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Thread: Qigong not really practical for health

  1. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by tiaji1983 View Post
    I dont know if this is true... I read somewhere that Cancer is a deformed cell that grows and becomes tumors etc. I read that the deep breathing in Qigong further oxygenates the cell making cell growth, reproduction and regeneration easier and more efficient, preventing and in some cases curing cancerous cells. Not saying its true but I read it somewhere...
    well, by that "logic", the increased oxygenation of the blood would effect not only the normal cells but the cancerous ones as well, so if it makes "cell growth reproduction easier and more efficient" and being that cancer is essentially pathological cell division / propagation, you are basically "feeding" the tumor and speeding up its progression...

  2. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Serenity View Post
    Maybe you didn't read what I posted Scott, but I work out 5x a week. Cardio, and weight lift. When I go to the gym I don't drive, I jog almost 3 miles. All that and the Qigong did not lower my blood pressure until I took the meds.
    qigong cant cure any disease especially genetic disease. it relieve stress because u breath deep and slow. it improve ur bloodflow slightly also.

    what kind of qigong did u do??
    Last edited by bawang; 10-02-2010 at 08:09 AM.

    Honorary African American
    grandmaster instructor of Wombat Combat The Lost Art of Anal Destruction™®LLC .
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  3. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by bawang View Post
    qigong cant cure any disease especially genetic disease. it relieve stress because u breath deep and slow. it improve ur bloodflow slightly also.

    what kind of qigong did u do??
    I did 2 forms for my blood pressure. One where you massaged the fingertips left to right. And another where you stand up and release evil heat towards the sky, while letting good chi enter you through sky door (head). I was also doing consistent cardio and weight training during this month to test if these forms lowered my blood pressure.

    After one month testing these forms, blood pressure did not get lowered at all doing that Qigong till I took meds, even with my physical exercise. I also did deep breathing Qigong that is supposed to promote your cells to make everything go back to normal. But I still have acne problems even with doing that deep breathing Qigong. I don't have a name for this style of Qigong besides a spiritual style.

    I wish it worked, but it just doesn't seem to work for me. Maybe it works as meditation to calm your mind, but that's probably it.
    Last edited by Mr Serenity; 10-03-2010 at 12:10 AM.

  4. #19
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    It seems to me you have already concluded that QiGong won't work, if so, stop. "Yi leads Qi" (mind/awareness leads Chi), and it seems your mind is not willing explore the potential.. Out of curiosity, other than high BP and acne, have you noticed any other effects?

    Be well..
    TaiChiBob.. "the teacher that is not also a student is neither"

  5. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Serenity View Post
    I did 2 forms for my blood pressure. One where you massaged the fingertips left to right. And another where you stand up and release evil heat towards the sky, while letting good chi enter you through sky door (head). I was also doing consistent cardio and weight training during this month to test if these forms lowered my blood pressure.

    After one month testing these forms, blood pressure did not get lowered at all doing that Qigong till I took meds, even with my physical exercise. I also did deep breathing Qigong that is supposed to promote your cells to make everything go back to normal. But I still have acne problems even with doing that deep breathing Qigong. I don't have a name for this style of Qigong besides a spiritual style.

    I wish it worked, but it just doesn't seem to work for me. Maybe it works as meditation to calm your mind, but that's probably it.
    massaging the fingertips is for helping healing hands after hitting bags. qi to the top of the head is for correcting spine alignment and warmup for head excercises.

    qigong isnt magic, theres only so much it can do
    Last edited by bawang; 10-03-2010 at 03:01 PM.

    Honorary African American
    grandmaster instructor of Wombat Combat The Lost Art of Anal Destruction™®LLC .
    Senior Business Director at TEAM ASSHAMMER consulting services ™®LLC

  6. #21
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    Great Lakes State, U.S.A.
    I started taking HBP meds about a year and a half ago, not realizing my blood pressure was going through the roof, It was a good thing I found out when I did before having a heart attack or stroke. Different conditions can cause HBP, I refuse to submit myself to all the testing a hospital stay will insist on, I found a doctor that just had me pay for bloodwork/lab and put me on a drug regimen that my metabolism can handle comfortably . Found out my colestorol is high so I've compromised my diet and take a statin drug for correcting that, for now. Generic drugs keep the cost way down. After 45 years or so most people have to start dealing with health props of some sort, the human body design what it is. Good luck on making sure you do what you need to do to stay healthy. Not to mention new findings by Chinese scientist:
    Last edited by PalmStriker; 10-03-2010 at 07:46 PM.

  7. #22
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    Fortunately for me I like hot peppers and make up my own private stock "hot oil" that I like to put on Ramen noodles( with tomatoes, lettuce, and often chicken, beef, shrimp or pork) that have steamed in a container for a few hours. Also good on sandwiches. I find Habenero peppers and hotter to be all heat (too hot) and less flavor than the cayenne's or equivalent that I use. My own recipe includes Tomatilla's , Cubanelle's and Hungarian peppers for enriching flavor. Bon Appetite!
    Last edited by PalmStriker; 10-03-2010 at 08:32 PM.

  8. #23
    Right now, my main health problems are just what I mentioned. And I haven't completely made up my mind that Qigong doesn't work, I am open minded, but I do try to be practical. If Qigong could really cure my ailments I'd like to find Qigong that can do so effectively.

    Thanks for the article. I actually probably eat more hot food than most people. I put red pepper flakes in most of my food, or hot sauce. I have actually toned down the heat I used to use in my food, over the recent years. When you use too many hot peppers then you'll start to get digestion problems.

