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Thread: Damage control for Little Nine Heaven/ Sifu James McNeil

  1. #1

    Damage control for Little Nine Heaven/ Sifu James McNeil

    A friend who is a student McNeil's forwarded this to me. It came from a recent newsletter. They thought it was very strange to read. especially after several senior students have left him over the past couple years. Is this possible damage control before something comes public? Anybody know why he would publish this? I remember reading an article about one of his teachers on another forum who used to say"“The truth will hurt any man, whereas a lie will not.”

    By: James W. McNeil
    Recently there have been many stories in the news about a young college student in NJ, who committed suicide after being cyber-bullied when a ****sexual encounter in his dorm room was secretly recorded by fellow students and then broadcasted
    with insensitive comments online. The case has prompted much discussion on issues of tolerance, privacy rights and bullying. So many lives have been destroyed in
    the wake of this tragedy. A young man took his own life; his family is
    grieving. The two accused students are now suffering the consequences
    of their poor judgment and their families are suffering too. Many innocent
    people have been hurt because two young people made a
    stupid mistake with dire consequences. The lawyers for these students
    are urging everyone “to learn all the facts before rushing to judgment”
    and released the following statement: “This is a tragic situation.
    But this tragedy has also unfairly led to rampant speculation and misinformation,
    which threaten to overwhelm the actual facts of the matter.”

    Sometimes people make a mistake and act, not out of horrible intent, but
    out of ignorance or stupidity. Many young people have made mistakes
    that they will not repeat again. It is a part of life and growing up. Yet,
    sometimes people may get hurt from our practical jokes or bad mistakes.
    Maybe you said something you regret and hurt someone’s feelings, or
    took something that was not yours, drank too much, or caused harm
    physically or emotionally to someone else. Maybe you let your guard
    down and you, or the both of you , made a mistake
    and your reputation
    and respect was lost forever. The respect that many of us work hard to
    gain can be lost in one instant.

    So, how do we make it right? Do we learn from our mistakes and
    can they be corrected? Is “I am sorry” enough? Not always.
    Sometimes a mistake can be forgiven and other times it is unforgivable.
    We may look back and wonder how it happened and why
    – replaying the event: what went wrong, why didn’t we do this or
    that? Sometimes you will never find the answer. And sometimes
    things are not as they appear. There are two sides to every
    story. The problem is that many times the other person
    does not want to hear the other side

    The world is not perfect and we are not perfect. No man, woman,
    or child on the face of this earth is perfect. We all will make a mistake
    at one time or another in our lifetime. Some may go to jail. Some
    reputations will be tainted forever. Some will be forgiven in the eyes
    of others and some will never be. Some will be wrongly accused and
    will pay a price. Many famous men and women throughout the world
    have been caught doing something they should not have been
    doing, even if it happened in their early years. We have kings and
    queens, presidents, famous sports players, movie stars, government
    officials, teachers, coaches, college students, men and women
    from all walks of life who have made or will make a mistake or be
    caught doing something others deem wrong - and it may be.

    Of course, there is always someone out there watching for those
    mistakes and those who will tell the world to hurt you, or even tell
    a lie to make their story sound believable
    , no matter who it hurts.

    Yes, justice may bring out the truth in a trial, but still his or her
    reputation will still be tainted, even after found innocent. In
    many cases the liar will walk away free and still be believed
    by some.
    There are many good men and
    women in jail today because they made a wrong decision.
    Friendships can be ruined because of a mistake and marriages
    broken because of a certain decision. The news media
    is always looking for gossip or excitement. They care very little
    who they hurt. They do it for a story, to sell books, newspapers,
    or television shows.

    This is especially applicable to martial artists. We have been
    given knowledge and skills that the average person does not
    have. This brings a responsibility to use our skills most carefully.
    Our skills are not toys that can be used for playthings. Our
    teachers, going all the way back to the founders of our styles,
    showed faith and confidence in us as students when they taught

    We have an obligation to perfect our skills and use them to develop
    ourselves as responsible adults and pass on our knowledge
    to those who understand and appreciate this opportunity.
    In this way, we can contribute to the development of the human
    race. We must all think before we act and take into consideration
    the feelings of others. But if we do make a mistake, remember
    there are always two sides to every story

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Is this some form of bizzaro world publicity for jim?

