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Thread: William Cheung's ANTI-CLF Tactics

  1. #181
    Quote Originally Posted by Frost View Post
    The TCMA world is full of people talking about each other as great fighters, I remember that tai chi v white crane fight for charity from the 60’s where people were worried they might really hurt or even kill each other because of their skill levels…didn’t quite turn out like that did it

    It doesn’t change the fact that the only fight we have of cheung in action looked bad on both the guys taking part, and the clips on this thread and those posted on other threads do not in any way support his claims to be a great fighter, to be fair there are no clips supporting Emin’s assertions to be the great wing chun fighter either

    This CLF master could be right, he might be right, but let me ask you this if you wanted to judge the skill level of someone you didn’t know what would you put the most weight behind? Actual footage of them in action on video or word of mouth?
    Well, there is nothing like an actual footage of someone fighting, but at the same time, one cannot assume that just because no footage exists, then the man in question cannot fight.

    IN such a case, it is always good to listen to witnesses. Of course, that does not mean that one has to believe everything one hears, but in the case of Chan Chee's comments, where he claims to have been so impressed that he went on to ask for Wing Chun instruction, one has to be more "openminded".

    After all, how many times have we in this very forum, heard similar comments regarding TMA-ists who after having sparred with MMA and/or BJJ exponents, went on to study those MAs?

  2. #182
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hardwork108 View Post
    Well, there is nothing like an actual footage of someone fighting, but at the same time, one cannot assume that just because no footage exists, then the man in question cannot fight.

    IN such a case, it is always good to listen to witnesses. Of course, that does not mean that one has to believe everything one hears, but in the case of Chan Chee's comments, where he claims to have been so impressed that he went on to ask for Wing Chun instruction, one has to be more "openminded".

    After all, how many times have we in this very forum, heard similar comments regarding TMA-ists who after having sparred with MMA and/or BJJ exponents, went on to study those MAs?
    well in this case footage does exist of both a fight and him in training, wouldnt you say that was enough to help draw a conclusion about his skills?

    And there are plenty of videos around showing mma handing tcma guys their backsides for us to believe some of those stories wouldnt you agree?

  3. #183
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frost View Post
    well in this case footage does exist of both a fight and him in training, wouldnt you say that was enough to help draw a conclusion about his skills?
    not really seeing as how it ended up on the ground

    that would be like seeing how good a bjj stylist is by watching a fist fight

    all you can really tell is neither one of them are knowledgeable about ground fighting thats about it
    Last edited by goju; 04-13-2011 at 01:40 AM.

    I am pork boy, the breakfast monkey.

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  4. #184
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    Quote Originally Posted by goju View Post
    not really seeing as how it ended up on the ground

    that would be like seeing how good a bjj stylist is by watching a fist fight

    all you can really tell is neither one of them are knowledgeable about ground fighting thats about it
    Didn’t it start standing and end up on the ground, since wing chun is meant to be a close range system and cheung teaches takedown defences you would have thought he would have been able to deal with a rush attack a little better

    As for your analogy If the BJJ guy if it was a stand up only fight I would agree, but if it was an anything goes fight like this one and he couldn’t take the fight to his realm (the ground) then you could make a judgement on their level of skill in an actual fight wouldn’t you agree? In so far as they were terrible at takedowns which is a part of their art?

    But I would argue It would have been more akin to a BJJ fighter starting a match on the ground ( in their element as cheung started this match standing unattached in his element) their opponent getting straight back up and then beating them with punches and them not being able to take the fight to where they are best

    What we saw in that fight was an inability to defend the takedown or do any damage standing, and then no real ground work, I don’t knock him for the bad ground work but he hardly looked like a great fighter in that fight, admittedly its only 1 clip, but it’s the ONLY clip so it must be given some weight and his demo clips on this thread and others don’t scream world class fighter to me, do they to you?

  5. #185
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    It is 100% irrelevant what any instructor can do,UNLESS someone has made a comment on said thing.
    If someone one has a reputation of being a fighter and there is evidence ( not proof) that is not the case then the reputation is called into question.
    Here say and anecdotal evidence is LESS than video evidence, sorry.

    I don't doubt that WC can fight, one does NOT do decades of MA and not know how to fight.
    How well he fights I have NO IDEA.
    And no, chi sao and controlled fighting with students doesn't count.

    That said, what WC can or can't do has ZERO to do with what others that have learned under him can do and it has zero to do with what WE or anyone else can do.

