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Thread: Spaztaztic Southern Mantis (Maybe)?

  1. #61
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    duh, to hide the secrets.
    For whoso comes amongst many shall one day find that no one man is by so far the mightiest of all.

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Kansas City, KS
    Quote Originally Posted by Lucas View Post
    duh, to hide the secrets.
    Correct. And remember why he says one has secrets.

    The irony.

  3. #63
    Quote Originally Posted by KC Elbows View Post
    Why was it you change names every week, Water-quan?

    What are you now, 40? And the best you got is straw man arguments?

    Care to show the courage of your convictions and share the name of your regular handle, oh great heroic savior of all mankind?

    I think we are having a misunderstanding here. I am not water-quan. My name is mysterioupower. Can you read?

    I am not sure why you have chosen me to go on sone sort of witch hunt but suit yourself. I would prefer to have women obssessed over me but I will ettle for kcelbows.

    By your argument every new person that posts and has less than 1000 posts is a double account. That is not sane. Newbs
    probably sign up here all the time.

    Is it illegal to have a double account? go f!uck yourself. Welcome to another fun day in internetland.

  4. #64
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Pound Town
    ur gay lol

  5. #65
    Here is my experience in this matter. I had been baited by carrots of secrets which kept me interested. They were referred to as deadly and not for the public.

    When I finally saw these deadly secrets I realized they all fell into certain categories:
    1. They were minor variations of techniques I had seen for years.
    2. They were variations of the same forms I had learned for years but this version could not leave the room.
    3. They were little tricks that my teacher had idolized in his youth. His teachers told him this move was special and he kept it to hinself for years.
    I am still with this teacher because he has given me a powerful base and because I respect him. But he will die with his "secrets" because I have lost interest in them.

    This is my experience of another teacher:
    When I looked at the list of what people learned in the higher levels do you know what I found? They were forms and forms and MORE forms! My higher level of training was not to teach me skills or fighting but to help increase my memory and concentration so that I could tell the
    cops exactly what happened after getting my a$$ kicked from years of doing forms. Real physical contact is not introduced UNTIL 5 or 6 years after starting. No sparring or push hands or chi sao...till 6 years of basics. I left this teacher.

  6. #66
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Kansas City, KS
    Quote Originally Posted by MysteriousPower View Post

    I think we are having a misunderstanding here. I am not water-quan. My name is mysterioupower. Can you read?

    I am not sure why you have chosen me to go on sone sort of witch hunt but suit yourself. I would prefer to have women obssessed over me but I will ettle for kcelbows.

    By your argument every new person that posts and has less than 1000 posts is a double account. That is not sane. Newbs
    probably sign up here all the time.

    Is it illegal to have a double account? go f!uck yourself. Welcome to another fun day in internetland.
    I believe it is against forum rules to have dummy accounts.

    More importantly, it's against the rules of the interweb to play a really old troll and pretend you're clever.

    Sorry your teacher made you cry little boy tears.
    Last edited by KC Elbows; 06-15-2010 at 02:44 PM.

  7. #67
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Kansas City, KS
    Quote Originally Posted by MysteriousPower View Post
    Here is my experience in this matter. I had been baited by carrots of secrets which kept me interested. They were referred to as deadly and not for the public.

    When I finally saw these deadly secrets I realized they all fell into certain categories:
    1. They were minor variations of techniques I had seen for years.
    2. They were variations of the same forms I had learned for years but this version could not leave the room.
    3. They were little tricks that my teacher had idolized in his youth. His teachers told him this move was special and he kept it to hinself for years.
    I am still with this teacher because he has given me a powerful base and because I respect him. But he will die with his "secrets" because I have lost interest in them.

    This is my experience of another teacher:
    When I looked at the list of what people learned in the higher levels do you know what I found? They were forms and forms and MORE forms! My higher level of training was not to teach me skills or fighting but to help increase my memory and concentration so that I could tell the
    cops exactly what happened after getting my a$$ kicked from years of doing forms. Real physical contact is not introduced UNTIL 5 or 6 years after starting. No sparring or push hands or chi sao...till 6 years of basics. I left this teacher.
    I'm sorry, I wasn't reading that, could you post it again so we could not care further?

  8. #68
    Quote Originally Posted by KC Elbows View Post
    I believe it is against forum rules to have dummy accounts.

