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Thread: Video: Master Yang Hai challenge

  1. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by LaterthanNever View Post

    I have a few thoughts and a few questions:

    1.) I understand where this young man is coming from. After all..he is certainly entitled to take this teacher up on his challenge. And this sifu DID challenge the school where this young man studies.
    true, but be honest - the fact that he walked in their asking for a "technical exchange" means that he is just as caught up in the Kung-Fu fantasy BS as anyone - you could tel he was all primed up for some sort of romantic fantasy experience of going in a challenging a rival school, etc., etc.; also, he was clearly going in expecting a "gentleman's" match, not realizing that if you do walk into someone's school it's not always going to be well received, and that one should be prepared to defend oneself the moment one makes one's intentions known; heck, I know at least two or three "old skool" dojos where, if someone did that, they'd get punched /kicked immediately before another word came out after "I want to fight"!

    Quote Originally Posted by LaterthanNever View Post
    2.) This master comes across as unprofessional(and mentally unstable). Why openly challenge ANY school? So unecessary! Do what you do..and let others do what they do. And let it go..
    agreed; but people have their issues, and many of them use MA more as a cheap psychotherapy initiative than anything else, and so they act out in context of this; usually the community has enough buffers to prevent actual confrontation, but in this case, the cultural circuit-breakers didn't work!

    Quote Originally Posted by LaterthanNever View Post
    3.) There wasn't a need to edit the actual "fight"
    agreed; moreover, doing so suggests some attempt at deception on the part of the video producer (e.g. - that Master Yang didn't get quite as "beaten down" as the video producer and his KFMF stooge "justadude" would have everyone believe)

    Quote Originally Posted by LaterthanNever View Post
    My questions:

    1.) This guy claims to be a "great-great-great-great-great grandmaster"??? Lay off the acid/crack/meth dude!! Clearly this is a grandiose statement!!!
    you can say that; OTOH, if his students weren't so gullible, he wouldn't be able to get away with it! they might actually do some research and realize the contrivance; so clearly he's playing to the crowd here...

    Quote Originally Posted by LaterthanNever View Post
    2.) Why would a grandmaster x 5(!!!) challenge a school of any style of kung fu?
    don't know, don't care

    Quote Originally Posted by LaterthanNever View Post
    3.) What school did he challenge and what style?
    rinse, repeat

    Quote Originally Posted by LaterthanNever View Post
    4.) Why did he challenge the school?
    see above

    Quote Originally Posted by LaterthanNever View Post
    5.) Why did the student of the sifu/master/grandmaster of the school which was challenged go to accept the challenge? Wasn't it more common for the SIFU himself/herself of the school to accept the challenge?

    Quote Originally Posted by LaterthanNever View Post
    This master Hai Yang(spelling? It's late and I am tired) is a mentally unstable, vollatile and poor representative for ethical conduct in the martial arts. It's sad that he's making these self aggrandizing statements and even sadder that he seems suprised when someone takes him up on his unecessary challenge.
    TCMA is full of nutters; anyway, all I want is to see the actual exchange between him and Seth Green's doppelgänger; until that happens, their claims of dominance are highly suspect;

  2. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by justadude103 View Post
    at this point, sir, your posting here is highly suspect - based on the timing, content and tenor of your posts, it appears that you are nothing more than someone planted by the "challengers" to try to lend credence and objectivity to their position; it is clear that by having you state that you saw Master Yang get beat up it supposedly reinforces the EDITED video's claim to the same effect; your point is obviously to discredit Yang regardless of what happened in the part that was edited out, by pretending to be an disinterested third party;

    nice try, but you are awarded the "epic fail"; now go away and troll somewhere else;

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Pound Town
    the challengers were wing chuns so master yang hai wins by default.
    also its pretty sad when u can tell they do wing chun just by looking at them

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  4. #34
    I don't have a problem with Hai Yang's behavior in any way, shape or form! I don't think he was unprofessional in any way.

    A bunch of punks show up, act like PU$$IES and get what they have coming. End of story!

    If the punks had outclassed him they wouldn't have edited the video or felt the need to tell him to back away. You tell someone to back away when you don't want to get hurt. When you have the upper hand you say something along the lines of, "If you keep coming on, I will give you more of the same!" If you are going to post an inconclusive video claiming someone else looked foolish, you show them looking foolish, you edit it severely because you are the one who looked foolish!

    Posting the video, just proves what PU$$IES they are! I wonder if they will show up at my door with a little piece of paper to give me what for, for calling them PUSSIES!!!

    I hope so!!

  5. #35
    Join Date
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    Ottawa, Canada
    Not agreeing with the edit personally, I thought for a minute that they might be avoiding legal repercussions. Then again, the challengers freely admit to throwing the first punch, so an edit for those reasons is stupid.

