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Thread: Chan sharing in San Jose area

  1. #1

    Chan sharing in San Jose area

    Any one interested in Chan or Zen, could join this meeting in front of Milpitas Borders
    Saturday morning OCT 2 2010 from 9AM to 11:30AM . I will share with you what I have learn FREE the only requirement is to promise yourself to take 3 vegitarian meals that week or week after.

    I would share with you on

    1, go beyond your mind to "meet" your Buddha nature.
    what does it means by "using SILENCE to lead the action" of WCK.
    Why is it important to know how to go beyond our mind.

    2, how to use Chan at every instant and every where.

    Welcome only those who is serious to learn and would like to make Chan practice a part of daily life to benifit yourself and your martial art training.

    Chan teaching is not religion believe it is a practice of Awareness where one could use it at all part of one's daily life.

    LET's confirm here on who is coming and who would like to organize it. It needs to be a peaceful and proffessional meeting that every one will bring home something great to live on and helping your community.

    If there is not much interest, I would cancel the meeting.
    Last edited by Hendrik; 09-25-2010 at 07:19 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Southern California
    You know Hendrick despite disagreeing with you in past occasions I would be genuinely interested in learning what you have to say, alas my location is quite a bit away but good luck with this.
    It is bias to think that the art of war is just for killing people. It is not to kill people, it is to kill evil. It is a strategem to give life to many people by killing the evil of one person.
    - Yagyū Munenori

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Violent Designs View Post
    You know Hendrick despite disagreeing with you in past occasions I would be genuinely interested in learning what you have to say, alas my location is quite a bit away but good luck with this.
    You know, some one can come and take note or even Youtube so that we all can share and learn and grow together.

    it is all about martial artists helping martial artists and grow together.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Southern California
    Quote Originally Posted by Hendrik View Post
    You know, some one can come and take note or even Youtube so that we all can share and learn and grow together.

    it is all about martial artists helping martial artists and grow together.
    Are you planning on videotaping the material?

    I am genuinely interested in Ch'an, this has nothing to do with martial arts or my view or his view or any politics. Plus from say, 1-2 years ago I have also matured a bit or so I hope.
    It is bias to think that the art of war is just for killing people. It is not to kill people, it is to kill evil. It is a strategem to give life to many people by killing the evil of one person.
    - Yagyū Munenori

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Violent Designs View Post
    Are you planning on videotaping the material?

    I am genuinely interested in Ch'an, this has nothing to do with martial arts or my view or his view or any politics. Plus from say, 1-2 years ago I have also matured a bit or so I hope.
    I have no objection of videotaping and share.

    Basically, Thus I have heard:

    1, The practice of Chan is first to arrive and Seeing one's Buddha nature. or 明心见性 in chinese.

    Without Seeing one's Buddha nature one trap within one's own mind/habit...etc.
    There are a few different ways to do this. However, not everyone will get the same result because we all has different mind/body habit.

    In the earlies era of Chan, the teacher directly pointing at the Buddha nature and the student see it and directly. That is refer to finger pointing at the moon.

    However, seeing the Buddha doesnt mean the cultivation mission is completed for all.
    This is because Some see it for 1 second and life becomes a waking dream or a moive, once they awake they fully awake. Some see it for 1 second and needs to keep get back to the state before they fully awake. Some see it for 1 second and can get back as like but known that Mind is not the ultimate and start watching oneself to not get drifted too far away into the "dream".

    So, the fully awake at one glimpse are rare and most people are under the second and third cases above. Either way, one expand one's horizon and no longer thinking as before or life as before. For the some Buddhist, the cultivation or journey started only after seeing the buddha nature, since after seeing it one knows the direction and start cultivating the Samadhi and merit toward fully awaken.

    About a few hundred years ago, the method evolve into enquiring WHO or Koan to let the practitioner find out what is their buddha nature , instead of directly pointing to the original face or the Buddha nature. That do the job to help for a certain period of time.

    Then, now a days, there are both Direct and using Koan methods. However, the sifu needs to know what is that Buddha nature is. or he has to experience it before coaching the student. Otherwise it becomes a mess of self claiming and some become a fantasy.

    For those who knows chinese the following is an excellent reference on Chan.

