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Thread: Sambo

  1. #1

    Some sambo questions

    Does sambo emphasize throwing techniques as much as judo does? Also, does sambo have a real high injury rate for its practitioners? Finally, does sambo make use of any striking techniques? Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    I don´t know,what I know is that it has such tricks as putting your coat on opponent´s head
    There are many sites on www.

    Like those.
    The sunset´s setting down.Lay me on the forest floor.

    I do not necessarily stand behind all of the statements I have made in the past, in this forum. Some of the statements may have appeared to support a biased view of reality, and may have been offensive. If you are a moral person and were hurt by comments that I made, you can PM me about it and I will apologize if I find your cause reasonable.
    -FC, summer of 2006-

  3. #3


    What I have learned already has more to deal with locks then throwing. Then again the Marine Corps mixes it up with other martialarts.
    "SEMPER FIDELIS" (always faithful) USMC
    I want to go to Iraq again for my next summer vacation!!!

  4. #4
    There are three main schools of sambo. I forget their exact names. The sport sambo version is a grappling system similar to Judo. However, in Sambo, leg locks are permitted where as in Judo they are not. I believe in Judo one get win a match by exicuting a perfect throw (receving an Ipon win). In Sambo, I believe that you continue grappling like in Jiujitsu. For more information check out the discussion forum on or or The other two styles are combat oriented and include knife fighting, gun disarming, puching, kicking, etc. etc.

    MA fanatic

  5. #5
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    Brooklyn, NY, USA
    The second style is for Civilian Self Defense. It's pretty much a Russian style of Aikijujutsu. They didn't want it to get abused by criminals so its a totally defensive art. The 3rd and final is a "Special Forces" Military, Close Quarter Fighting type style. Sometimes called Combat Sambo. Really agressive, many killing moves, not really for police or civilians. One example of a move that i know of is twisting the opponents shoulder and then doing a one arm shoulder throw so it breaks when they hit the ground. It also breaks if they try to lower themselve into an escape. It of course has many strikes and kicks too. Weapons training like MA Fanatic mentioned. Training for extreme conditions. Like blizzards, oxygen deprivation, multiple attackers, etc.
    "If I'm gonna get my balls blown off for a word, my word is p00ntang."-Animal Mother

  6. #6
    For a history on Sambo, read this article published in the JOURNAL OF ASIAN MARTIAL ARTS, by Dr. Brett Jacques, Director of American Sambo Academy:

    For a solid overview on Sambo read the article published by Igor Yakimov, North America's most accredited Sambo Coach, and President of the United Federation of Sambo:

    For a history of "Combat Sambo Spetsnaz" now "Russian Martial Art ROSS" read

    For an exhaustive list of links, go to

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Ill give a plug for the videos. Especially the knife video. Buy the info from them, def worth it no matter what style your in.
    Grapplers toolbox is great.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Melbourne, Australia


    I don't know much about it but this video looks cool (especially the 2nd half)

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Melbourne, Australia
    thanks! buddy!

  10. #10
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    Jun 2006
    Russians used Sambo alot to win over many competition with Judo players in the old days!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    World Sambo Championships

    Other sports | 08.11.10 | 16:17
    Sambo: More martial arts successes for Armenia athletes

    World Sambo Championships were held in Tashkent

    Two Armenian athletes have won gold medals at the World Sambo Championships that ended in Uzbekistan’s capital Tashkent on Monday.

    (Sambo is a Russian acronym for unarmed self-defense and is a hand-to-hand fighting system developed in the Soviet armed forces. It later grew into a sport that is currently mostly popular in former Soviet and Eastern bloc countries.)

    The Armenian Sambo Federation’s official website ( reports that on the first day of the competitions, November 5, Ashot Danielyan became a world champion in the 74-kg weight division (sport sambo). Danielyan, who is from Karabakh capital Stepanakert and trains there with the Karabakh affiliate of the Olympic Children’s and Youth School of Sambo and Judo, won the European title in combat sambo last spring.

    And on Sunday, the 2010 European championships silver medalist Vachik Vardanyan won the second gold medal for Team Armenia in Uzbekistan by claiming the world title in the 68-kg weight division (combat sambo).
    A total of eight athletes represented Armenia at the world championships.

