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Thread: Another look at Wing Chun History/Mystery

  1. #166
    So how easy or difficult to prove Emei 12 zhuang is infact a component which was used in WCK and not limited to Yik Kam's teaching?

    It is very simple and clear.

    The answer is open in front of everyone's eyes,

    we know Koo Lo village is a time capsule which preserve lots of 1850's practice with low distortion ---Between Leong Jan and Fung Chun is only one generation a part.

    Look at what Fung Chun the living grand student of DR. Leong Jan did in 0.37-0.38

    that is the Emei 12 Zhuang's signature "the five fingers trace the taiji". this five fingers trace the taiji move is a training in additional to the Biu jee to open up energy channel to the tip of the fingers.

    Why is this emei 12 zhuang 's specific signature practice by Fung Chun in the middle of homeland of Leong Jan Koo Lo in version of WCK which Leong Jan himself created?

    Why is this signature also practice in other old WCK lineage?

    See, I didnt even mention Yik Kam WCK or Cho family, which is a totaly different lineage.

    So, the emei signature is there. even Leong Jan has that Emei 12 Zhuang Component on finger technics training.

    so, we know in 1850 era Leong Jan has been exposed to the Emei 12 Zhuang elements, and it is also important otherwise he will not include it in his latest version of WCK.
    and it is not exclusive to Yik Kam's but pre -Leong Jan WCK has those stuffs and still preversed today in older lineage such as Koo Lo.

    Jim who is a legitimate Koo Lo WCner wrote this, he has met Fung Chun and the gate Keeper of Emei 12 zhuang. so he has first hand experience on the issue.

    Tracing the Taiji Circle

    In the lineages of Fung, Cho, Yuen and others there is a common Sao Kuen/Sik (Fist or Section Closing Sequence) often referred to as Lop Sao, which is also popular in most south fist traditions. The Taiji Circle is “O”-shape and an older, symbolic term for the line the fingers follow when performing the action. Fung Chun, head of the Fung family of Wing Chun, can be seen performing this on his son’s web site when demonstrating some basics of his art.

    During lunch with Grandmaster Fu Wei Zong, I pulled out some Kuen Kuit notes which originated with Wing Chun ancestor Yik Kam (of the Red Junk opera) and passed down through the Cho family. Grandmaster Fu asked me to read them to him. At first I don’t think he realized what they were but when I told him they were notes from Miao Shun he stopped me. “This is your poetry?” he asked. “Yes”, I answered and continued to read on. Grandmaster Fu stopped me again a number of times with questions about this or that note, but the one time that really stood out was when I read the term Taiji Circle. Grandmaster Fu asked me to show him what this was and after I showed him he said: “Yes! That is our Tracing the Taiji Circle!”

    Since the Wing Chun movement was so similar to the more general version of this training, the differences or “Little Details” became important: the individual knuckle to knuckle (joint by joint) and opening/closing of the six bones of the hand that makes Wing Chun’s unique from the others.
    Last edited by Hendrik; 12-31-2010 at 07:20 PM.

  2. #167
    Hendrik-The link to koo lo is damaged and doesn't work.

    Many wing chun lineages including Ip Man's recognizes the snake and crane as ancestor arts.
    Details of their meaning can vary. I don't depend on Hendrik to see the frequent appearance of the snake and crane in well known and old wing chun lineages.

    Of course "acceptance" is a personal thing and opinions can vary. Hendrik has not claimed that Yik Kam is the ancestor of other wing chun.

    But interestingly in Hendrik's possession are copies of twp person martial touch positions in the form of drawings from the Emei monastery/temple treasures. The angles of the hand and the position of the feet looks like wing chun.

    I don't do Yik Kam's art. What I do in the Ip Man tradition is pretty complete- to me.
    Many Yik Kam folks keep their wing chun separate from some of the other things that they do.Others may mix them.

    Ip man seems to have synthesized quite well- two different strands of wing chun-from Chan Wah Sun and ahem- from Leung Jan via Leung Bik.Whatever one may think of Ip Chun and Ip Ching's wing chun as sons they knew what their father told them about his own life till he left for Macao.

    Best wishes for a New Year to all wing chun folks.Hope that the new year brings less noise
    and more info on the art.

    History is not a natural science. Good history involves some proofs but lots of interpretations and revisions. But certainly the tracing of lineages from Yip Man via Leung Jan to the red boat is a fairly reliable story-real people with fairly clear life stories... and few things are ex nihilo- so the red boats folks are bound to have had borrowed ideas from other ancestors.