    The main problem in TCMA and other TMA is this focus on what some master MAY have done or even DID DO in the past that has ZERO to do with what is going on with the system TODAY.
    Psalms 144:1
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    He trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle !

  6. #186
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frost View Post
    Didn’t it start standing and end up on the ground, since wing chun is meant to be a close range system and cheung teaches takedown defences you would have thought he would have been able to deal with a rush attack a little better
    The rush was supposed to have been done by suprise as Emin who had a habit of jumping people in the past and did so there , If someone gets the slip on you with a tackle odds are youre going to to fall to the ground.the If one doesnt manage to regroup extremely quick the element of suprise can give the attacker the ability to impose his will even if the person he is attacking could defeat them on what would be deemed as "fair" conditions.

    As Someone with basic grappling know how im aware the various anti grappling techniques are for the most part rubbish so lets not go there lol

    Granted one could make a case for people who spout this anti grappling as crack pots but recall the Gracie's had a similar attitude where they believed one only had to learn bjj and they had techniques that would nullify stand up completely.

    In the Wc case and the Gjj case i dont see it as so much of ignorance. I see it as being stubborn and toegomaniacal to admit they dont have all the answers and as competitions and online videos have shown people who adhere to a belief like this end up having to eat crow.

    Quote Originally Posted by Frost View Post
    As for your analogy If the BJJ guy if it was a stand up only fight I would agree, but if it was an anything goes fight like this one and he couldn’t take the fight to his realm (the ground) then you could make a judgement on their level of skill in an actual fight wouldn’t you agree? In so far as they were terrible at takedowns which is a part of their art?

    I recall my former bjj coach noted how a Gracie ( cant be bothered to remember which one) remarked how adding striking into the mix changes everything in regards to how you fight with your bjj in other words it makes it a hell of alot more difficult to do in a anything goes environment.

    And it does so goes grappling when its added into the realm of striking.

    if this bjj guy is put in this hypothetical situation and he doesnt have experience against strikers or has much striking experience himself there's a very good chance he could get dropped before he has chance to do much. or beat up if he fails to keep the guy on his back or nullify his punches from the ground.

    this video highlights it as the mt guys clobbers the bjj guy off the failed shoot.

    now one could make and argument for him being terrible at takedowns but shoots fail regardless of who you are and one small mistake like in that vid can play right into your opponents specialty.

    We have a show over here called Bully Beatdown where they have mma fighters engage in actual mma matches with stuntmen .They have a grappling round where the mma fighter is supposed to submit the stuntman five times in the round before it moves on to a kickboxing round.

    Jake shields has been on there more than once and he failed every time to submit the stuntmen five times in the given round . Jakes considered to be one of the best bjj guys out there yet he couldnt put away stuntmen who clearly had no grappling experience.

    Another mma fighter named Tony Bonelleo was nearly kod by one of the shows actors in his match.

    To me this is just a case of **** happens.With live sparring./fighting if you dont do the littlest thing right you screwed and with all things martial related its easier said than done even including submitting someone who isnt trained or defending the take down against someone who wouldnt know a proper shoot to save their life. Unfortunately goof ups like this can be caught on tape and be a source of shame for the parties doing badly.

    Granted the difference between these mma guys and Cheung is we have more evidence of the fighters not preforming so poorly so we can compare and contrast. With Cheung we only have one clip as you noted.

    However i wouldn't entirely write off Cheung. Though of course i wouldn't call him a world class fighter either as he was simply known for being a good scrapper in his youth and that's hardly grounds for being considered elite in any important means.

    Lets be honest with that clip we saw a much smaller fifty year old man either get taken down or slip on the ground with a much bigger younger gentlemen who sneak attacked him . and possibly got put in a headlock from the looks of the video so the fight for some odd reason started attached in the grappling range.which is considered to be wc weak point Then of course the rest of the vid is hard to make out before it abruptly cuts out as quickly as it cut in.

    Since Cheung obviously wasn't a professional fighter and did not have the years of conditioning and experience people in that sport do he should understandbly at the age of that vid not exactly be anywhere in prime shape for fisticuffs, Hell im sure what ever training he was doing at that period had tapered down in intensity to considerably.