    ...which leaves poor performance on the challenger's part as the main probability.
    "It is the peculiar quality of a fool to perceive the faults of others and to forget his own." -Cicero

  6. #36
    Join Date
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    The state that resembles a middle finger.
    complete waste of 3 minutes watching that
    Originally posted by Bawang
    i had an old taichi lady talk smack behind my back. i mean comon man, come on. if it was 200 years ago,, mebbe i wouldve smacked her and took all her monehs.
    Originally posted by Bawang
    i am manly and strong. do not insult me cracker.

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    I would so much rather be watching 3 minutes of this:
    Psalms 144:1
    Praise be my Lord my Rock,
    He trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle !

  8. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by Scott R. Brown View Post
    I don't have a problem with Hai Yang's behavior in any way, shape or form! I don't think he was unprofessional in any way.
    Agreed. He is entitled--by ethics and convention if not law--to issue challenges and to receive them. It is not some indicator of "mental instability" as a previous commenter said. He is not required to serve hostile visitors a cup of tea, like in some chop-socky movie.

    Now, it is clear that he didn't take the challenge quite seriously enough. But it is also clear that the challengers were completely out of their depth.

    They brag about landing a sucker punch on a self-identified expert, while seemingly unaware that it shows their own "expertise" to consist of throwing sucker punches.

    Was this their idea of a "technical exchange", or did they lie about their intentions, or were they suddenly too afraid to go ahead with their initial ill-conceived plan?

    I'm not impressed that they could hit someone who calls themselves a Master or Grandmaster. Any fighter can do that under the right set of conditions. But I am shocked that they would consider this event a proper challenge match and a proper victory.

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    anyone can get hit by a sucker punch. anyone.
    For whoso comes amongst many shall one day find that no one man is by so far the mightiest of all.

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by sanjuro_ronin View Post
    I would so much rather be watching 3 minutes of this:
    I'd rather spend 3...hours, with that.
    I have a signature.

  11. #41
    I'm not seeing how this could have been a sucker punch. These guys asked for a friendly sparring match. It was the so-called master who was saying he wanted to fight right now and appeared to me to me, to be the aggressor at first.

  12. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by JB_ONE View Post
    I'm not seeing how this could have been a sucker punch. These guys asked for a friendly sparring match. It was the so-called master who was saying he wanted to fight right now and appeared to me to me, to be the aggressor at first.
    Actually, he appeared to be the aggressor throughout (and probably was so during the "blackout", hence the editing). But that's what happens when you challenge someone to fight in THEIR school.
    Slips through fingers
    Like this world of dust

  13. #43
    Quote Originally Posted by JB_ONE View Post
    I'm not seeing how this could have been a sucker punch. These guys asked for a friendly sparring match. It was the so-called master who was saying he wanted to fight right now and appeared to me to me, to be the aggressor at first.
    if anyone came to my house and challenge me, i consider that to be an aggressive action... i would feel completely justified in knocking this person sensless and leaving them on the curb wondering what went wrong... although i would probably just laugh, say no and shut the door in their face... i mean, why would a be bothered to gratify them in any way shape or form??? the proper way to issue a school challenge is to deliver a declaration of intent in writing and offer to set a time and date... its the polite thing to do... not just show up and be like "lets do it then"...

  14. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by JB_ONE View Post
    I'm not seeing how this could have been a sucker punch. These guys asked for a friendly sparring match. It was the so-called master who was saying he wanted to fight right now and appeared to me to me, to be the aggressor at first.
    so you must be the latest "plant" from the challengers side, I guess since your friend "justadude" was outed

    Quote Originally Posted by Syn7 View Post
    if anyone came to my house and challenge me, i consider that to be an aggressive action... i would feel completely justified in knocking this person sensless and leaving them on the curb wondering what went wrong... although i would probably just laugh, say no and shut the door in their face... i mean, why would a be bothered to gratify them in any way shape or form??? the proper way to issue a school challenge is to deliver a declaration of intent in writing and offer to set a time and date... its the polite thing to do... not just show up and be like "lets do it then"...
    agreed on all counts
    Last edited by taai gihk yahn; 08-25-2010 at 04:53 PM.

  15. #45
    Quote Originally Posted by taai gihk yahn View Post
    so you must be the latest "plant" from the challengers side, I guess since your friend "justadude" was outed

    agreed on a counts
    Why is that, because I don't have the same point of view as you? Sorry, but to me it didn't look like the master could handle himself. His own student had to pull the guy off him. Looked to me like he was lighting him up with punches. That's only my opinion.

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