    There really isn't a scholarly history of wing chun to date.Experience is a big part of doing wing chun well. But empiricism is necessary but can be blind. Those who can apply a standard or measure for judging experience can IMO have a leg up in undertstanding the art.

    Joy Chaudhuri

  3. #168

    Try this and see if it works.

  4. #169
    Quote Originally Posted by Hendrik View Post
    Thx Hendrk- it did. Gu Lo is not my cup of tea. But I understand your comment.

    joy chaudhuri

  5. #170
    Quote Originally Posted by Vajramusti View Post
    Thx Hendrk- it did. Gu Lo is not my cup of tea. But I understand your comment.

    joy chaudhuri

    Glad you see it.

    evidentally the Emei signature is there in the home town of Leong Jan..

    both one single long form and emei signature has been found and confirm in Leong Jan's lineage. Again, Yik Kam is not the only one has these.

    WCK is Crane + Snake and one doesnt have to look far if one knows how to look in one's own backward for those treasure.

    So, for those who keep postulate wanting to seperate Yik Kam lineage from other WCK lineages for their own agenda to change history, by evident, they have no chance. and it is time to question the motivation behind them.

    Today is 1-1-11, similar to decade ago when white crane was brought up by evidents, Emei snake is brought up now and no longer can be denied. IMHO.
    Last edited by Hendrik; 12-31-2010 at 07:36 PM.

  6. #171
    pao fa lien wing chun this lineage is said to have its roots in the shaolin monastery and was taught by a buddhist monk whose nickname was Big East Wind (大东风). on leaving the shaolin monastery Dai Dung Fung (大东风)travelled south to canton. the buddhist monk was a member of a secret society whose aims were to overthrow the Ching Government.

    Yim Wing Chun:
    SNT, CK, BJ

    Dai Dung Fung:
    SNT, CK, BJ

    Pao Fa Lien Wing Chun:
    SNT, CK, BJ

    Wong Wah Bo
    SNT, CK, BJ

    Leung Yee Tai:
    SNT, CK, BJ

    Leung Jan:
    SNT, CK, BJ (foshan version)
    Ching San San Sau (guloo version)
    Pin San San Sau (guloo version)

    Yik Kam:
    SLT (incomplete wc + o-mei + crane)

    Bruce Lee:
    JKD (ip man wc + mma)

    hendrik, you can't back up your rediculous claim such as 'wing chun came from o-mei and crane.' you preach yik kam slt as original wing chun and attacking others to cover up your hypocritical behavior. you totally ignore peoples' questions and are only capable of a one sided speech. most people know where did bruce lee learn his wing chun from, but nobody really know where did yik kam learn his incomplete wing chun? where did yik kam learn his o-mei? who was yik kam's o-mei teacher? where did yik kam learn his crane? which crane school and who was his teacher? once again, you can't give us any details to back up your claims.

    poa fa lien wing chun came from shaolin monastery, wong wak bo-leung jan-ip man-william cheung, in cheung's books he mentioned his wing chun also came from shaolin monastery. in ching wu school where i came from, many of my teachers also said the same thing. all these facts are telling you one thing, yik kam slt was his own creation which got nothing to do with the real wing chun. poa fa lien wing chun, yim wing chun, wong wah bo wing chun long existed before yik kam slt. you go figure where did yik kam slt from?

    unlike yik kam slt, came from three different places, o-mei mountain? which area of o-mei mountain did yik kam pick up his o-mei 12 zheung? fukien? which crane school did yik kam learn his crane boxing in fukien? snake? which snake school did yik kam learn his snake boxing? most snake boxing were from north in 200 years ago, they were not in fukien area.

    o-mei 12 zheung is a set of very simple heahth execise, i saw you blowing hot air but doing nothing, and let your student showing some simple o-mei excecise, and the problem his skill level was very low and i couldn't see or find any good o-mei kung fu there. are you really sure your are qualified to speak for o-mei kung fu system?
    Last edited by RB93SAAT; 12-31-2010 at 07:48 PM.

  7. #172
    As a summary from my previous posts:

    With the following two video clips;

    and horserider's reveal one long form is practiced in the Leong Jan related lineage ;
    and the three sets are the creation of LJ /WWB.

    With the "time capsule" in different lineages such as senior Fung Chun in Koo Lo and other village in China, we all could have a glimpse of how WCK looks in 1850.

    We know WCK is indeed White Crane + Emei Snake by evidence via lineage without even include Yik Kam lineage. The first order verification has been done here.

