Not specified as a qigong master but I suspect that played into his schtick.

Wait...that's not a pun.

Guangdong cult leader convinced apprentices to sleep with him by claiming he had healthy sperm

A 47-year-old Guangdong cult leader, and creepiest human ever, has been arrested for convincing female apprentices to sleep with him by claiming that his sperm improved women's health, according to Tencent News. We guess it's not the worst selling point when considering that a lot of sperm in China is apparently "ugly due to smog."

The leader, named Wu Mouheng, also claimed that sleeping with him would help women reach the highest state of Buddhism. Prior to this conviction, he was targeted by the cops for rendering people jobless and breaking up families.

Guangdong police apprehended 80 people involved in the cult and seized promotional materials as well as properties on July 30. They charged cult members with destroying public order, fraud, and even rape. 21 of them are currently in police custody.

This isn't Wu's first run-in with the law. He was charged as a sex criminal in 1991 and a trade criminal in 2000. Nonetheless, he calls himself a 'descendant of Buddha.' His ancestor would be "proud."

He also claims that he's a talented seer that predicted the Sichuan and Japan earthquakes. Too bad he couldn't foresee his own conviction.

[Image via Tencent News]

By Christy Lau