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Thread: Chuka Shaolin Forms

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  1. #1
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    Oct 2004

  2. #2
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Interesting interpretation of Chu ga Mantis, this is the same Chuka that is in Donn Draegers book, correct?
    Psalms 144:1
    Praise be my Lord my Rock,
    He trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle !

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Southern California
    I read this book once, a lot of the stuff seemed so different than the "normal SPM" which I've seen:

    Pictures of wider, lower stances, large arm motions and attacks, etc.

    Interesting for sure...

    I found this:

    Drifting those are good questions , I can only pass on the history as GM told me.

    Leow Fa Shi Ko was a Buddhist nun and martial expert at a 'Fujien Shaolin Temple' , and was rumoured to be the sister of the founder of Hong Jia Quan. She eventually left and lived in a cave in Gwandong called 'White Crane Cave'...from which we can guess that maybe she excelled in Bai Her Quan. She then taught two orphaned sisters whose parents had been killed by bandits - Chu Meow Eng and Chu Meow Luan. These sisters learned her Shaolin art and herbal medicine and further developed the system by blending in the tactics of monkey, snake, mantis, tiger and other creatures - the central theme of the art being use of the phoenix eye fist delivered in a lighting fast and deceptive manner where the exponent is constantly changing height, position and angle of delivery.

    Chu Ka = Chu family Shaolin in honour of the two sisters.

    The art was then passed down through three more generations to the present day Grandmaster Cheong Cheng Leong.

    Now, you can see from the history that the system may have links to southern Mantis, southern Tiger or southern Crane arts - and being very familiar with those systems I can say that there are many similarities, as there are indeed with Bak Mei, Dragon Fist and even Hong Jia Quan (watching a demo of the various skills one will be thinking 'ahaa Chow Gar Mantis!' and then 'Oh Trembling Crane!' and 'Ahhh Bak Mei...')

    . It would take a lengthy writing to list the details, but just to note one is the Bow Drawing Hands exercise (the first Shou Fa basic drill shown by Xiong in one of these films) which you can find variations of in many of the southern arts and trains the distinct relaxed storing to sudden sharp contraction type force . But what is pretty unique to Chu Ka is it's way of delivering the phoneix eye fist, different to the other systems.
    Last edited by Violent Designs; 10-05-2010 at 12:07 PM.
    It is bias to think that the art of war is just for killing people. It is not to kill people, it is to kill evil. It is a strategem to give life to many people by killing the evil of one person.
    - Yagyū Munenori

  6. #6

    Chu Gar Gao (朱家教)

    Chuka = Chu Gar Gao
    Chu Gar Mantis = Chu Gar Gao
    Chow Gar Mantis = Chu Gar Gao

    師傅有話講 鄭運師傅

    i found this: the history of chu gar gao (朱家教)
    朱家教乃是廣東十三名拳之一,源於廣東五華客家, 創始人明朝皇族族後裔,經朱亞南,朱進、黃振強、鍾庭芳、鍾金水,獨傳至今。
      朱亞南原本是富家子弟,一說是明朝皇族族後裔,避難住五華楂水區烏石橋鄉, 由劉廣才師傅進府傳授武藝,養服終生。劉廣才,傾囊相授,朱亞南再加以苦練,後傳授其子朱進。
       朱進在民國期間,在五華出發,身背長弓籃上書(專修補破拳頭)一路南下,所向披靡,直到汕頭 。進駐客棧, 客棧老闆“熊長卿”看到其文書,覺其誇張,上 前詢問,朱進回語:“如是好拳頭無須修補,只有破舊才需修補”。熊長卿語:“如何彼此交流?” 朱進問:“那 是文玩還武比?”熊長卿言何為文玩,何為武比。 朱進言:文為耍花槍,武為對打。朱進提出條件,彩金為大洋兩百塊。,熊長卿立即拿出大洋兩百塊 放桌上,朱進 一攬進腰袋,熊長卿言:“請慢、請慢,未分勝 負。”朱進言:“如其敗,兩倍奉還。”朱進起身,腳落地磚則碎。熊長卿一看,服其功夫。拜朱進 為師,教練三 年,朱進回歸故里。朱回歸後派徒步弟黃振強,回汕傳授朱家教。黃振強到汕後,在火車頭開館授徒 ,鍾庭芳得其 真傳,後得鍾庭芳在汕把朱家教發揚,在武術界上響有名聲。後傳大子鍾松龍,二子鍾金水,在58 年武術比賽 中獲冠軍。62年汕頭武術冠軍。85年汕頭市各門派冠軍。為朱家教錦上添花。
      朱家教的風格特點:朱家教屬於客家拳,鳳爪手,風眼拳,兩掌攤開時俗稱乞兒手,含胸拔背, 沉肩墜肘,坐 腕高中馬。
      朱家教拳術套路有:拳母七星拳、鳳爪拳、三角拳,陰陽八百手,四門散手、、、、、、器械有 :流水棍,十 八虎樁棍、對棍、雙刀、雙刀對白手,鐵尺,板凳,大爬,銀針,藤牌,浴巾布、、、、、、
      朱家教拳術的訓練由:粗五項、糼五項、五項對手、五項和手、五項發勁、驚彈勁, 貓仔洗臉;彈、捷、薛、掃各項手勢。

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Firehawk4 View Post
    Are these wu shu forms?
    Ask me how I can sell your dojo!

    Charlee is a half a$$ 6th degree of fake Villari kempo

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    These are Forms from the Chuka Southern Shaolin Phoenix Eye Fist System . I think there just basic forms .

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