    Those who postulate WCK is from Shao Lin are expected to give as details as above or even more to proof their claiming, until then, there is no facture evidence, at least up to this second. and even if there is evident from Shao Lin, the White Crane + Emei Snake in WCK is a reality disregard of Shao Lin involve or not.

    Thus, the case of White Crane + Emei snake is closed.

    Quote Originally Posted by JPinAZ View Post
    Just wanted to take another look at some of WC's history (and mystery) sparked from another thread.

    Originally posted on recent thread:

    Thank you for sharing this information. While not everyone believes the Yim Wing Chun legend, it is clear that WC has been around before the time of Wong Wah Bo and then clearly before Yik Kam as listed in the tree above (even if WWB isn't listed in this tree). Curious if you've heard of Leung Lan Kwai learning from Leung Bak So who in turn taught Wong Wah Bo?
    Anyway, the reason I bring up WWB is because of the big differences I see between just about everyone that comes down from his teachings and those few lines that come from from Yik Kam.

    Why is it all the lines that come down from Wong Wah Bo's teachings have 3 hand forms while his juniors wing chun (Yik Kam) only has one long SLT?

    It has been said on this forum that Yik Kam (or his teacher) is the creator of Wing Chun with it's single SLT form and mixture of Omei and White Crane, and that it is the 'original' WCK coming from Omei-Crane. It would also be believed that this one SLT was then later split into SNT/CK/BJ as we have today (in both WWB descendants and several non-WWB lineages).
    Also, how can most all other lines that draw down from Yim Wing Chun, or even Wong Wah Bo (Yik Kam's senior) already have 3 hand forms and none (or very little) of the strong Omei and White Crane signatures seen only in YK's 1 SLT today if it is the original?? Also, if it is true that YK's 'original' 1 slt was split into 3 forms, why is it still 1 from in YK WCK today?

    This tells me that the 1 long SLT was YK's invention after training some WC, along with the mixing in of the omei/crane information. and that is why it is still 1 long form today as opposed to the traditional 3 the rest of the WC community has that traces their lineage past YK. (except for Gulo's point system)
    Last edited by Hendrik; 12-31-2010 at 07:56 PM.

  8. #173
    "Is said" doesnt mean anything. Show us solid evidents as we present here.

    Quote Originally Posted by RB93SAAT View Post
    pao fa lien wing chun this lineage is said to have its roots in the shaolin monastery ........

  9. #174
    Those who postulate WCK is from Shao Lin are expected to give as details as above or even more to proof their claiming, until then, there is no facture evidence, at least up to this second. and even if there is evident from Shao Lin, the White Crane + Emei Snake in WCK is a reality disregard of Shao Lin involve or not.

    少林寺被清廷所毁,寺僧便四散逃走,有散于北方其他地方,亦有南下广东,福建等地,一名绰号“ 大东风”之少 林和尚(真姓名及法号已没有提起,因避清廷耳目之故,而“大东风”的意思,在当时中国民间有俗 语所谓“唔好 东风搅坏天”,借用其意即要造反)逃到广东,遇到两名兄弟并被收容,兄叫谢国梁,弟叫谢国樟, 袓籍西樵,单 灶谢,一为文官,一为武官,两人虽为清廷效力,但皆为清官,而且身为汉人,亦对满洲人欺压汉人 而心感不愤。 经过一段颇长日子的相处,“大东风”见两人品德端正,为官清廉,对自己礼待有加,且心系汉族, 并非为虎作伥 之人,就传两兄弟武功,并且透露,懂此门武功者,皆为反清义士,但此拳本无名,乃少林一脉,但 少林功夫门路 繁多,于散出少林后,便各自成一派,亦具派别名称。缘于本派功夫,既以反清复明为己任,当然会 联络及组织各 地之反凊组织(即初期之洪门等三合会),而本派暗语是“永言矢志,毋忘汉族,还我河山,大地回 春”,为便以 传于后世,遂将第一句“永言”合成一“咏”字,加上第四句最尾“春”字,以命名此一拳派,是为 “咏春”。何 解第一句用首两字,而第四句只用最尾一字?因为“永言”合成的“咏”字,是一动词,创拳者们既 身为明朝遗臣 或子民,能够驱逐鞑子,还我河山,是为毕生最重要的事,所以“咏”的意思,就是告诫所有的人, 要经常在心中 吟咏那四句的暗语,勉励自己,不可或忘。