    More importantly, it's against the rules of the interweb to play a really old troll and pretend you're clever.

    Sorry your teacher made you cry little boy tears.

    Hey smart guy,

    I will tell you this once so you can sleep at night. I am me and this is my only account.

    Here is a smart question for a smart guy. Since anyone can have multiple email accounts...and that is all you need to have an account can you ever k ow who has a double account? Because you feel like I post like some other dude? Smart guy

  9. #69
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Bondi, Sydney Australia
    I liked the Mantis guy. What he is demonstrating is a narrow skill. Its not an overall representation of anything to my mind, just the demonstration of a kind of power, skill, technique, whatever.

    Again, back to secrets. What he demonstrates is very hard to understand. Some people admire it, some say its 'funny'. Its the result of years of training and commitment, not a weekend seminar, if you catch my drift. Its like casting pearls before swine from his point of view I would imagine. So, it becomes secret...?
    Guangzhou Pak Mei Kung Fu School, Sydney Australia,
    Sifu Leung, Yuk Seng
    Established 1989, Glebe Australia

  10. #70
    shaking or vibrating energy

    it exists and is stressed in many styles to a different degree.

    in tai chi, you may shake wrists/hands, arms, shoulders, the whole body etc

    it would impart disruptive energy to the opponent when contact

    it could also be part of strikes--


  11. #71
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Huntington, NY, USA website:
    Quote Originally Posted by MysteriousPower View Post
    Here is my experience in this matter. I had been baited by carrots of secrets which kept me interested. They were referred to as deadly and not for the public.

    When I finally saw these deadly secrets I realized they all fell into certain categories:
    1. They were minor variations of techniques I had seen for years.
    2. They were variations of the same forms I had learned for years but this version could not leave the room.
    3. They were little tricks that my teacher had idolized in his youth. His teachers told him this move was special and he kept it to hinself for years.
    I am still with this teacher because he has given me a powerful base and because I respect him. But he will die with his "secrets" because I have lost interest in them.

    This is my experience of another teacher:
    When I looked at the list of what people learned in the higher levels do you know what I found? They were forms and forms and MORE forms! My higher level of training was not to teach me skills or fighting but to help increase my memory and concentration so that I could tell the
    cops exactly what happened after getting my a$$ kicked from years of doing forms. Real physical contact is not introduced UNTIL 5 or 6 years after starting. No sparring or push hands or chi sao...till 6 years of basics. I left this teacher.
    yeah. I get that.
    But, simply because you had this experience with these teachers, does not mean that everyone else falls into this catagory.
    (Although, I agree with you that this is far too prevalent, especially in CMA. Probably due to the lack of qualified teachers. Many of these unqualified teachers most definatly dangle carrots for the reasons you give.)
    Sometimes, "secrets" are simply skills that are held back until a strong grounding in the foundational skills are developed.
    As much as we would like to, we cannot run until we can crawl, then walk, etc.
    As my foundational skills developed, more "higher level" technique was "revealed" to me.
    Having experienced it, I can say with conviction, that my teacher is right in his methods.
    After feeling his hand, I can say that there are skills that I cannot yet perform. Some I can barely fathom. But having felt them, I know that it is something that am willing to patiently work towards.
    No mystery here. It is simply the development of skill.
    If it were TKD, would you get upset if a white belt was not taught jumping spinning kicks, if his basic kicks were not well developed? Of course not.
    This is a silly conversation, and you are behaving like a spoiled child.
    Last edited by TenTigers; 06-15-2010 at 10:25 PM.
    "My Gung-Fu may not be Your Gung-Fu.
    Gwok-Si, Gwok-Faht"

    "I will not be part of the generation
    that killed Kung-Fu."