    明心见性对学佛者如此重要,那末,明心见性的内容究竟是怎么回事?怎样才能证取它?证到时是什么境象(界) ?证到后又有什么功用?这许多问题,都是学佛者所想(应)明白,而亟待研究的问题,兹为能明白易晓,以便于 读者证取起见,分别略述于后。

    明心见性一词简约总括地解释起来,就是:从究明人们的“心”(本心)的形相与作用,而彻见、领悟、神会生命 的根源——“性”(本性)之妙体与真理,以觉醒迷梦,而了生脱死,证大涅槃。它的意义详细分析起来,至为深 广,因为它是这一代时教的精髓所在,可以说三藏十二部都是它的注脚。现在我们只能择其精要者约 略言之。
      在未讨论明心见性的内容与如何明心见性之前,首先让我们来把心性的轮廓勾勒一下,以便易于着手分析讨论 明心见性的意义。
      那么心是什么?性又是何物呢?原来所谓心者,并不是我们胸膛里的肉团心,而是我们对境生起来的念头和思 想,佛经称为六尘缘影,就是色、声、香、味、触、法落谢的影子,简称曰集起为心。意思是说,我们本来没有心 ——思想和念头,而是由于有色等境在,才从各别的境缘上领受它的形象,产生认识,分别它的同异,安立名字, 发生爱嗔,取舍,造作,才生出种种心念。这心是和环境集合起来而生出的,不是片面单独起的,所以称为集起为 心,也就是现代学说所谓“思想是客观环境的反映。”要详细谈它的形象和内容,法相宗《成唯识论》说得很清楚 ,它可以分为八大心王和五十一心所。这里为了节省时间和篇幅,不详细说它了,请读者自己去研读《成唯识论》 吧。
      心既如斯,性又是何物呢?性是生起心的根本,是心的本原。现代学说认为,它是生起心的能量。没有它,对 境生不起心来。我们之所以能对境生心,全是它的作用。它是无形无相的,所以眼不能见,但它能起种种作用,故 确实是有。古人比为色里胶青,水中盐味,虽不可目睹,但事实上确实在起作用,在佛经上它有很多异名,如一真 法界、真如、如来藏、佛性、真心、大圆胜慧等等。只因众生迷而不觉,不知有此妙体,无始以来,只与生灭和合 ,变为妄心。故心性原是一物,如水之与波,不是两回事。现在世界得以飞跃前进,全靠自动化,而自动化又靠热 能,无有热能,即无动力;无有动力,一切都是静止的,死的。同样,我人之所以能思考、工作、创造发明等,也 靠体内的动力,而这动力就是性的作用。所以性虽不能眼见,但确实在起一切作用,犹如电虽不能目见,而一切照 明、发动等等都是它在起作用。佛经内称性是体,心是用,性是理,心是事。但宗下常两者混用,称心为性,称性 为心,我们只要洞悉它们的底蕴,搞清它们的分野,也就不至为之混淆惑乱了。
      明白了心和性的形貌和定义,就须进一步探讨“性”——生命的根源——何由缘境而生心?境又因何而生起, 以致生死缠绵不断?更须明白,明心见性的含义包括些什么?怎样才可以明它、见它,出离生死?现在让我们分为 五节,详细讨论一下。


    Finally, you see the Shao Lin Chan Monks have the chanting malas. That is the tool for them to keep themself to stay close to the awaken instead of get drag into mind body program. It is well know that even those who have seen their buddha nature or awaken to be stuck like a waking baby who know it is not proper but can do a thing. so these Chan monks using the recitation of the Buddha name or Manta as a security blanket so that the "baby" could grow within the security blanket.

    2, There is only one practice to full awaken, Drop everything -- physical, emotional, thoughts, conigtion....etc do all compassionate (love in Christian) action.

    That is not simple. First one needs to willing to DROP it or make a decision to drop it.
    However, different people has different karma/mind body program/habit some we could drop some we need to use some effort, some needs to get help from others or prayer to Amitaba Buddha, Medicine Buddha, Chris, God....etc.

    For example, make an experiment for yourself, think about something you dont like litely, and then when your body feel heavy (grasp and attach), you know that "dont like" is now evoke and present. Now, Drop it and get your body back to feel lite again, See if you can do it. and if you can proceed to something you dont like more and see how it cause one feel more heavy.. and drop it. Dont get too far on this experiment because there is program in the mind and body that it can run automatic and our mind cant control it well without the aids of prayer or other technics.
    For example, anger, one can lost in it, the more one express it or suspress it the more one feel heavy. The one does something to totally mesh up or drain one's energy to the point that one is so weak that the angry cant have energy to sustain. But then the anger is still there, it only into hybenation (sp?) waiting for next triggle.

