I've just been asked to post this by the Chinese Cultural Center of San Francisco. It's an amazing opportunity for someone.

Now Taking Applications for the 2010 Overseas Youth Martial Arts Culture Seminar

The Chinese Culture Center of San Francisco and our Partners at the Guangdong Province Overseas Affairs Office and the Guangdong Cultural Transmission Base are thrilled to announce that we are now taking applications for the 2010 Guangdong Culture Youth Seminar on Chan Wu Martial Arts. Made possible by generous support from Agile Property Holdings, the seminar will take place this December in Guangdong Province at the Guangdong Cultural Transmission Base Zen Wu Center. All Bay Area friends are invited to apply. We will be processing submissions on a first come, first served basis.

The seminar will take place over the course of a month under the close instruction of local masters of traditional Shaolin Kung Fu and Southern Nan Quan. The program will focus on traditional Buddhist Studies culture as well as martial arts, and includes visits to Zen Buddhist near the base. This is a great opportunity for martial arts students and traditional Chinese culture and Kung Fu enthusiasts. The organizers will cover all transportation and accommodation costs during each student’s one month stay.

Applicant Criteria
• Must be at least 21 years old
• Must hold a valid U.S. Passport
• Able to travel for one month beginning December 1st
• Basic skill and some experience in Kung Fu Martial Arts

• Please provide the following information
o Name
o Address & Phone (Cell)
o Email Address
o Age
o Gender
o Years of experience doing Kung Fu Martial Arts
• Write an essay of no more than 500 words. State why you are interested, your history, knowledge, and training level

Selection Criteria
• Must be in good physical health
• Interest and knowledge of Kung Fu Martial Arts
• Preferred: Basic Chinese language skills (Mandarin or Cantonese)

Please submit completed applications to Feng Yuan Ji at fengyuan@c-c-c.org by 5:00pm, Friday, November 19, 2010.


舊金山中華文化中心聯合廣東省僑辦,廣東省海外交流協會以及中國華文教育基金會,在雅居樂地產控股有限公司 的慷慨贊助下,於12月在廣東省中華文化傳承基地•禪武中心,舉辦“南粵文化行—2010海外華裔青年禪武 文化研修班”,熱誠邀請灣區朋友報名!名額有限,報名從速!

該研修班為期一個月,邀請到著名功夫大師,教授傳統少林功夫及南拳,舉辦傳統禪學文化講座,進行禪修、武學 文化交流,並組織參觀禪宗祖庭(廣州光孝寺、新興國恩寺)等。這將是武術愛好者學習和研修中華傳統功夫和文 化的大好機會。主辦方負責研修班期間的食宿和交通費用。

• 21歲以上,30歲以下
• 持有有效美國護照
• 必須參加從12月1日至31日為時一個月的學習
• 基本的功夫技能和經驗
• 自購美國至廣東往返機票

• 請提供以下信息
o 姓名:
o 地址:
o 固定電話--------------------手提電話:------------------------
o Email:
o 年齡:
o 性別:
o 功夫經驗:---------年
• 提交一篇500字以內的申請短文,說明你為何報名參加研修班,介紹你的背景,功夫知識以及程度 。

請於11月19日下午五點前,將申請表以及申請短文提交給:fengyuan@ccc.org。請在Ema il標題註明:功夫訓練營申請。

• 身體健康
• 對武術有興趣和了解
• 最好懂中文(廣東話或普通話)