Three-man full-contact elimination to two-man MMA
San Do
fight clip SAN DO .mov
Three-man full-contact elimination to two-man MMA
San Do
fight clip SAN DO .mov
Gene Ching
Author of Shaolin Trips
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INCREDIBLY stupid and dangerous! New lows for the martial arts to sink to!
"Gravity doesn't lie, and the ground never misses."
Jake Burroughs
Three Harmonies Chinese Martial Arts Center
Seattle, WA.
-Jack Dempsey ch1 pg1 Championship FightingWhat would happen if a year-old baby fell from a fourth-floor window onto the head of a burly truck driver, standing on the sidewalk?
It's practically certain that the truckman would be knocked unconscious. He might die of brain concussion or a broken neck.
Even an innocent little baby can become a dangerous missile WHEN ITS BODY-WEIGHT IS SET INTO FAST MOTION.
Much how the general public judges all martial arts now by their effectivess in the UFC (in one on one combat), now the San Do will be the judge for what styles are the most effective in multiple opponent combat. Say bye bye to BJJ popularity!
It'll be like a reality show where people will make alliances just to get rid of one guy, then they'll turn on each other!!!
On a serious note has potential to be something worthwhile if the founders can figure out a way to safely market it to the state athletic commissioners. Are they going to use weight classes still? What is the limitation on gear? Will it even attract good fighters??
"I don't know if anyone is known with the art of "sitting on your couch" here, but in my eyes it is also to be a martial art.
It is the art of avoiding dangerous situations. It helps you to avoid a dangerous situation by not actually being there. So lets say there is a dangerous situation going on somewhere other than your couch. You are safely seated on your couch so you have in a nutshell "difused" the situation."
BJJ would rule in this, take someone down choke them out whilst using them as a shield and then beat the cr^p out of the last guy
now being serious my 2 cents it won't even get off the ground:
1) it won't get sanctioned in many places, too much like an elimination event which alot of commissions are wary of.
2) no decent fighters will touch it with a 10 foot pole for obvious reasons (fighters arranging to gang up on someone, getting blindsided when actually beating someone etc)
3) the ring is rubbish its been tried before,if you get hit hard with a takedown you will probably come off the platform land in the crowd and get hurt
I think i'd rather see a two on two style match.
No, i don't have a video, my apologies.
But i am interested in peoples opinions in what would happen?
Many of you attend MMA classes, would anyone be up for trying it and seeing if/how it plays out?
What i mean is 5 mma guys on a team against 5 other mma guys on a team. I think this would be really interesting to see how it plays out as group strategy would become more important than individual skill.
This means that if two guys are on the floor and you are free you are allowed to kick the opponent in the head while he is on the floor. In order to do this safely i would suggest a light tap with the foot and a five taps to the head by a standing opponent and your out rule.... seems about right?
Not trying to start another Kungfu vs mma argument here, I just think it would be an interesting learning experience. I don't know any statistics but I believe a good portion of real fights (certainly in my experience) involve group combat.
If not would anyone be interested in at least trying a 2 on 2 full contact? What are peoples opinions on how it would play out and how the fighting strategy would change?
So like, what happened? Did you go to the ground as much? Did you all choose one opponent each or did you try to all go for one guy at a time? I mean like, how did it play out?
Ive done lots of group sparring but I have never tried a full contact group match.... i imagine it would be quite an experience.
Cool, Yes I assumed footwork would become more important....
I think it would be really interesting to see what kind of Martial art would evolve if team fights became a popular thing.....
Remember San Do?
Gene Ching
Author of Shaolin Trips
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