check the 'coaches' credentials closely. if they are ONLY 'crossfit' certified, keep your eyes wide open. just like in MA, you can have some good schools/gyms and some bad ones. there can be a lot of good from an experience at a CF gym...but also a lot of BS. (personal experience at one over 18 months or so.).

IMO, if you want OLY specific lifting, find an Oly gym. But, if there isn't one near you, the CF can be an intro to it. But, a lot of the times, the Oly lifts are truncated. As in, a clean really isn't a clean, and a jerk isn't really a jerk. It will depend on the individual 'box' and coaches. There are plenty of vids on youtube showing the proper movement to compare to what you get shown in a CF gym.

and, whatever you do: don't drink the kool aid!

that being said, the best part of my experience in CF was the other people going to the gym. I met some of the most wonderful folks I've ever had the pleasure to train with and miss many of them a great deal.

good luck.