I'm seeing what anyone knows, seeing the lack of info on the web, about the roller bar method of iron forearm.

Before I put something up for peoples benefit. I want to see what people are doing or know about this form of "iron forearm".

Its always been kind of a strange for iron forearm as its the least used part of your bridge arm. I know its a good benefit for praying mantis fighters as is strengthens not only your guard but the muscles YOU use in punching.

This is probably one of the most painful gung training you can do, but i'm not in love with the method. I think its counter productive to developing other skills as its going to develop a adaptation/edurance skill over time.

As far as what you do with the skill, I dont have much info. What i've compiled leans towards the mantis style. For instance, you can trap an incoming punch and break the arm with a good roller bar skill.

As far as bouncing knives on your forearms, I think thats kind of cheesy, deceptive (because there are herbs used to toughen the skin) and useless.

I personally prefer banging the back of the forearm and elbow against a tree or post. :)

Turiyan, Brahmin caste, Ordos clan

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