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Scott R. Brown View Post
    Interestingly, I never notice the ads at the bottom of people's signatures until someone points them out. Also, I never notice the links or click on the links unless someone else mentions the link in a post and I find the comment interesting. I am just oblivious to advertisements. I don't even notice ads in magazines or on webpages.

    Similarly, I never noticed the foul language or violence in movies until I had children. Once I had my first child I was stunned at how much was in movies I would never allow my young children to watch. It just never registered with me before.

    Now that I have my first daughter, aged 20 months, I am appalled at all the half naked women in media! Of course as a man I always noticed them, and enjoyed them, but now I see all of them as someone's little girl and I find it harder to enjoy looking at half naked women, LOL!! I see my own daughter being objectified and I feel embarrassed now and I definitely don't want my daughter watching anything that objectifies women or makes her think she needs to walk around half naked to get the attention of men. She is a long way away from that, but now I notice it and what I once enjoyed tends to bother me!
    True, the very same thing happened to me after I had my daughter.

    Which brings us all the way back to the original post:

    Perhaps, the "desire" sometimes is brainwashed into us from social conditioning.

  2. #17
    Join Date
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    North Canton, OH
    Quote Originally Posted by SifuPaladin View Post
    All kidding aside, however easy Jago makes it:


    It sounds like you have a distorted definition of balance and sexual energy, so I will touch on that.
    Sorry, but I couldn't get past the "touch on that" without bursting into laughter.
    No offense SifuPaladin, just my dirty mind.

    BTW, ****sexuality and pedophilia is rampant among the supposedly "celibate" priesthoods, so I'm not sure its working for them either. Just a thought.

    Last edited by mooyingmantis; 12-12-2009 at 09:20 AM. Reason: geez, the filter won't let me type **** (man love)

  3. #18
    I never really notice them either. I use the same signature on every forum I am on, and sometimes on other forums topics come up that I decide it would just be simpler to explain in my blog than to post a 10 page long forum post. For example right now, I am talking about Chakras on my blog, and then I will be talking about how Yin and Yang relate to Chi, because those were some things someone asked me to talk about on another forum. I find it easier to just leave the link in my signature rather than typing it out all the time. I also try to put something funny in my signature to spice up someone's day. I don't really notice the signatures either, except for taai gihk yahn's which I stood out to me because of the Chinese, then I read the English part and realized what it was! On the other hand, I tend to notice the ads in a magazine more than the articles, they always seem more interesting to me. (But then again I'm not a big reader so...)

    We seem to have gotten a little off topic, but I think we covered the original topic as much as possible without going into an all out flame war.
    Qi Gong Sifu - Empowered Yin Style
    Check out my blog about Chi Development:
    It is foolish to punch glass, but much more foolish to punch glass when it was not your target.

  4. #19
    Join Date
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    Frankfort, KY
    I find it most interesting that Jago has not returned to his own posting with any responses.
    That said I will give Jago my 2 cents.

    She's gone. Man up, move on.

    That's probably not advice that will lead to balancing Yin and Yang...
    Then again, maybe it will faster than you would think.
    But that's not what your question was really about. Was it?

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    im non religious. im celibate. i have been for a while now. of course celibacy is always a decision. if its not a direct decision to be this way its abstinence. celibacy isnt only the non action of sex, but also involves a decision to not enter into a romantic relationship with a woman. (or man i suppose)

    imo its this active decision that has a lot to do with being comfortable and balance while being alone. if you cant choose that life style, how will you be able to adjust properly? at a certain point of being forced into that position, some people will eventually make that decision, at which point they begin to find peace and balance through their decision.

    from my experience it just takes time and effort. just like kungfu

    as someone mentioned earlier, when you lose a serious relationship,you are essentially crazy. you cant be balanced like that. so the first step is learning how to get past that point and regain your emotional equilibriam.

    for me personally i have a root, an anchor that keeps me balance, i chose to use kungfu. many people will use their religious faith in this manner, but the key is to simply have something that you can turn to.
    For whoso comes amongst many shall one day find that no one man is by so far the mightiest of all.