  9. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Serenity View Post
    I did 2 forms for my blood pressure. One where you massaged the fingertips left to right. And another where you stand up and release evil heat towards the sky, while letting good chi enter you through sky door (head). I was also doing consistent cardio and weight training during this month to test if these forms lowered my blood pressure.

    After one month testing these forms, blood pressure did not get lowered at all doing that Qigong till I took meds, even with my physical exercise. I also did deep breathing Qigong that is supposed to promote your cells to make everything go back to normal. But I still have acne problems even with doing that deep breathing Qigong. I don't have a name for this style of Qigong besides a spiritual style.

    I wish it worked, but it just doesn't seem to work for me. Maybe it works as meditation to calm your mind, but that's probably it.
    For how many hours per day did you practice this qigong?

    It is normal for serious people with serious problems to train for 4+ hours daily, for months, in conjunction with dietary and activity changes. This is the kind of prescription you get from a real expert qigong doctor. And yes, it is very "practical", when you want a solution and nobody else can provide it.

    You don't use a cannon to shoot down a sparrow. So if pills solve your problems, then take the pills and be done with it. But it would be wiser not to speculate on what can be accomplished with dedication and the correct methods, based solely upon one's experience in a weaker commitment.

  10. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by MartialDev View Post
    For how many hours per day did you practice this qigong?

    It is normal for serious people with serious problems to train for 4+ hours daily, for months, in conjunction with dietary and activity changes. This is the kind of prescription you get from a real expert qigong doctor. And yes, it is very "practical", when you want a solution and nobody else can provide it.

    You don't use a cannon to shoot down a sparrow. So if pills solve your problems, then take the pills and be done with it. But it would be wiser not to speculate on what can be accomplished with dedication and the correct methods, based solely upon one's experience in a weaker commitment.
    I put the Qigong I learned to the test for a good amount of time, and it didn't work. If someone else did this I would want to know. I am a truth seeker no bullsh*t with me. If you have to practice Qigong 3-4 hours a day for it to work it's not practical compared to modern medicine. It sounds to me like the extreme diet and exercise is what brings the result. And believing in the Qigong would probably be the same in believing in a god hearing your prayers. Better to take the pill in 10 seconds, once a day, if the pill was made to give you results.
    Last edited by Mr Serenity; 10-05-2010 at 05:33 PM.

  11. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Serenity View Post
    Maybe you didn't read what I posted Scott, but I work out 5x a week. Cardio, and weight lift. When I go to the gym I don't drive, I jog almost 3 miles. All that and the Qigong did not lower my blood pressure until I took the meds.
    If you are exercising regularly and you are not reducing your blood pressure, it is doubtful Chi Kung will be much benefit. It depends upon if your condition is due to genetics, diet, or due to other factors such as a generally stressful life or stress inducing attitude of life. Stress can be alleviated through Chi Kung, but genetically high blood pressure is a different matter.

    It is more likely it is stress and diet though that are the factors contributing to your condition. If your general life attitude is stress inducing, one month to change a conditioned stress inducing attitude is unrealistic. It could take years to re-condition yourself to view life in a less stress inducing manner.

  12. #27
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    If I say to you "How far is it to New York" the answer is dependent on where you're starting from. Having that if I say how long does it take to get to New York there's still the variable of the path taken.

    Like I said before, all Qigong exercises are not created equal.

  13. #28
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    Mr. Serenity

    Diet is the way to go one this one. Cut out the salt, dairy, and meat. Diet should be 100% plant-based, whole foods. Is this extreme? Depends on your point of view. In my opinion, it is more extreme to take medication which causes unwanted side effects and further problems down the road.

    Try it, what do you have to lose? Get a free vegetarian starter kit at

    Eric Hunstad

  14. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by taai gihk yahn View Post
    well, by that "logic", the increased oxygenation of the blood would effect not only the normal cells but the cancerous ones as well, so if it makes "cell growth reproduction easier and more efficient" and being that cancer is essentially pathological cell division / propagation, you are basically "feeding" the tumor and speeding up its progression...
    Good point! Never thought of it like that.

    But in my own opinion. Qigong and Taiji helped me with Femoral Patela Pain Syndrome, a slight case of Asthma, and High Blood Pressure. Also when I practice daily, just as if I were to just do physical exercise, I wont get sick, even if I just do Qigong and no physical exercises.

    I know people Taiji and Qigong helped with Back Pain, Balance issues, Digestive problems, Acid Reflux, Arthritis, and Memory Problems.

    My teacher has students that I met that recovered from Paralyzation and Heart conditions, also some people who were on terminal cancer that had thier expiration date that the Doctor gave them extended. It also improved thier quality of living and made them less sick during chemo. I also know someone with a brain anuerism that says Da Mo's seated xi sui jin helps him deal with his treatments better.

    Ive also seen the theories behind the martial arts and Qigong help people recover from depression and bad life decisions. Not everyone, but some people... So if this does not say it is beneficial to practice it for health purposes, I dont know what is. It may not be everyone's cup of tea, and its not a miracle cure. But if it works, even if its just cuz its in the practitioners head, then it works.

  15. #30
    While anecdotal evidence is encouraging, it does not establish a direct cause and effect relationship. The Placebo effect works in roughly 33% of the population.

    Having said that, certainly Chi Kung cannot hurt, and if it works or someone falsely attributes it to the cause of their personal improvements no real harm done.

    Any stress reducing activity that involves a calming of the mind and the re-conditioning of a stress inducing life attitude will be of benefit regardless of whether it is Chi Kung, or Prayer, or Meditation, combined with dance, walking, yoga, Tai Chi, tennis, rowing, etc.

    So it isn't quite Chi Kung that it important, it is an attitude change combined with regular body movement and this is what scientific studies demonstrate.

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