    Pao Fa Lien Wing Chun ( 刨花蓮詠春)Lineage

    This style of Wing Chun is a shaolin system which came from the north. During the revolutions against the Manchurians, a shaolin monk (少 林和尚), nicknamed Dai Dong Fung (大东风)(Great East Wind), while trying to escape arrest, came to the south. In the area of Qingyuan, Guangdong, he was made a guest by bothers named Tse Gok-Leung ( 谢国梁)& Tse Gok-Jeung(谢国樟) Of the two brothers, one was a literary mandarin while the other was a military mandarin. Even though they were working for the Manchurians, but since they were of the Han tribe, and seeing how their kinsmen were being mistreated, they had a hope that one day the Manchurians would be over thrown by the Hans. After a period of time, when the monk observed that these two brothers were decent people and not corrupted mandarins, and that they also treated him with honor and respect, he taught them Wing Chun. He also disclosed that all disciples of Wing Chun are revolutionists. Since this had been discovered by the Manchurian Court, so in order to hide identity, they broke down the two characters "Wing Chun" into a secret three lined poem. That is: "Wing Yin Chi Ji" "永言矢志" (Always speak with determination), "Mo Mong Hong Juk" "毋忘汉族"(Don't forget the Han Nation), "Dai Day Wu Chun" "大地回春"(Spring will be back again).

    most people know where did bruce lee learn his wing chun from, but nobody really know where did yik kam learn his incomplete wing chun? where did yik kam learn his o-mei? who was yik kam's o-mei teacher? where did yik kam learn his crane? which crane school and who was his teacher? once again, you can't give us any details to back up your claims.
    hendrik, where are your answers?

  10. #175
    So, for those who keep postulate wanting to seperate Yik Kam lineage from other WCK lineages for their own agenda to change history, by evident, they have no chance. and it is time to question the motivation behind them.
    o-mei 12 zheung is for health execise, not an fighting art. wing chun kung fu is designed for fighting. you can keep on blowing hot air with your rediculous claims, it would not change this fact o-mei 12 zheung is just a simple set of health execises.

  11. #176
    Quote Originally Posted by RB93SAAT View Post
    o-mei 12 zheung is for health execise, not an fighting art. wing chun kung fu is designed for fighting.

    you can keep on blowing hot air with your rediculous claims, it would not change this fact o-mei 12 zheung is just a simple set of health execises.

    This is a problem when one is making claim on something one totally dont know what it is.

  12. #177
    Quote Originally Posted by RB93SAAT View Post

    少林寺被清廷所毁,寺僧便四散逃走,有散于北方其他地方,亦有南下广东,福建等地,一名绰号“ 大东风”之少 林和尚(真姓名及法号已没有提起,因避清廷耳目之故,而“大东风”的意思,在当时中国民间有俗 语所谓“唔好 东风搅坏天”,借用其意即要造反)逃到广东,遇到两名兄弟并被收容,兄叫谢国梁,弟叫谢国樟, 袓籍西樵,单 灶谢,一为文官,一为武官,两人虽为清廷效力,但皆为清官,而且身为汉人,亦对满洲人欺压汉人 而心感不愤。 经过一段颇长日子的相处,“大东风”见两人品德端正,为官清廉,对自己礼待有加,且心系汉族, 并非为虎作伥 之人,就传两兄弟武功,并且透露,懂此门武功者,皆为反清义士,但此拳本无名,乃少林一脉,但 少林功夫门路 繁多,于散出少林后,便各自成一派,亦具派别名称。缘于本派功夫,既以反清复明为己任,当然会 联络及组织各 地之反凊组织(即初期之洪门等三合会),而本派暗语是“永言矢志,毋忘汉族,还我河山,大地回 春”,为便以 传于后世,遂将第一句“永言”合成一“咏”字,加上第四句最尾“春”字,以命名此一拳派,是为 “咏春”。何 解第一句用首两字,而第四句只用最尾一字?因为“永言”合成的“咏”字,是一动词,创拳者们既 身为明朝遗臣 或子民,能够驱逐鞑子,还我河山,是为毕生最重要的事,所以“咏”的意思,就是告诫所有的人, 要经常在心中 吟咏那四句的暗语,勉励自己,不可或忘。

