Interesting...but hasnt fabricating a convoluted history always been a mainstay of the Chinese martial arts,we have all heard stories of some grand teacher learning from a secluded monk/animals fight/dream sequence etc,yet we train in these systems whole heartedly,Dong Hai Quans Bagua,even Wing Chuns legend of Yim Wing Chun/Ng Mui/Snake and Crane fighting, to name a few, all sound like olden days marketing strategies.

Objectively what Benny Meng and the other gent put together seem like a very useful system on its own merit.Benny seems to have spent a long time in training in Wing Chun and he seems to have the skill and the understanding to go with it.
I'm not condoning the stories behind this Black /Red Flag etc controversy, but in the end the proof of the pudding is in its eating and they seem to have something there! having said that they should market it as their own creation rather than something old and unique.

But then again Chinese tradition and Confucian thought all point to something old and handed down by elders as being the 'real deal'.Would anyone bother to learn a system if it was said to be a creation of the Sifu or his teacher,thats just bad marketing!****ed if you do and ****ed if you dont!

Having said all that I have no interest whatsoever in Wing Chun as I am a Southern Mantis practitioner.