  3. #3
    Sounds like someone did something wrong and is trying to set up a spin machine in advance of the negative publicity.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Southern California
    u gotta hire Nick Naylor, he is the sultan of spin.
    It is bias to think that the art of war is just for killing people. It is not to kill people, it is to kill evil. It is a strategem to give life to many people by killing the evil of one person.
    - Yagyū Munenori

  5. #5
    I'm not the only one who thinks there maybe something wrong here. I told them they may want to look for a new teacher. Maybe switch to mantis

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Violent Designs View Post
    u gotta hire Nick Naylor, he is the sultan of spin.
    Nah. I think the combination of Don King and Johnny Cochran would work better.

  7. #7
    or it could just be MacNeil musing on a topic; does he do that with other subject matter? (I really dont kno, not defending the man, just being objective)

  8. #8
    he probably sent a pic of his junk to that sportscaster on FOX....

    (that as a joke by the way)
    Chan Tai San Book at

    Quote Originally Posted by taai gihk yahn View Post
    well, like LKFMDC - he's a genuine Kung Fu Hero™
    Quote Originally Posted by Taixuquan99 View Post
    As much as I get annoyed when it gets derailed by the array of strange angry people that hover around him like moths, his good posts are some of my favorites.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kellen Bassette View Post
    I think he goes into a cave to meditate and recharge his chi...and bite the heads off of bats, of course....

  9. #9
    "or it could just be MacNeil musing on a topic; does he do that with other subject matter? (I really dont kno, not defending the man, just being objective) "
    Yes as this is a small extract from his monthly newsletter that usually starts with a moral musing on some topic or another. Taking it completely out of context as has been done here seems pretty disingenious. I suppose each month he commits a different crime?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Pound Town
    whos james mcneil??

    Honorary African American
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  11. #11
    [QUOTE=chrislomas;1059367]Yes as this is a small extract from his monthly newsletter that usually starts with a moral musing on some topic or another. Taking it completely out of context as has been done here seems pretty disingenious. I suppose each month he commits a different crime?[/QUOTE

    Strange topic though if we as practitioners are striving for perfection. The words in bold are interesting too. Does that mean anything?

  12. #12
    If you disregard the emboldening you did and read the article as a whole, it is a simply an attempt to give many angles and stress the need for tolerance. As for students leaving Sifu McNeil, I know most of his senior students and can't think of any who have recently left.

    Tanglang63, it seems a very strange thing to appear on a forum and with your very first post start casting aspirsions about someone (indeed a 'friends' teacher) based on a rather idiosyncratic reading of a something they wrote... Perhaps you would let people know who you are, so as we know you have no hidden agendas?

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by chrislomas View Post
    If you disregard the emboldening you did and read the article as a whole, it is a simply an attempt to give many angles and stress the need for tolerance. As for students leaving Sifu McNeil, I know most of his senior students and can't think of any who have recently left.

    Tanglang63, it seems a very strange thing to appear on a forum and with your very first post start casting aspirsions about someone (indeed a 'friends' teacher) based on a rather idiosyncratic reading of a something they wrote... Perhaps you would let people know who you are, so as we know you have no hidden agendas?
    Obviously he is someone who has a gripe with James McNeil. No read a hsing I book written by him awhile ago. Maybe tanglang is a woman who was sexually assaulted by him. My advice would be to ignore it and this thread will go away. Please don't ignore it because this place is boring. We need a little baby mamma drama. Yeesh.

  14. #14
    sometimes, the water looks still or not moving

    maybe it is deep.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Huntington, NY, USA website:
    well, seeing as it really appears to be a smear campaign, and no one is really responding to it anyway, perhaps it should just be deleted so as not to cause undue attention. Sometimes things become witch hunts...
    "My Gung-Fu may not be Your Gung-Fu.
    Gwok-Si, Gwok-Faht"

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    that killed Kung-Fu."


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