    I think if anything the vid says more about Emin as he couldn't put away a small old man who was an ex brawler many moons ago and had to resort to jumping him to start with. I sure as well hope i could easily defeat a smaller fifty year old even more so if i have the advantage of attacking him out of the blue.Further i believe Emin claimed to have extensive experience in Turkish wrestling so the fact he couldn't use this to wrap cheung in a pretzel and pound him out is even more funny.

    No matter how you slice it its always gonna worse for you if you attack someone smaller and much older.
    Last edited by goju; 04-13-2011 at 08:38 AM.

    I am pork boy, the breakfast monkey.

    left leg: mild bruising. right leg: charley horse

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  7. #187
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    Quote Originally Posted by goju View Post
    The rush was supposed to have been done by suprise as Emin who had a habit of jumping people in the past and did so there , If someone gets the slip on you with a tackle odds are youre going to to fall to the ground.the If one doesnt manage to regroup extremely quick the element of suprise can give the attacker the ability to impose his will even if the person he is attacking could defeat them on what would be deemed as "fair" conditions.

    As Someone with basic grappling know how im aware the various anti grappling techniques are for the most part rubbish so lets not go there lol

    Granted one could make a case for people who spout this anti grappling as crack pots but recall the Gracie's had a similar attitude where they believed one only had to learn bjj and they had techniques that would nullify stand up completely.

    In the Wc case and the Gjj case i dont see it as so much of ignorance. I see it as being stubborn and toegomaniacal to admit they dont have all the answers and as competitions and online videos have shown people who adhere to a belief like this end up having to eat crow.

    I recall my former bjj coach noted how a Gracie ( cant be bothered to remember which one) remarked how adding striking into the mix changes everything in regards to how you fight with your bjj in other words it makes it a hell of alot more difficult to do in a anything goes environment.

    And it does so goes grappling when its added into the realm of striking.

    if this bjj guy is put in this hypothetical situation and he doesnt have experience against strikers or has much striking experience himself there's a very good chance he could get dropped before he has chance to do much. or beat up if he fails to keep the guy on his back or nullify his punches from the ground.

    this video highlights it as the mt guys clobbers the bjj guy off the failed shoot.

    now one could make and argument for him being terrible at takedowns but shoots fail regardless of who you are and one small mistake like in that vid can play right into your opponents specialty.

    We have a show over here called Bully Beatdown where they have mma fighters engage in actual mma matches with stuntmen .They have a grappling round where the mma fighter is supposed to submit the stuntman five times in the round before it moves on to a kickboxing round.

    Jake shields has been on there more than once and he failed every time to submit the stuntmen five times in the given round . Jakes considered to be one of the best bjj guys out there yet he couldnt put away stuntmen who clearly had no grappling experience.

    Another mma fighter named Tony Bonelleo was nearly kod by one of the shows actors in his match.

    To me this is just a case of **** happens.With live sparring./fighting if you dont do the littlest thing right you screwed and with all things martial related its easier said than done even including submitting someone who isnt trained or defending the take down against someone who wouldnt know a proper shoot to save their life. Unfortunately goof ups like this can be caught on tape and be a source of shame for the parties doing badly.

    Granted the difference between these mma guys and Cheung is we have more evidence of the fighters not preforming so poorly so we can compare and contrast. With Cheung we only have one clip as you noted.

    However i wouldn't entirely write off Cheung. Though of course i wouldn't call him a world class fighter either as he was simply known for being a good scrapper in his youth and that's hardly grounds for being considered elite in any important means.

    Lets be honest with that clip we saw a much smaller fifty year old man either get taken down or slip on the ground with a much bigger younger gentlemen who sneak attacked him . and possibly got put in a headlock from the looks of the video so the fight for some odd reason started attached in the grappling range.which is considered to be wc weak point Then of course the rest of the vid is hard to make out before it abruptly cuts out as quickly as it cut in.

    Since Cheung obviously wasn't a professional fighter and did not have the years of conditioning and experience people in that sport do he should understandbly at the age of that vid not exactly be anywhere in prime shape for fisticuffs, Hell im sure what ever training he was doing at that period had tapered down in intensity to considerably.

    I think if anything the vid says more about Emin as he couldn't put away a small old man who was an ex brawler many moons ago and had to resort to jumping him to start with. I sure as well hope i could easily defeat a smaller fifty year old even more so if i have the advantage of attacking him out of the blue.Further i believe Emin claimed to have extensive experience in Turkish wrestling so the fact he couldn't use this to wrap cheung in a pretzel and pound him out is even more funny.

