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Thread: iron palm training dvd

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    small town in ky

    iron palm training dvd

    i am proud to announce

    we will be filming aug. 3-4-5
    this will be the best turtorial on iron palm yet available. we will hold nothing back. there will be something on this dvd for everyone,whether you are just starting or have been training for years. my teacher has decided to lift the veil of secrecy,not that iron palm is very secret but every other video pretty much says the same thing,"get a bag,drop your hand,let gravity do the work, apply jow,the end". we will cover more and give the advanced training to got to the next level. we will also cover the basics of vibrational training,the thing that makes iron palm realy work. for it is vibration and not the elusive "qi" that breaks sh%t and causes internal damage. a conditioned hand is a good tool and weapon,learning to use it is what makes it devastating.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    The Chi (Chicago)
    Nice! Your breaks are awesome, so this should be a great DVD. Congratulations, Rodney.
    I was on the metro earlier, deep in meditation, when a ruffian came over and started causing trouble. He started pushing me with his bag, steadily increasing the force until it became very annoying. When I turned to him, before I could ask him to stop, he immediately started hurling abuse like a scoundrel. I performed a basic chin na - carotid artery strike combination and sent him to sleep. The rest of my journey was very peaceful, and passersby hailed me as a hero - Warrior Man

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    small town in ky
    thank you so much for the compliment.
    we hope to bring somehting to the table with this dvd showing things no one else has before. we also want to show there is more to iron palm than just breaking, and dispell some of the myths surrounding it. i am thinking of giving away a few copies to people for reveiws,i just have to figure out how i want to go about doing this.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Bondi, Sydney Australia
    You ready for the liability suits to start flowing in?
    Guangzhou Pak Mei Kung Fu School, Sydney Australia,
    Sifu Leung, Yuk Seng
    Established 1989, Glebe Australia

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    small town in ky
    LOL,i will state now as later.
    i am presenting this material for information purposes only,no one named or unamed from the iron lotus society shall be responsible for any injury incurred by using or misusing any material in whole or part contained on this demonstartion video presentation.consult your physician before conducting any exercise program,obey all laws,local state and federal.we demonstarte what we do and do not encourage anyone to follow suit.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Pound Town
    what kind kung fu is this??

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Bondi, Sydney Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by teetsao View Post
    LOL,i will state now as later.
    i am presenting this material for information purposes only,no one named or unamed from the iron lotus society shall be responsible for any injury incurred by using or misusing any material in whole or part contained on this demonstartion video presentation.consult your physician before conducting any exercise program,obey all laws,local state and federal.we demonstarte what we do and do not encourage anyone to follow suit.
    Yep, that will work. How's your insurance?
    Guangzhou Pak Mei Kung Fu School, Sydney Australia,
    Sifu Leung, Yuk Seng
    Established 1989, Glebe Australia

  8. #8
    Are you giving out the info for the water training levels?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    small town in ky
    we dont do any "water" training. i know at one time shaolin practitioner,slapped water, that is basically a beginers level to start conditioning the hand. the bak fu pai people have a level where they move their hands through water. according to them it taKes 3 years of training and special jows for each level. we do none of that. it is a waste of time,and effort. we were doing in 1 year what most say it took 3 years to do and in 4-5 years what people say took 10 years to do. i am speaking of the coconut on the string break. we are giving what we were taught and what we do to train iron palm. if followed putting in the hard work we did,anyone can accomplish it also.

  10. #10
    I enjoy your practical approach to iron palm,
    but I think it's a little naive to criticize other training like that. There is probably more to the training than just to break coconuts or do performances. I'm sure every training has it's specific need, and nobody should be judging
    unless they can do an objective apples to apples comparison.

    It's a fallacy in logic to say that because you could break coconuts (or whatever the case is) by training in a quicker time, your training is superior. The problem is that breaking coconuts could just be a side result of training, in which your method would be superior only to achieve that goal, but not any others that have not been analyzed prior.

    Secondly, the whole thing about it not being "qi." I hate to bring the qi argument up, but there's surprisingly little to argue about. Qi is only used to explain the phenomena of the body from a certain point of view, it's not as if it ever literally existed as a fully-out light god energy force. it's referred to as qi, but call it whatever you want- it still is the same "thing" in physics.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    small town in ky
    i am sorry,i am not trying to critisize anyones training. i just mentioned it because the previous person asked about water training, and bak fu pai is the only system that i know of that uses water training,and they use it specifically to break the coconut as they feel that is the highest level of iron palm,especially the coconut on the string. if i am wrong about this please correct me as that is the only way i can learn. i think all legitamate i.p. practice is correct and useful,regardless of what your style or lineage. i just beleive,(imho) that we have the best method to develop the hand the fastest. i.p.,dont forget is a tool,and a usefule one. it would have to have been battlefeild tested to have remaind in the curriculum of so many styles for so many generations. so being a true skill it would have to have been developed quicky or it would have been of no use in combat,as fights and battle could break out at anytime,as the situation centuries ago was very volatile.

  12. #12
    No worries. You sound like a very humble person. Just be sure to keep yourself objective We all have a lot of surprising things to learn, perhaps even from your own methods.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Jim Lacy can break coconuts without any training at all! lol

    conditioning the hands for breaking in a sensible way is a progressive gradual buildup. Plus, the forces used are a lot less than what you think they are.

    a relaxed strike feels like a lot less force, but actually produces more force than someone who is even a little bit tense in the muscularity.

    good structure, relaxed strike and time spent to condition the hands for the force feedback.

    No mystery, but it does take effort.
    Kung Fu is good for you.

  14. #14
    The different levels of the water training that I have heard of take a long time to do, but they do make a little bit of sense.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    small town in ky
    they do to an extent. they say it takes away all unesescary,or wasted movement.i understand what they are saying,and you are right, they say the training takes 3 years total i think. we have a way of bypassing that whole training method and you will see results in 6 weeks. they are building vibration using their different methhods,but they are going around the mountain instead of over the top. we cover this method in our dvd. the first time it has ever been put on video. as simple as it may sound,the work is hard and the results are fantastic. we use breaking as a judge for gains in our skill levels. it is not the "be all end all" and i know this and i dont think that just because someone can break they are automatically a bad a## either. we just use it to see if we are progressing. my bro. bill after doing the exercises for 6 weeks can now break 3 unspaced blocks and the coconut on the palm. 6 weeks ago he couldnt do that when he was here visiting. he goes back home then came down this weekend and he can now do it, from using the exercises. he will have a video on youtube tomorrow of his progress and i will post it in this thread.

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