ok first im gonna start off by saying ive been a fan of kampmann since before he was in the UFC and ive never liked diego sanchez as a person, but he is a great grappler...

ok, that being said, diego sanchez did not win that fight... on points, on damage, on cage control... all sanchez did was a few robot style flurries and one takedown... i think sanchez clearly lost the first round and won the second as well... one could argue, if you place too much importance on takedowns that do no damage and create no favorable situations, that diego took the third round... but even then i give it to kampmann... 30 - 27 kampmann... its time to get some real judges and a better scoring system for MMA...

also, the 3 point no knees to a grounded opponent rule is bullsh!t... if he is in a 3 point, or more, with a knee down im ok with no knees to a grounded opponent... but this putting a hand on the mat solely to avoid knees to the face is bull****... and thats the only thing that kept diego from being TKO'd...

another bullsh!t call by judges that shouldnt even be allowed to watch mma... why cant they all be like nelson doc hamilton...