  6. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Lucas View Post
    im non religious. im celibate. i have been for a while now. of course celibacy is always a decision. if its not a direct decision to be this way its abstinence. celibacy isnt only the non action of sex, but also involves a decision to not enter into a romantic relationship with a woman. (or man i suppose)

    imo its this active decision that has a lot to do with being comfortable and balance while being alone. if you cant choose that life style, how will you be able to adjust properly? at a certain point of being forced into that position, some people will eventually make that decision, at which point they begin to find peace and balance through their decision.

    from my experience it just takes time and effort. just like kungfu

    as someone mentioned earlier, when you lose a serious relationship,you are essentially crazy. you cant be balanced like that. so the first step is learning how to get past that point and regain your emotional equilibriam.

    for me personally i have a root, an anchor that keeps me balance, i chose to use kungfu. many people will use their religious faith in this manner, but the key is to simply have something that you can turn to.
    about 13 years ago or so, after I had been w/my sifu for a few years, I broke up w/my girlfriend of 2 years with whom I had been living for at least 1/2 that time; anyway, my sifu took the opportunity to "suggest" to me that I take a year off - no dating, no nothing; of course this was a totally optional choice, but I decided to give it a try; well, it was something that I am glad I did, for several reasons; first off, it made things clear that the way I related to women was to almost immediately put them into one of 2 categories: sex or no-sex; and from that point, the way in which I would relate to them was in context of this; of course, it was the ones that I put into the sex category that I would end up relating to in a relatively unbalanced way; so, having made this choice, it gave me the opportunity to on the one hand acknowledge an attraction, but then to not have the option of doing anything about it - which, truth be told, was actually a bit of a relief, and gave me a great deal more space within which to operate, to examine my reactions and responses, etc.; the other thing that was interesting was that it showed me how to manage w/out "getting it" for a period of time; which, as a result, subsequent to that, I was much better able to take it or leave it at times when a woman would use the tactic of withholding - it was like, "ok, fine, later", lol;
    anyway, the year turned out to be more like 10 months, the result of the universe basically making me an offer I couldn't refuse - in other words, to have turned down that particular opportunity would have been as bad as breaking my "vow" at an earlier point...

  7. #22
    I am a bit young to have made a PERMANENT vow of celibacy, but I will likely do so in about 8 and a half years, when I become a Catholic Priest. I have tried my hand at celibacy once or twice. The first time was during one Summer when I decided that I didn't need a girlfriend (I was always afraid of not having a girlfriend simply for the social reasons. I felt I would stand out or feel out of place at school dances, have no specific person I could always go to, and those sort of things). That attempt inevitably ended only months later a few weeks before school began when I met the PERFECT girl for me. She was nice, she had all the same interests, she was smart and funny, well rounded, not afraid of having a good time, and would have truly completed me. In other words, she was perfect. I met her at a weekend retreat which ended in me asking her out on the trip home. Her response was informing me that she had only weeks earlier made a decision to avoid dating for the next year, as dating things simply didn't work out for her recently. After that I decided that I would just let go and what happens happens. Following that I had about 2 years where I truly decided against having a relationship, and am now in that sort of awkward point where if the right girl comes along then I'll go after her, and if not that's okay too. I have never had sex, as I am a staunch believer (and somewhat of a poster child) in not having sex outside of marriage, and I am not married. I have always believed that outside of marriage it was simply destructive (my own opinion of course, I'm sure many here would disagree.)

    Also on another note, I do want to post a bit of a retraction on an earlier post that said that I believed two principles were "commonly accepted" While I am not sure if the second is, I have come to recently appreciate the fact that many people nowadays disagree with the whole sex within marriage principle, so I figured I should give a public retraction to that whole commonly accepted thing...
    Qi Gong Sifu - Empowered Yin Style
    Check out my blog about Chi Development:
    It is foolish to punch glass, but much more foolish to punch glass when it was not your target.

