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Thread: Big news in Hongkong

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    Big news in Hongkong

    Famous Kung Fu Grandmaster Leung Ting Savagely Beats up Secret Lover for Not Agreeing to Abortion.
    The following is at present very big news in Hong Kong. It is in Chinese but there is a shortened translation at the end in English. The news is from HK newspaper Apple Daily.


    【本報訊】「習武係用嚟強身健體,我從來唔會打人嘅!」一代宗師葉問入室弟子、武打巨星李小龍師弟、有「詠 春大師」稱譽的梁挺,被指早前在油麻地寓所毆打懷孕女友被捕,事後獲准保釋候查。梁挺承認女友向他表示懷了 其骨肉,索取五萬元作墮胎費,其間雙方發生爭執,女友揚言跳樓及大叫,梁聲稱將她拉回時女友跌倒受傷,之後 她又激動撼頭加重傷勢,梁強調自己無辜。女事主則表示事件交由法律處理,拒絕評論。
    現年 62歲的梁挺涉打人事件發生在 3月 30日。消息稱,當晚一名懷有三個月身孕的姓聶女子(約 40歲),在油麻地梁挺家中被人毆打受傷,翌日梁挺離港到西安出席詠春武術推廣活動。當日聶女到東區醫院求 醫,據稱驗出頭骨及腦部受傷,額骨變形,耳鼻溢血,腳部腫痛等。之後,聶女到筲箕灣警署報案,由於案發在油 麻地,事後轉交油麻地警署跟進。至上月 26日,警方邀請梁挺到警署問話,其後准他以 1,000元保釋,本月底返署報到。

    「國際詠春拳術總會」創辦人梁挺接受本報查詢時,對惹官非一事直認不諱。他指與姓聶女友在四年前認識,聶女 是失婚女子,兩人曾分手,至半年前復合。
    梁挺稱, 3月 30日當晚 8時許,他和女友晚飯後返回油麻地住所,聶女表示懷有他骨肉三個月,希望梁給她五萬元到新加坡墮胎。梁稱不 相信其腹中塊肉是他經手,但仍願替她解決問題,不過費用太高,於是寫了一張三萬元支票給她。
    梁稱,聶女拿了支票後指錢不夠,兩人又起爭執,聶女突然衝近窗門揚言跳樓,並大叫:「梁挺搞大人個肚……」 梁謂他立即用雙手捉住聶女肩膊用力拉回,豈料她即跌倒地上,頭部受傷流血。梁聲稱當時聶女再將自己頭部狂撼 地上,並衝出走廊大叫:「梁挺打人,想踢死我肚裏面個 BB呀!」
    梁承認見聶女情緒激動,於是將她拉回屋內,為免她再撼頭於是坐在其身上,用手掩嘴免她大叫。梁說,當他放開 聶時,她又用頭撼地,由於見她情緒失控,遂扯住其頭髮拖入浴室,開花灑向她噴水讓她冷靜下來。
    此際聶女又發狂頭撼浴缸邊,於是梁警告:「如果你再發癲,我就綁住你困你七日,等我去西安返嚟至放你。」這 時她才靜下來,梁謂其後聶抱住他雙腳哀求:「唔好拋棄我,唔好唔要我呀!」梁挺稱他心軟,便到附近自動櫃員 機提款兩萬元給她,當晚聶在梁家中度宿,梁翌日便離港到西安公幹。梁挺強調沒有毆打女友,「如果我真係打佢 ,一拳就打爆佢個頭,死得啦!」
    梁挺否認聶女腹中塊肉是他經手,又謂曾叫聶女往驗 DNA做親子鑑定,但聶女不停用手機短訊滋擾他,令他不勝其煩。
    聶女回應事件時稱,梁挺離港當日( 3月 31日),她因為受傷到東區醫院求診,原本也不想損害梁挺名譽,但醫務人員見她傷勢不輕勸喻報警。她說:「 我只係希望法庭畀番個公道我!」至於有關懷孕和墮胎問題,她都不願作答。

    ‘Practicing Kung Fu is for Health and Fitness. It is not for violence’ – Says GM Leung Ting, Kung Fu brother to Bruce Lee, in-door student to Yip Man.

    Leung is accused of violently assaulting is pregnant secret lover. He was arrested and was bailed out for $1,000.00.

    On 30th March this year, Miss Lip secret lover of Leung told him that she was pregnant. They proceeded to have a heated argument in which Leung wanted Lip to abort the baby for $30,000. Lip disagreed and demanded $50,000. It was at this point that Leung violently assaulted Lip causing fractures to the skull, brain damage, internal bleeding of the ear and heavy bruising of the legs.

    Leung says that he did have this affair and that there was an argument at the time but says that he never used any sort of violence towards her. He explains that under the stress of the argument she threatened to kill herself by jumping off the balcony and that all her injuries were as a result of falling inside the house.