    Pao Fa Lien Wing Chun ( 刨花蓮詠春)Lineage

    This style of Wing Chun is a shaolin system which came from the north. During the revolutions against the Manchurians, a shaolin monk (少 林和尚), nicknamed Dai Dong Fung (大东风)(Great East Wind), while trying to escape arrest, came to the south. In the area of Qingyuan, Guangdong, he was made a guest by bothers named Tse Gok-Leung ( 谢国梁)& Tse Gok-Jeung(谢国樟) Of the two brothers, one was a literary mandarin while the other was a military mandarin. Even though they were working for the Manchurians, but since they were of the Han tribe, and seeing how their kinsmen were being mistreated, they had a hope that one day the Manchurians would be over thrown by the Hans. After a period of time, when the monk observed that these two brothers were decent people and not corrupted mandarins, and that they also treated him with honor and respect, he taught them Wing Chun. He also disclosed that all disciples of Wing Chun are revolutionists. Since this had been discovered by the Manchurian Court, so in order to hide identity, they broke down the two characters "Wing Chun" into a secret three lined poem. That is: "Wing Yin Chi Ji" "永言矢志" (Always speak with determination), "Mo Mong Hong Juk" "毋忘汉族"(Don't forget the Han Nation), "Dai Day Wu Chun" "大地回春"(Spring will be back again).

    hendrik, where are your answers?

    1, Shao lin? Which Shao lin? who - with real name and trace able ? when? where? Evidents of trace in TCMA history?
    go a head show the details instead of translate some story from a person or two without details.

    We needs details as how the White Crane and Emei snake presented in different legitimate RED BOAT OPERA lineages of WCK.

    2, The older WCK lineages and senior Fung Chun's Video clips have answered the questions of White Crane and and Emei snake, they do fine without me.

    So, here on I am off the case.
    Last edited by Hendrik; 12-31-2010 at 09:52 PM.

  13. #178
    hendrik, you sound confused. was that because yik kam considered as an outsider so he couldn't possible be able to learn wing chun with leung yee tai from the same teacher? that might explain yik kam's slt was not original wing chun. seriouly take another look at the history of pao fa lien can help you to realize that your o-mei connection is a fantasy nothing more.

    once again, why don't you answer these questions here?

    why did yik kam go out to search other arts in order to fill in the missing pieces of his wing chun?
    where and who did yik kam learn his o-mei from?
    where and who did yik kam learn his crane from?
    where and who did yik kam learn his snake from?

    as most people know this fact, dai dung fung, yim wing chun, wong wah bo and leung yee tai and others all came before yik kam, so, from where and who and how could you replace yik kam story to the real history of wing chun coiming from dai dung fung and william cheung? from yim wing chun to wong wah bo, from chi sim to red boat members, from ip man to william cheung. in william cheung books clearly stated wing chun came from shaolin monastery. so, it's also safe to say that yik kam was happy with his own creation, yik kam slt is just yik kam slt, nothing more. only you hendrik turned it into fantasy.
    Last edited by RB93SAAT; 12-31-2010 at 10:54 PM.

  14. #179
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    North London, England
    Quote Originally Posted by LoneTiger108 View Post
    I thought I might just add my ten pence worth here because I have heard something worth mentioning. Albeit just rumours or folklore, but it does make some kind of sense to me.

    Hung Gun Biu 'may have been' the family name of Hung Hei Goon, who is credited with formalizing and spreading the art of Hung Gar. Therefore, he was a direct student of Jee Shim and it is also believed that these two Martial Artists sought refuge on the Red Boats.

    From my own research I can also say that the pole form I practise originated with one of Hung Hei Goons martial brothers who shared his knowledge of pole plays with people on the Red Boats, filtering down to Leung Yee Tai who Ip Family claim as the source of Wing Chun 6 point and half pole. He is also known to have lived in the same street as Wong Wah Bo and they both taught Leung Jan together in a 'new' martial art when they retired from the Red Boats.

    The 'idea' of this union was made famous by the movie Prodigal Son.

    All of this also points this specific lineage to Shaolin (if only briefly!) since Jee Shim is said to have taught Hung Hei Goon while he was staying at the Southern temple, perhaps again just a 'pit stop' to seek refuge. And on all counts I am really only talking of my connection regarding pole plays. It is common knowledge that the 6 1/2 pole was 'inherited' from another style, and it is Hung Gar that was more prominent with the pole in those days as far as I'm aware. It simply makes sense, no?

    I also find it very interesting that from people in Hung Kuen I have talked to there seemed to be a big divide in people practising the short and long bridge systems, even going as far to suggest that the short bridge system was lost, especailly after Wong Fei Hung become very very famous throughout China. Due to his tall, slim build he perpetuated the long bridge system.

