With all this talk lately about mma , tcma and whether you have spent time in the ring using moves at full force against resisting opponents is it important or necessary to have fought in the ring to be a good teacher?

I myself have had my share of encounters and fights through the years… some I didn’t fair to well and others came out better for me. I have fought a little in tournaments but a lot of that was B.S. and never in the ring and don’t have any of that on tape (who could afford a video camera back then). At 50 being in the ring is something for my dreams only but I still try to spar at least once a week, although with a new hip it has become very controlled with the kicks and sweeps.

At the end of the day I try to keep everything as real as possible with the students… the ones that want to fight, they can but I also don’t push the ones to fight that don’t want too.

Love doing and living my kung fu and love the mma for keeping it real