    Thus, as in Christian, Forgiveness is extremely important because the act of Forgiveness is the decision of Drop the issue and causing the "program to be drop or clear out" If you read bible, Chris always are people who like to be heal " Can you forgive and do you believe" that is Dropping screw up and accepting the proper. To heal the body needs life force, one needs to Dropping and letting life force draining program to go. So, actually Dropping is universal. It is non religious.

    The Chan buddhist is watching themself every instant to drop anything which is "heavy" the fully Awaken one automatically not attach but most of us attach and carry the WEIGHT all day long , so we drain our life force and suffer.

    3. Time, Space, Energy are subjective, Changing the mind/thought in there the world out there changes.

    Via dropping or let it go one flow instead of following any type of fix rule or formular.

    Thus, it says "come accept, Goes return, let go and thus forward, using silence to lead action."

    IE. Evoke your anger and you will see a world which is different in Time, Space, Energy.
    Drop everything and you will see a world which is different in Time, Space, Energy.

    So, which type of World you like to live in without changing the world but changing your mind/thought?

    Thus, hold on to a set of center line, Time, Space, energy is an attachement to a STATE. and Real Zen/Chan drop everything so that one is free and flexible and flow with Changes without Resistance. If you hold on to a set of program or believe then there would be Resistance, Supression, expression, .... when facing the world and yourself, however, if you continous to drop everything as it says in Zen " I dont wear a string of silk" that is how light weight one is. As it says " do you know why angels could fly? because they hold on nothing and so light weight."

    4, So, how is this CHAN influence WCK practice? Big time, SLT means Essence of Small details, SNT means little idea.

    To be able to "SEE" small details and deal with Small details, one needs to drop "unconscious mind chat or habit" as much as possible.
    To be able to operate in little Idea one needs to Drop " unconscious mind chat or habit" as much as possible and ONLY Think one single thing, Do one single thing at one time. as in ZEN " when eating one eat, when sleeping one just sleep and doing nothing else."

    So, while practicing SLT, SNT the number one practice is to DROP whatever is no needed or excessive.


    Only be able to do that to a degree one could enter into the EFFECTIVE EFFICIENT AND EFFORTLESS.

    Thus, with the practice of DROPing and knowing to NOT get struck with mind one can start the journey.

    if one stand there doing SLT. SNT;
    with Either worry if one did it right or not, beat one up thinking one doesnt do it proper , focus until tunnel vision, purposely emphasis something or FIX some body parts until a certain part is "heavy" and extreme.....etc

    That is not practice SLT SNT that is suffering. That violate all the rule of to be nature in breathing, loosen in physical, and quiet in mind (silence, droping and lite weight state to conserve and grow life force)

    Chan, Dropping and loving, one practice makes a different in all part of living.

    Thus, silence is not dead FIX and dull. it is all dynamic and lively. That is the soul of WCK "using silence to lead the action"

    If you practice your SLT/SNT this way, every practice of SLT/SNT is a vacation spa in the bliss and let your mind and body evolve amd grow into healty and energetic state.

    I dont sell you the secret society fantasy, I am telling your you can have all of these because you inherit WCK's SLT/SNT. and since you practice it everyday, might as well enjoy and claim what you have inherit? FREE.

    Finally, feeling lite weight or heavy got nothing to do with ROOTING or force vectors directing those are different stuffs. IE one could use the most light weight and strong alloy to build a plane, one doesnt have to use the old heavy rusty iron to build a plane because it feel heavy and root. Air plane is to fly and flexible not to tie down and sink into the bottom of the sea and dead.

    WCner it is the time for you to claim back your CHAN and live a different chapter.

    Just some thoughts.
    Last edited by Hendrik; 09-26-2010 at 08:07 AM.

  6. #6
    Doesnt seem to have any interest. OK. I would wait another day and decide

  7. #7



    I would love to come up to S.F. and visit my Kung Fu uncle. Maybe we could plan something for the first or second week in November?

    Dave McKinnon
    CSL Wing Chun

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Dave McKinnon View Post

    I would love to come up to S.F. and visit my Kung Fu uncle. Maybe we could plan something for the first or second week in November?

    Dave McKinnon
    CSL Wing Chun


    Sure, I am fully supporting you.

  9. #9
    OK. I am canceling this meeting since no one response.

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