Quote Originally Posted by David Jamieson View Post
The rape allegations came up during the release from the gun cameras that showed American soldiers gleefully murdering people in the streets of Iraq with gunships.
ive seen the vid, and a guy clearly takes aim with an rpg at their gunship... i also saw atleast 6 rifles... the threee hellfire missles may have been a bit much, but ičd hardly call them inoscent... and hey, if you are stupid enough to walk thru a battle that you think is over and get caught in it, thats on you... its not like the demo'd peoples houses like wečve seen before...

but thats war man, its ugly... a few treee huggers see it and are horrified sure, but it was hardly a turkey shoot for no reason whatsoever... and what do you know about the intel that brought them to these people in the first place???