  12. #72
    Quote Originally Posted by TenTigers View Post
    yeah. I get that.
    But, simply because you had this experience with these teachers, does not mean that everyone else falls into this catagory.
    (Although, I agree with you that this is far too prevalent, especially in CMA. Probably due to the lack of qualified teachers. Many of these unqualified teachers most definatly dangle carrots for the reasons you give.)
    Sometimes, "secrets" are simply skills that are held back until a strong grounding in the foundational skills are developed.
    As much as we would like to, we cannot run until we can crawl, then walk, etc.
    As my foundational skills developed, more "higher level" technique was "revealed" to me.
    Having experienced it, I can say with conviction, that my teacher is right in his methods.
    After feeling his hand, I can say that there are skills that I cannot yet perform. Some I can barely fathom. But having felt them, I know that it is something that am willing to patiently work towards.
    No mystery here. It is simply the development of skill.
    If it were TKD, would you get upset if a white belt was not taught jumping spinning kicks, if his basic kicks were not well developed? Of course not.
    This is a silly conversation, and you are behaving like a spoiled child.

    I liked your post right up until you became condescending at the end. Your tjd analogy is completely off. A spinning jump kick is tangible but a promise of being able to learn how to vibrate your body(and actually use this in combat) is completely different. I have noticed that you still have not given an example of one of these supposed secrets. You are obviously nervous that no one will take you seriously once you reveal what your teacher held back from you.

    When you say you have felt your teachers hand does that mean you actually fought/sparred with him or were you playing patty cake chi sao/drills. I could demonstrate almost any skill in that environment because my partner is not resisting me. I am not the one living in secret power fantasy land. Bjj teachers have no problem rolling with their students. It is only in cma that teachers "demonstrate" skills I stead of actually pulling them off and having to teach.

  13. #73
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Lets be honest with ourselves for a moment.
    Yes, that video of Master Cama sucks, we can't argue that.
    It sucks because it looks crappy, flicky and rather gay and if it was anyone else doing that we would be all over him.
    But the difference is that Master Cama is a highly respected teacher and because of that, we let people like that get away with posting crap because, well, we assume that there is a reason for that.
    If Anderson Silva posted a video doing a form that looked silly, it still wouldn't take away from what WE KNOW to be his skill, but to an outsider he would look like a fool.
    It's ok for us to admit that we are bias.
    It doesn't change that the form looked as strong, fast and powerful as someone trying to whip a sticky booger off their finger.
    Psalms 144:1
    Praise be my Lord my Rock,
    He trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle !

  14. #74
    Quote Originally Posted by sanjuro_ronin View Post
    Lets be honest with ourselves for a moment.
    Yes, that video of Master Cama sucks, we can't argue that.
    It sucks because it looks crappy, flicky and rather gay and if it was anyone else doing that we would be all over him.
    But the difference is that Master Cama is a highly respected teacher and because of that, we let people like that get away with posting crap because, well, we assume that there is a reason for that.
    If Anderson Silva posted a video doing a form that looked silly, it still wouldn't take away from what WE KNOW to be his skill, but to an outsider he would look like a fool.
    It's ok for us to admit that we are bias.
    It doesn't change that the form looked as strong, fast and powerful as someone trying to whip a sticky booger off their finger.
    Having won the Internetz, where will u find the space in ur house to store it?

  15. #75
    Quote Originally Posted by sanjuro_ronin View Post
    Lets be honest with ourselves for a moment.
    Yes, that video of Master Cama sucks, we can't argue that.
    It sucks because it looks crappy, flicky and rather gay and if it was anyone else doing that we would be all over him.
    But the difference is that Master Cama is a highly respected teacher and because of that, we let people like that get away with posting crap because, well, we assume that there is a reason for that.
    If Anderson Silva posted a video doing a form that looked silly, it still wouldn't take away from what WE KNOW to be his skill, but to an outsider he would look like a fool.
    It's ok for us to admit that we are bias.
    It doesn't change that the form looked as strong, fast and powerful as someone trying to whip a sticky booger off their finger.
    Nice post, Sanjuro. Let us all take a deep breathe and take a step back. Sometimes online posts seem more vicious than intended. My criticisms are not toward James Cama because frankly I do not know him or even of him, do not care about him, and do not care about praying mantis Kung Fu.

    I noticed that the styles that have the secrets do not have a lot of material to teach to begin with. Material has to be held back or else students will get bored and leave after doing line drills for a year. They also do not do a lot of physical contact in terms of sparring. Styles that have hand drills have tons of secrets that are too deadly to be used during sparring so they have to be drilled safely in compliant two-man drills thousands of times for ten years. In functional martial arts, like judo, the only secret is how to throw that big fuk who kept throwing you last week and the secret to that is practice and praying.

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