Quote Originally Posted by Vash View Post
Besides, omellete sammiches are the bomb/diggaty.
typing this quickly before leaving work .....

no doubt man ... i've done a thing or two with 3-4 eggs and a frying pan.

3 eggs, spinach, tomato, and mayo on a thomas everything bagle with a large glass of milk is a liftin man's meal fo sho. the bagle alone has 13 grams of protein.

also ... i like stir fry some onions, mushrooms, and peppers and then break a couple eggs over them. i let the whites cook, but keep the yolks as liquified as i can .... good stuff.

also ... one thing that i haven't heard anyone else do .... mashed potato and onion omlette. its like a perogie, but with an egg exterior. of course you can add in your mushrooms or whatever else to the mix as well ... omlette options are endless.

but the thing is, no matter how efficient i get with prep time (presliced veggies, pan sittin out on stove ready to go, etc), sometimes i dont have the 10 or 15 mins it takes to actually cook something up. i can make sammiches the night before, but sometiems i dont have time for that either. in those instances, raw eggs are perfect.

on food poisoning with raw eggs .... on all the articles i read, the one thing that was agreed upon across the board is that the risk of samonella poisoning is extremely low. something like 1 in 30,000 eggs might have trace amounts ... and in most cases a healthy person won't even notice it. if its a concern you can always wash the shell as that's where it would be contaminated. i've personally kicked back at least a couple hundred without a problem .... many people also put them in their shakes ... and they are in a lot of dressings, sauces, and frosting that people typically eat without incident.

all of that said ... i can understand how most people dont like the idea of swollowing a couple big yellow lougies. in some ways, its as if a chicken just blew its load right down your throat. but me .... i love the chicken load.