    No matter how you slice it its always gonna worse for you if you attack someone smaller and much older.
    So you agree what we have seen of cheung is not great, that anyone who shows anti grappling stuff (as he did) is suspect and that we cant really find anything good of him? And I didn’t write him off I said I have not been impressed by anything I have seen of him, sounds like you have’t either

    I remember seeing still photos of emin and his crew facing cheung before the fight happened, either way it started standing in cheungs element however briefly you would have expected a little better from the man who called himself the best fighter in wing chun, as for emins history of jumping people can you post some of them I have never heard of him in any other fight apart from this, one, and I agree he sucked as badly as Cheung

    So we have this one fight and the clips of him on this thread and others demoing against half a%%ed attacks: bad takedowns, poor strikes terrible knife work etc, that’s it nothing good of him just hear say, so again I ask what would you judge him on the videos or hearsay?

    As for the Gracie’s….you can find clips of them making their art work against strikers when they themselves had little or no stand up skills, but most of them now and even back then trained striking, Royce, renzo, royler all trained striking, as did Carlson and older guys… you can also find clips of them looking good in fights as well as bad…. heck you can find clips of ronin fighting for gods sake and he has never had a pro mma fight in his life just street challenges and dojo fights

  8. #188
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frost View Post
    So you agree what we have seen of cheung is not great, that anyone who shows anti grappling stuff (as he did) is suspect and that we cant really find anything good of him? And I didn’t write him off I said I have not been impressed by anything I have seen of him, sounds like you have’t either

    I remember seeing still photos of emin and his crew facing cheung before the fight happened, either way it started standing in cheungs element however briefly you would have expected a little better from the man who called himself the best fighter in wing chun, as for emins history of jumping people can you post some of them I have never heard of him in any other fight apart from this, one, and I agree he sucked as badly as Cheung

    So we have this one fight and the clips of him on this thread and others demoing against half a%%ed attacks: bad takedowns, poor strikes terrible knife work etc, that’s it nothing good of him just hear say, so again I ask what would you judge him on the videos or hearsay?

    As for the Gracie’s….you can find clips of them making their art work against strikers when they themselves had little or no stand up skills, but most of them now and even back then trained striking, Royce, renzo, royler all trained striking, as did Carlson and older guys… you can also find clips of them looking good in fights as well as bad…. heck you can find clips of ronin fighting for gods sake and he has never had a pro mma fight in his life just street challenges and dojo fights
    i think anyone who believes grappling can solely nullify striking or striking can solely grappling is delusional. Doesn't mean they cant preform well in their given art they just arent in touch with reality.

    as far as **** poor demos and questionable techniques go again ive seen it in every teacher from mma to tma. I've seen more than a few techniques i dont agree with and think are rubbish. to this day i dont think ive seen anyone whos shown technqiues i 100 percent agree with

    In gjj i was shown horrible knife defense, their punch and kick defense wouldnt work to save their life, and the standing joint locks for the most part didnt even render one in pain when they were appllied.

    The rest of the gjj was quite good however i just had to wade through .abit of the typical nonsense that is taught to get to the good stuff ie the groundwork where gjj shines.

    Though the arguements made that the gjj guys are are out there competing so are cheungs guy just to a lesser level albeit but hey its a start.

    To some level cheung can produce fighters. I would judge him on that and if i was to make a completely concrete decision i would take some of his classes and spar some of his guys to make my final judgement about him as i believe thats the best way to do it.

    But i wouldn't put much stock in his knife defense, or grappling tactics just like i didnt put much stock in gjj training in regards to anything besides ground fighting.

    I am pork boy, the breakfast monkey.

    left leg: mild bruising. right leg: charley horse

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  9. #189
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frost View Post
    anti grappling stuff ...
    Someone asked, "Does Xing Yi have hook punches?"

    I don't care whether a style has certain skill or not. I only care about whether or not I need that skill. If the skill that I need cannot be found in one style, I'll try to find it in other styles. Nothing can stop me from doing that. Trying to assume a style founder to know everyting is not realistic IMO.

    I find the "style boundary" is a terrible attitude to have. Most of the

    - strikers try to stay away from any throwing arts discussion.
    - grapplers also try to stay away from any striking arts discussion.

    How can you enhance your personal knowledge if you only stay within your own comfortable zone? The best way to train "anti grappling skill" is to train the "grappling".