    Now I'm not saying that this is fact, but again it makes sense that Wing Chun must have existed prior to the Red Boats and may have been very heavily influenced by Hung Gar practitioners whilst on the Red Boats. This too adds to the mystery as Hung Gar is also known for its many forms and sets and especially it's way of transmitting knowledge through kuit, or martial poems. All of which seems very intriguing since I have yet to see evidence of the kuit existing before the Red Boats, and during this time maybe the 'Original' Wing Chun received an overhaul and one form became three and other two man sets and loose hand techniques were also introduced.

    Just something to reflect on and needs some more serious research too imho, especially because I really know very little about anything before the Red Boat as this too is very strongly represented in my own learning due to my Sifu and his family being one of the last troupes of Canton Opera performers and musicians to 'see' some of the older generations practising in the fields on the New Territories in HK! I also found some great information on Hung Kuen in their own family museum which is based in the same ancestral park as Ip Mans Tong in Foshan/Fatsan. The Ip Family were granted the space because of the close relationship between the two styles.

    Well, that's my New Year gift to you all!
    I guess that nobody really cares for 'another view'? And I thought that maybe a new year would bring in decent exchange of ideas but all I see is people talking over eachother!

    I think its pointless asking Hendrik anything about Wing Chun prior to Yik Kam as all he is concerned with is how his root has influenced everyone elses with the snake & crane, which does make sense if you haven't secured a Shaolin connection.

    But I have tried to highlight how this is possible without the intervention of Yik Kam or Pao Fa Lien so what do you all think?

    I really think that the Red Boats are an important turning point for Wing Chun but I also have to clear some misinformation about their purpose. We were not and are not rebels! There were literally hundreds of troupes and to put us all in the gangsta category is wrong. As far as I'm aware this revolutionary behaviour stopped with Jee Shim and Hung Hei Goon. And FWIW I don't think anyone on this forum has unravelled the true history of Wing Chun because they simply can't.

    We can all speculate and try to use elders like Fong Chun to try to prove a point but show me a clip of him talking of Yik Kam and Omei snake?! Fact is even Fong Chun has his own stories. Nothing is 100% reliable so we should just get on with training and appreciate eachothers research and inherited folklores!
    Ti Fei

  15. #180
    I guess that nobody really cares for 'another view'? And I thought that maybe a new year would bring in decent exchange of ideas but all I see is people talking over eachother!
    It is not about "another view" it is one needs to present something which is making sense. instead of just "another view".

    And to present something which is making sense needs to have a clear understanding one what is going on, instead of presenting goship news paper information or something out of the blue.

    I think its pointless asking Hendrik anything about Wing Chun prior to Yik Kam as all he is concerned with is how his root has influenced everyone elses with the snake & crane, which does make sense if you haven't secured a Shaolin connection.

    I have present what WCK prior to Yik Kam independent of Yik Kam in my previous posts.
    in fact, my view is not about Yik Kam WCK but a commondinominator of Koo Lo, YKS , YiK Kam....

    As I clarify it again and again, Yik Kam's evidents on crane and snake is only an evidents within many evidents from the older WCK lineages pointing to Crane and Snake.

    I really think that the Red Boats are an important turning point for Wing Chun but I also have to clear some misinformation about their purpose. We were not and are not rebels!

    There were literally hundreds of troupes and to put us all in the gangsta category is wrong.

    As far as I'm aware this revolutionary behaviour stopped with Jee Shim and Hung Hei Goon. And FWIW I don't think anyone on this forum has unravelled the true history of Wing Chun because they simply can't.

    My suggestion for you is to verify the likely within the TCMA history and also the TCMA signature possibilities on the above. It is not an every put their 5 cents deal. It is does one says has any possibilities issue.

    We can all speculate and try to use elders like Fong Chun to try to prove a point but show me a clip of him talking of Yik Kam and Omei snake?!
    No one speculate, no one try to use the elders like Fong Chun. No need to prove a point. Not even needed to talking of Yik Kam, in fact, No one talking Yik Kam.

    senior Fung Chun is performing a signature of Emei 12 Zhuang that is the reality and fact.

    Fact is even Fong Chun has his own stories. Nothing is 100% reliable so we should just get on with training and appreciate eachothers research and inherited folklores!
    The Fact is senior Fung Chun is perfomring a signature of Emei 12 zhuang, while Fung's WCK is a direct teaching of Leong Jan. and Between Leong and him is only one generation. KooLo is a village which is known for conservatively preserve Leong Jan's WCK.

    We talk evidents instead of speculation.

    I really suggest you read my previous posts comprehend them and make sure you understand what I say before posting your ideas about them.
    Last edited by Hendrik; 01-01-2011 at 06:08 AM.

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