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Thread: good capoeria videos

  1. #1
    GreyFox81 Guest

    good capoeria videos

    i wanted to study capoeria but there is no where in my area that teaches it does anyone know any
    good titles

    death doesn't end life i do

  2. #2
    Tvebak Guest


    the only Capo vids i have seen was so bad it made me want to puke...worse than nothing.

  3. #3
    Stranger Guest
    Panther Productions has a series. It features Nilson Reis and Joselito Santos. You may also want to check

    I don't get mad.
    I get stabby.

  4. #4
    Tvebak Guest

    Nelson and joselito

    Dont know the guys, but the little i have seen made me think i did not want the videos.
    "all requirement to black belt" never heard of a capo belt ranking using black belt.
    And "ungala Ground fighting"??? Angola misspelling?
    And one of them doing Rabo de arraia on the commercial touching the floor with the fingertips only...not good.
    But i could be wrong

  5. #5
    Tvebak Guest
    Oh and of course, you REALLY cant learn capo from vids, it goes wrong so often.

  6. #6
    Repulsive Monkey Guest


    I've never understood the relevance from a martial art point of view Capoeira, as it doesn't seem to have any direct power behind it. It seems flagrantly too aesthetic to be effective. Some performances i've seen seems to put the indiviuals in extremely vulnerable positions to attack. BUt then I know nothing about it.

  7. #7
    Xebsball Guest
    It worked for the slaves to fight their masters, so i guess it sure has its value as a fighting art.


  8. #8
    Tvebak Guest

    Repulsive monkey.

    Look at some of the earlyer discussions on this forum, i have tried to explain some things and some of it came across really well.
    Trust me, just like any other art, good capoeira works.

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