  10. #190

    William Cheung ' s Anti - CLF Tactivs

    Quote Originally Posted by hskwarrior View Post
    No i study Tai Chi. Sorry.

    Can you PLEASE direct me to the location where i was talking bad about ANYONE?
    hskwarrior ,

    It ' s all in your thread , if you can ' t see it , then you ' re closed minded . That ' s why I don ' t need to point it out . Do your own research on WC and CLF , I did
    WC relies on close range fighting , CLF emphasizes on long rage fighting , another thing is it depends on the skillfulness of the practioners of these 2 systems or styles .

    Tai Chi , regardless of what system or style it is , they are all good , because you learn how to develop your chi or internal strength , because you practice the moves . But tai chi also has it ' s own fighting applications too , provided you know your body mechanics . If your chi is strong then you can beat anybody , but you also hold a responsibility , depending on the situation you ' re in use your tai chi when it ' s necessarily .


  11. #191
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    Quote Originally Posted by lance View Post
    hskwarrior ,

    It ' s all in your thread , if you can ' t see it , then you ' re closed minded . That ' s why I don ' t need to point it out . Do your own research on WC and CLF , I did
    WC relies on close range fighting , CLF emphasizes on long rage fighting , another thing is it depends on the skillfulness of the practioners of these 2 systems or styles .

    Tai Chi , regardless of what system or style it is , they are all good , because you learn how to develop your chi or internal strength , because you practice the moves . But tai chi also has it ' s own fighting applications too , provided you know your body mechanics . If your chi is strong then you can beat anybody , but you also hold a responsibility , depending on the situation you ' re in use your tai chi when it ' s necessarily .

    A few things:

    Firstly HSK does CLF he was joking with you

    Secondly he and most people were talking about how bad the CLF demos were not about willaim cheung as such (I think I started that so its probably me you should be having a go at)

    Thirdly CLF is as long range or as close range as you want to make it, I did a version called shorthand CLF, guess what range they liked to use their stuff at………….

    Lastly…did you really say if your chi is strong you can beat anybody….did you did you did you )

  12. #192
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    Chi-Wiz. The Breakfast cereal of the GrandMaster Warrior Class. Stays crunchy, even in warm milk.

  13. #193

    William Cheung ' s Anti - CLF Tactivs

    Quote Originally Posted by Frost View Post
    A few things:

    Firstly HSK does CLF he was joking with you

    Secondly he and most people were talking about how bad the CLF demos were not about willaim cheung as such (I think I started that so its probably me you should be having a go at)

    Thirdly CLF is as long range or as close range as you want to make it, I did a version called shorthand CLF, guess what range they liked to use their stuff at………….

    Lastly…did you really say if your chi is strong you can beat anybody….did you did you did you )
    Frost Hello , if HSK was just joking about CLF and not about William Cheung ,
    then no problem , it was the way he wrote his thread that made me react to it .
    And I can ' t see HSK , because we ' re dealing with the internet , but no problem .

    I like CLF too mainly Hung Sing and other kung fu styles in general . Do you and
    HSK train under the same CLF Sifu ? And who is your sifu ? I also want to study the Buck Sing CLF system too .

    And yes , I did say that if do practice Tai Chi you do become strong , but it all depends on how often you train to really build up your chi though . How do you really know if your chi is strong or not ? Get Physically aggressive with your sparring partner . If you can push and shove your partner around without any effort , then you ' re progressing . If not then you got to spend time in training .
    But it all depends on the person to build up his chi .

    Take Care ,

  14. #194
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    I stand by this. William Cheung should have used a REAL Choy Lee Fut practitioner. The simulation of Choy Lee Fut was extremely weak and not representative of Choy Lee Fut.
    Hung Sing Boyz, we gottit on lock down
    when he's around quick to ground and pound a clown
    Bruh we thought you knew better
    when it comes to head huntin, ain't no one can do it better

  15. #195
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    right there
    Quote Originally Posted by hskwarrior View Post
    I stand by this. William Cheung should have used a REAL Choy Lee Fut practitioner. The simulation of Choy Lee Fut was extremely weak and not representative of Choy Lee Fut.
    though granted that may be closer what he encountered with clf when he was young

    im sure youve seen those roof top fights they caught on video it was just wild swinigng from all the styles pretty much

    I am pork boy, the breakfast monkey.

    left leg: mild bruising. right leg: charley horse

    handsomerest member of KFM forum hands down

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