How do you like your iPad or other such tablet type device?

I'm looking for something along the lines of this device but not sure what to get. Essentially with all my college notes and MMA notes and kung fu notes and even notes from when I did Aikido in Japan and such....I have way too many **** notes.

So, mainly for class really I need:

*WiFi obviously, not necessarily 3G support, the Univ has wireless in the buildings and I have wireless at home and such. If its that important I get online somewhere I can always look stuff up on my iPhone.

*Some sort of word processing.

*Copy and paste on both that word processing AND internet. And must support for images as well. I like to copy images from posted power points and such into my notes to make studying more organized.

*Needs to support writing with that pencil thingajiggy. It takes too long to type on those things to keep up with class, due to lack of tactile feedback. However, being able to "write" the notes more than makes up for it. I like to draw my lecture notes into diagrams often times anyways, as its just easier to get the information down in a quick but organized manner. So digital writing thingabobber is VERY important.

*Along with thingabobber, writing/drawing needs to be able to be done in multiple colors for ease of reference.

*Some sort of video support. Preferably both Quicktime and Flash. Video aids go with a lot of lectures. I never know what format though until I go to click on them. Additionally, lectures are recorded and posted online for review in home study. Its not as important, I can use my laptop still if its necessary, but it would be nice to be able to access this on the tablet/iPad/whatever....

Any ideas? I'm not really up on the tech stuff.