"These super sifus that you touched hands with have accomplished what exactly? THE DEADLY challenge fights(undocumented and unverifiable of course) that occurred in China? I bet. It is easy for you to discount my views as from my own experience or out of my arse because you simply do not agree with them and they hurt your current world view."

well, it's nice that you are so convinced of the answer already formulated in your head. You've already decided that these teachers only claim to fame is some challenge match, and that I have this "world view" which is in alignment with your "world view." There is probably nothing I can say to someone such as yourself. You are totally convinced, and believe you are correct. Anything anyone says to the contrary is met with you putting your fingers in your ears and saying, "La-La I can't hear you!" I as well as others on this forum have given you so many answers, but your cup is so full, you refuse to accept them, or give them any thought. Sorry, I am at a loss.

"I looked up some SOUTHERN praying mantis(your only valid correction) and it looks interesting but it seems that it only prepares a person for fighting people that are sticking to and twirling arms in a similar way."

well, considering that your only source of information is watching youtube, it is small wonder.

"Kickboxing teaches people how to kickbox in ring setting but I would argue that training in kickboxing lends itself to sparring with other styles better than spm. Before you go on saying that, since I have never trained in the style I have no reference for what I am talking about, ask yourself if you have recently tested your spm skills against an actual resisting opponent. Yourself would probably conjure up past friendly sparring akin to patty cake or arm twirling and you might convince yourself that that was THE DEADLY full contact. "

again, you have answered for me based on your own ideas. WTF?
At this point, I believe all that can be said to you has been said. It is pointless to argue with someone who lacks the maturity to have a conversation, an exchange of ideas and maintain an open mind. Good luck to you.