I don't drink alcohol but I would still have a soft drink with some of the guys here.

In not any particular order of preference:

Gene Ching - Because I believe that one could discuss a whole range of subjects with him and he has the sense of humor to make any discussion interesting.

Earthdragon - Because he seems to be knowledgable about his particular style of kung fu and has a no nonsense approach to his training. Furthermore, he is intelligent and sees most of the internest "kung fu-ists" for what they really are.
One can learn a lot from people like him.

TenTigers - Because he is also a traditionalist and comes across as an intelligent, respectful and sensible person. My kung fu knowledge will benefit from interacting with him and so, hopefully, will his.

Lucas - Because, he comes across as an all round sensible person.

Uki - Because, people like him always see what most people miss.

IronWeasel - Just to prove to him that I am not Uki.

Chusauli (Robert Chu) - Because I believe him to be a genuine Wing Chun sifu, with a lot to teach a beginner such as myself.

Goju - Because, he is cool, wise and a great sense of humor.

Taai Gihk Yahn - Because, he is an eloquent and complex person who has some solid TCMA experience. A TCMA discussion with him would be very interesting. Also, I hear that he makes great potato soup.

Hendrik - Because his approach to Wing Chun goes pretty deep and it makes sense to me because of some the stuff my own Wing Chun sifu teaches.

There are a couple of more people who would be good or interesting company, but I will mention them in another occasion perhaps.