    Lip says that she did not want to report this to the police since this would ruin Leung’s reputation but doctors could see that the injuries were not self-inflicted and that they should all allow the law to settle it.

    Leung is presently under investigation.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Tampa, FL
    If its true, the bigger they are the harder they can fall.
    Mouth Boxers have not the testicular nor the spinal fortitude to be known.
    Hence they hide rather than be known as adults.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Huntington, NY, USA website:
    (note to self) Don't sleep with any WC chicks...
    "My Gung-Fu may not be Your Gung-Fu.
    Gwok-Si, Gwok-Faht"

    "I will not be part of the generation
    that killed Kung-Fu."


  4. #4
    respect life no matter how small or how early in life they are.

    the kid is always innocent.

    there is a DNA testing to know fatherhood, is it not?

    beating up a pregnant woman

    not good.

    or shame shame shame.

    money is not an issue, there is adoption agency or social service etc.


    think harder as one would fight harder

    or the other way around.


    sad for every one involved.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    The whole initial post is not my wording,just copy paste job.
    If its true,half-true or not true we will know soon..

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Western MASS
    cant trust a woman demanding money for an abortion she probably did it herself
    Quote Originally Posted by Psycho Mantis View Post
    Genes too busy rocking the gang and scarfing down bags of cheetos while beating it to nacho ninjettes and laughing at the ridiculous posts on the kfforum. In a horse stance of course.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Quote Originally Posted by Andy Miles View Post

    Also consider that with his skill level he could inflict pain without damaging her. If he knows anything about dian xue he could have given her tea and a foot massage and she would have miscarried.

    What are you talking about?.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    famous people are often subjected to the whims of whackos until after a court date and by that time their reputation is destroyed.

    not defending the guy, just saying he's an easy target.
    Kung Fu is good for you.

  9. #9

    Thanks for the news. This will definately send shockwaves throught the World of Wing Chun.........

    If it is true then Leung Ting will reap what he has sewn.........

    BTW: Your saying from Mark ho is so true!!!! Mark's Kung Fu is tops, I trained with him a bit in UK......... So full respects to you and Sifu Mark.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by diego View Post
    What are you talking about?.
    There are certain pressure points on the foot than can cause complications to a pregnancy, even a miscarriage, OBGYN's tend to warn against foot massages for pregnant women.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Quote Originally Posted by sanjuro_ronin View Post
    There are certain pressure points on the foot than can cause complications to a pregnancy, even a miscarriage, OBGYN's tend to warn against foot massages for pregnant women.
    although it's more likely it would happen due to the poison in a tea.

    There are myriad teas in tcm and as there is good for you, there is also bad for you.

    preparations to induce miscarriage have been around for centuries in many different cultures. Often served in the form of a hot draft, deconcoction, reduction or tea derived from any of those.
    Kung Fu is good for you.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by David Jamieson View Post
    although it's more likely it would happen due to the poison in a tea.

    There are myriad teas in tcm and as there is good for you, there is also bad for you.

    preparations to induce miscarriage have been around for centuries in many different cultures. Often served in the form of a hot draft, deconcoction, reduction or tea derived from any of those.
    That is a given, I assumed Diego's question was about the "dian Xue" remark Andy made.
    Yeah, "abortion teas" have been around for centuries and pretty much every old hag knows a few, I am sure that LT could have slipped her a micky.
    Sad situation nevertheless, never go chi blasting in your own backyard, will people never learn ??

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Andy Miles View Post
    In his defense. She was bidding for cash to kill her baby.

    which is why i have NO sympathy for her
    he's not a good person either but if the only reason your having a baby is because someone didnt pay you enough to kill it
    i have no sympathy for you, i hope she dies horribly.
    there are only masters where there are slaves

    Quote Originally Posted by Shaolin Wookie View Post
    5. The reason you know you're wrong: I'm John Takeshi, and I said so, beeyotch.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by golden arhat View Post
    which is why i have NO sympathy for her
    he's not a good person either but if the only reason your having a baby is because someone didnt pay you enough to kill it
    i have no sympathy for you, i hope she dies horribly.
    Dude, seriously...get a grip.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Andy Miles View Post

    Also consider that with his skill level he could inflict pain without damaging her. If he knows anything about dian xue he could have given her tea and a foot massage and she would have miscarried.

    serving someone tea and giving them a foot massage isnt as satisfying as beating the crap out of somone, regardless of right or wrong if you as aperson feel you've been wronged i doubt being sneaky about it owuld make you feel vindicated, revenge after all is a dish best served cold.
    there are only masters where there are slaves

    Quote Originally Posted by Shaolin Wookie View Post
    5. The reason you know you're wrong: I'm John Takeshi, and I said so, beeyotch.

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