    According to the Armenian Sambo Federation, with these latest two gold medals won in international competitions, the total tally of Armenia in both youth and senior fighter competitions now stands at 21 medals (one gold, one silver and four bronze medals from the European championships; one gold, one silver and five bronze medals from the European championships among youths; and one gold, two silver and three bronze medals from the world championships among youths).
    I wonder how many competitors are in this.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  12. #12
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    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    First European Games

    There's a Ukraine joke to be made here, but I'll pass on it.
    Exclusive: Sambo set to be added to 2015 European Games after lobbying from Putin
    Thursday, 29 May 2014
    By Duncan Mackay

    Sambo is set to be part of the first European Games in Baku next year ©FIASSambo, the martial art developed for Russia's military and police force in the 1930s, is set to be added to next year's inaugural European Games in Baku following a personal plea from Vladimir Putin for it to be included.

    It will mark a significant step in the drive by the International Sambo Federation (FIAS) for recognition by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and, one day, a place in the Olympics.

    Putin, a former sambo champion in St Petersburg and a Master of Sports, is Honorary President of FIAS and has long campaigned for its inclusion in major events.

    Last year sambo was part of the Summer Universiade in Kazan, an event Putin opened.

    It is believed Putin personally asked Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev whether the sport could be included during a meeting of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA), which both attended in Shanghai earlier this month.

    Russian President Vladimir Putin had personally lobbied for sambo to be included in the inaugural European Games in Baku ©Getty ImagesRussian President Vladimir Putin had personally lobbied for sambo to be included in the inaugural European Games in Baku ©Getty Images

    Discussions have since taken place between Baku 2015 and the sport will now appear on the programme, probably as an exhibition event, insidethegames understands from sources in Russia.

    "It is indeed the case that the EOC (European Olympic Committees) and BEGOC [Baku 2015] have been looking at including sambo in the inaugural European Games," Patrick Hickey, President of the EOC, told insidethegames.

    "It will be BEGOC's responsibility to make any announcements in due course.

    "The EOC has always had a clear long-term strategic vision for the European Games in terms of size and affordability and great care has been taken in choosing sports to feature at Baku 2015.

    "Our original target was for 15 sports to feature but due to exceptionally high levels of interest coming from both European and International Federations this number has increased, significantly strengthening the European Games brand."

    Simon Clegg, chief operating officer of Baku 2015, confirmed they had been in discussions with sambo.

    "BEGOC received applications from in excess of 15 International or European Federations seeking demonstration or exhibition status alongside the official sports programme for the Baku 2015 European Games," he told insidethegames.

    "I can confirm that sambo is one of these sports and is presently under consideration.

    "We will make a further announcement in due course."

    Sambo featured at the SportAccord World Combat Games in St Petersburg last year ©SportAccordSambo featured at the SportAccord World Combat Games in St Petersburg last year ©SportAccord

    Last month FIAS President Vasily Shestakov had told insidethegames he believed his sport was the "most technical arsenal of all the martial arts and if you look over the five continents then you will see how popular sambo has become all over the world".

    Sambo, which translates as "self-defence without weapons", is also due to make its debut at this year's Asian Beach Games in Phuket, which is scheduled to take place between November 14 and 23.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  13. #13
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    olympic dreams

    Sambo: Russia's Olympic dreams for homegrown martial art
    Date created : 26/06/2019 - 12:08

    With elements of judo, karate, boxing, Greco-Roman wrestling and more, sambo was created to train the forces of the Soviet Union and is still taught in the Russian army. AFP

    Minsk (AFP)

    With elements of judo, karate, boxing, Greco-Roman wrestling and more, sambo was created to train the forces of the Soviet Union and is still taught in the Russian army.

    As a sport, dating back to 1930, it has caught attention this month at the European Games in Minsk.

    Now its backers are targeting the Olympics.

    The history of sambo -- the name of which comes from a contraction of the Russian phrase "self-defence without weapons" -- is closely tied to that of the USSR.

    For decades, trainer Anatoly Kharlampiyev was held up as the father of the sport, said to be a combination of pre-existing Slavic combat forms.

    It was only in 1982, three years after Kharlampiyev's death, that the role of former soldiers Victor Spiridonov and Vasily Oshchepkov was made public.

    Oshchepkov was a judo specialist who had studied in Japan and later trained Red Army soldiers, and was well aware that sambo owed much to Asian martial arts.

    But in Stalin's USSR, everything that came from abroad was subject to suspicion.

