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Thread: Ng chan wing chun

  1. #91

    you have to know that ng chan is perfoming somethimg not too much seriously (like for the videos of yip man)
    i have been practising with him ,and that was quite different,


  2. #92
    link to a website of ki ping pun

  3. #93



  4. #94
    the post is from ki ping pun ,im his student

  5. #95
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Los Angeles, CA
    Quote Originally Posted by Vajramusti View Post
    Not really- but then we all have our own perceptions.

    joy chaudhuri

    Not much similar to HKM, HKM uses his body...

  6. #96
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vajramusti View Post
    Not really- but then we all have our own perceptions.

    joy chaudhuri
    I was referring to how they both keep their arms compact, but you're right the power generation is definately different.

  7. #97
    [言永]春拳为一门非常独特的人体徙手和冷兵器搏斗技术,一直以来,并没有真正公开传授,这基于历史原因和祖训誓言 。吾师伍灿。 生前已有意公开,维受限于誓言,只能授于传人。我不是传人,只是受恩于师,居于馆里,观恩师练习,侧面学到 拳技。今天能公开的尽量公开而不受祖训誓言所限,见证吾师生前心意。并希望各师兄弟体量师父之难处,不是不 教,而是誓言所限。当然,咏春拳的正统精神,技术和起源,应以传人为准,望我各学员日后无须争 议。 小谂头;寻桥,标指,为咏春拳法度,手法,马步身形的基础,从简单到整体有系统地完善。正确与否,应从三套 拳为衡量标准,动作状态以几何原理为主,肌肉收缩受控原理为力量的来源,不存在神秘性,也没有气功之言,呼 吸处在自然中。 小谂头 ,尊定了咏春拳的所有基本手法,法度,达成大脑控制肌肉收缩,身形,马,眼精注视,平衡等等之 练习。 寻桥 ,把搏击中的马走位,几何角度转换,手脚法配合使用基础,特别是对手在数倍于已时的几何角度交错使用的系统 综合练习。 标指, 把前段练习功能集中并全方位使用,利用精确力量,角度,身形,步法攻击对手,实现快速解决对手的目的。记住 梁壁所讲,与人搏击,出手不过三,即每次打斗不须多过三招,解决对手,这是咏春拳基本要求。 木人椿,综合了手法,马步,走位,脚法,目视,身体各部的统一与单独,力量的不同方向使用和加强各动作运动 限制内的实践性练习,使用,利用自己的力量反弹而把木人椿变活来练习,打击力量越大,反弹越大原理而实现力 量增长和有效控制为目的。 梅花步脚法,基础性的 绑脚,侄脚,摊脚,内外拍脚,拦脚,正脚,横脚,切脚,膝击,各种散式连环脚法,生死八脚,死里求生八脚, 连环八脚。必须首先把脚练松才能实现,学过的同学,应知其威力。 梅花桩,基本练习,以七枝为基础,马步基础非常重要,配合梅花步脚法练习。 六点半棍,各同学可同时练习,以圈,点,挑,为基础,一动作一动作练习。 八斩刀,可先练,单双手圈刀,标刀,斩刀作基础。 打胍,穴位。较特殊,不公开。 自梁赞起-----梁壁----叶问------ 郭富-----?-?,? 伍灿------梁厚------梁。。。。。。。以上为各代传人。 自梁赞后,常见的咏春拳为陈华顺咏春拳,叶问公开的也是这部分,不公开是梁壁部分。 咏春拳作为中国文化一部分,在全世界独一无二的中国武术中的一份子,希望各同学珍惜学习,而不 致于她失传。

  8. #98

    Special for muteki

    Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  9. #99
    Quote Originally Posted by MOSHE View Post
    link to a website of ki ping pun

    I found this in the web


    are you serious on these saying stuffs?

  10. #100
    Quote Originally Posted by Muteki View Post
    My dad always mentions that when you Chi Sao with Ng Chan, the movements are very smooth, soft, and controlling, and can easily and unexpectedly upset your balance.

    On the contrary, some Wing Chun Sifu's like Chu Shong Tin (my dad learned from him briefly before going to Ng Chan) are still fairly rigid even though they also promote softness while others are just simply hit happy.

    My dad still says that to this day, not many Wing Chun practitioners, including himself, have that same soft controlling movement like Ng Chan. Perhaps it's one of those skills that was passed to Ng Chan from Yip Man when they lived together.


    It is because of skill or is it because Ng Chan has a different type of training platform or structure compare with others?

  11. #101
    Ng chan had everything different comparing to others.

    When yip man was doing shi sao with others ,he was just playing.

    But by the time he was living with ng chan ,he gave to him a very different structure of movements ,and a very close watching to what he was perfoming in order to catch the very original wing chun.

    Plus ,ki ping pun explained to me that shi sao is to be used only at the first stage of the learning of wing chun .
    The beginner will be used to certains movements and motions
    after that ,very rare. Only once a week at best

    but yip man kept others students busy with this , and let them free to practise shi sao for most of their training time


  12. #102
    Quote Originally Posted by MOSHE View Post
    Ng chan had everything different comparing to others.

    When yip man was doing shi sao with others ,he was just playing.

    But by the time he was living with ng chan ,he gave to him a very different structure of movements ,and a very close watching to what he was perfoming in order to catch the very original wing chun.

    Plus ,ki ping pun explained to me that shi sao is to be used only at the first stage of the learning of wing chun .
    The beginner will be used to certains movements and motions
    after that ,very rare. Only once a week at best

    but yip man kept others students busy with this , and let them free to practise shi sao for most of their training time

    You are very ignorant my friend and if that's what ki ping pun told you then he is a liar.

  13. #103
    I forgot that you were there !!!

  14. #104
    Quote Originally Posted by MOSHE View Post
    I forgot that you were there !!!
    No, you are ignorant because you have a closed mind regardless of language barrier. Please tell me what you do outside of Chi Sao to develop your skill other than sparring? Remember though anytime you touch hands it's Chi Sao in some form. So please enlighten all of us?

  15. #105
    first read a translation of the post above in chinese
    after i will add on it

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