i think this is a good topic. Who actually trains with elite fighters. I live in a city in australia where the closest mma school is about two hours away. I have three kids and work full time. I train with the best guys available to me. I train with my vt school, my friend that does shoot fighting. I have spared against 4th dan tkd, bjj purple belts, kkk, judo bb, kickboxer (broke my arm when i tried to do the kwan and kick from dummy too many times). Boxers etc. In other words anyone i could that was good. I work as security and have had fights on and off the job. Does this mean my vt doesn't work as they are not ufc fighters. I was taught that you want to train with guys slightly better for defence and slightly better for attack. Too much better them you either just defend or attack without control or any defence. Just some thoughts..