    Oshchepkov was arrested for spying for Japan, sent to the Gulag and executed in 1938.

    In Russia, star fighters in Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) -- another popular discipline in the country -- all say they came to the sport via sambo.

    Unlike the combat version used in the military, the sport of sambo is not violent and relies on restraining rather than striking opponents.

    President of the International Sambo Federation Vasily Shestakov has reportedly said he hoped the sport would be included in the Olympics.

    Last November, IOC officials granted sambo temporary IOC recognition, bringing it a step closer to becoming an Olympic sport one day.

    Russian President Vladimir Putin, a martial arts enthusiast, has long championed the sport.
    Sambo is a GAISF but not a ASOIF or a ARISF so it still has a long way to go before being considered for Olympic status
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  14. #14
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    Jun 2018
    Bay Area, CA


    got excited when I saw "Sambo" and thought this thread was about http://www.chinabuddhismencyclopedia...amyak-sambodhi ....
    Buddha's would be called Sambo sometimes ......or is it about Buddha afterall?
    "色即是空 , 空即是色 " ~ Buddha via Avalokitesvara
    Shaolin Meditator

  15. #15
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Wushu & Sambo added to the World Games

    The World Games family welcomes two new members. During the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the International World Games Association (IWGA), the representatives of the 36 participating member federations approved the applications of the International Wushu Federation and International Sambo Federation. A two-thirds majority was required.

    The AGM was again held remotely due to the restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The meeting was attended by 36 of the 37 IWGA member federations.

    IWGA President José Perurena, who chaired this year’s AGM, congratulated President Gou Zhongwen of the International Wushu Federation and President Vasily Shestakov of the International Sambo Federation on the admission of their federations as the 38th and 39th members of The World Games family. The federations already have IWGA history: Sambo was part of the official programme in London (GBR) at The World Games 1985 and in The Hague (Netherlands) in 1993. Wushu was represented at The World Games as an invitational sport in 2009 in Kaohsiung (Chinese Taipei) and in Cali (Colombia) in 2013. In 2022 in Birmingham, Alabama, Wushu will again participate in the programme.

    The last new admission of a federation took place in 2014, when the World Association of Kickboxing Organizations successfully applied for admission to the IWGA.

    The AGM decided to extend the term of office of the IWGA Board by one year to 2023, due to the postponement of the eleventh edition of the World Games in Birmingham, Alabama to the coming year. Extending the term of office by one year will enable the existing board to complete the preparations for The World Games 2022 in the USA.

    Max Bishop, Vice-President of the IWGA, describes why the motion of prolongation was on the agenda:

    "Leaving office just before the Games - and before the evaluation phase has even started - is obviously not ideal. We therefore invited the membership to extend the current ExCo's term of office, given the exceptional circumstances.”

    With almost 14 months to go before the opening of the multisport-event at the newly built Protective Stadium in Birmingham Alabama, Nick Sellers, CEO of the local Birmingham Organizing Committee presented the current state of preparations for The World Games 2022 (7-17 July 2022). All 25 competition venues have now been decided upon for the ten competition days, when 34 sports will be showcased and more than 200 medal events held. In addition, Nick Sellers announced that the launch of ticket sales will be on 7th July 2021, exactly one year before the Games. Sellers assured the meeting that Birmingham is ready and very much looking forward to hosting The World Games 2022. He stated that The World Games most likely would be the first major international sports event in the USA, and possibly in the whole world, to be held with full stands again.

    “It will be a great re-connection of humanity,” Sellers said.

    President Perurena concluded the meeting: “Thank you all for attending, and for your understanding of the difficult circumstances that made a physical meeting impossible. Thank you also for your support of the Executive Committee.

    I sincerely hope that we will all be together somewhere for next year’s AGM, just a couple of months before we all go to Birmingham for The World Games 2022. In the meantime, I look forward to seeing some of you in Birmingham this November, when we hold a series of planning meetings with the Birmingham Organising Committee.

    Usually, I wish you a safe journey home. Today, I just say “Stay safe… wherever you are! Goodbye.”

    The World Games is a multi-sport event staged every four years by the International World Games Association under the patronage of the International Olympic Committee. The 11th edition of The World Games will be held in Birmingham, Alabama, USA, 7-17 July 2022. 3,600 athletes from over 30 sports and 100 countries will take part in The World Games.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

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