  8. #23
    Join Date
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    Whippany NJ, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by SifuPaladin View Post
    I am a bit young to have made a PERMANENT vow of celibacy, but I will likely do so in about 8 and a half years, when I become a Catholic Priest. I have tried my hand at celibacy once or twice. The first time was during one Summer when I decided that I didn't need a girlfriend (I was always afraid of not having a girlfriend simply for the social reasons. I felt I would stand out or feel out of place at school dances, have no specific person I could always go to, and those sort of things). That attempt inevitably ended only months later a few weeks before school began when I met the PERFECT girl for me. She was nice, she had all the same interests, she was smart and funny, well rounded, not afraid of having a good time, and would have truly completed me. In other words, she was perfect. I met her at a weekend retreat which ended in me asking her out on the trip home. Her response was informing me that she had only weeks earlier made a decision to avoid dating for the next year, as dating things simply didn't work out for her recently. After that I decided that I would just let go and what happens happens. Following that I had about 2 years where I truly decided against having a relationship, and am now in that sort of awkward point where if the right girl comes along then I'll go after her, and if not that's okay too. I have never had sex, as I am a staunch believer (and somewhat of a poster child) in not having sex outside of marriage, and I am not married. I have always believed that outside of marriage it was simply destructive (my own opinion of course, I'm sure many here would disagree.)

    Also on another note, I do want to post a bit of a retraction on an earlier post that said that I believed two principles were "commonly accepted" While I am not sure if the second is, I have come to recently appreciate the fact that many people nowadays disagree with the whole sex within marriage principle, so I figured I should give a public retraction to that whole commonly accepted thing...

    Umm, so you are saying that you are going to get married, have sex for the first time, and then get divorced before you finally become a Priest ("in 8 years" as you said)?

    If so, I suggest you either don't get married or don't become a priest.

  9. #24
    Ding Dong....Ding Dong......Ding Dong!!!!

  10. #25
    Join Date
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    whats going on here
    im scare

    Honorary African American
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  11. #26
    What? NO! That's not what I was saying at all. I was saying that since I am not married I have not had sex, and I wouldn't have sex until I got married. I will probably end up not getting married and becoming a priest INSTEAD. At this point I am kind of leaving both doors open, so who knows what tomorrow will hold, but if I were to get married I definitely wouldn't become a priest.
    Qi Gong Sifu - Empowered Yin Style
    Check out my blog about Chi Development:
    It is foolish to punch glass, but much more foolish to punch glass when it was not your target.

  12. #27
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    You can become a Deacon, the Catholic church has that, you can be married then.
    A Deacon is very much like a priest.

    In the Benedictine order of the Catholic Church, the Deacon can even bless the host and do almost everything the Priest can do, except for the main sacraments (baptism, first communion, confirmation, marriage, and extreme unction).

  13. #28
    In general the deaconate is something you are called to later in life, and not really something you plan on before getting married, it is a process that the deacon and his wife go through together. As for what Catholic Deacons can and cannot do, Sacramentally speaking, a deacon can baptize, witness a marriage, and has a specific role in the Mass, but they cannot consecrate the Body of Christ. That is a power that only the priests and bishops had.

    I am not really trying to decide what I want to do as much discern what God wants me to do. If I am called to the priesthood, great, if not also great, so long as it is God's Will.
    Qi Gong Sifu - Empowered Yin Style
    Check out my blog about Chi Development:
    It is foolish to punch glass, but much more foolish to punch glass when it was not your target.

  14. #29
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    "how to control animals with chi"

    is there any way to control sexy womans with chi?

    Honorary African American
    grandmaster instructor of Wombat Combat The Lost Art of Anal Destruction™®LLC .
    Senior Business Director at TEAM ASSHAMMER consulting services ™®LLC

  15. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by bawang View Post
    is there any way to control sexy womans with chi?
    as long as your "qi" is 12" long and pulls up in a red Ferrari, you should have no problem...

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