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Thread: Casey Anthony walks

  1. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ-Blue View Post
    I agree with you about our system SoCo. One of the Founders said something along the lines of, 'Its better for 100 guilty men to go free than 1 innocent man to be convicted'. So I agree that our "Innocent until proven guilty" system is the best in the world. I'm not questioning our system, I'm questioning the logic of those 12 people. I just can't fathom a parent not calling 911 for a whole month when their child is missing and 12 people saying that isn't proof of a crime. And I don't even have kids. It's just unfathomable to me.
    doesnt prove murder in any way shape or form... you dont convict on hunches feelings and bad character... you just dont...

  2. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ-Blue View Post
    As I've said, that's the part that convinced me.

    I'd like any of you parents here to give me just one scenario where you would not report your 2 year old missing for 31 days. And I'm not trying to argue, I just cannot fathom a mother not reporting her 2 year old being missing for 31 days. And on top of that, she didn't even report the child being missing, the child's grandmother made the 911 call.
    doesnt prove murder... doesnt prove anything other than some very fukced up priorities... as circumstantial evidence all that tells me is that she most likely does know what really happened... doesnt show murder tho...

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Nancy Grace tried and convicted the women before she even finished her trial.
    People don't put any thought into who or what they choose to cast their negative energies upon.

    that's a waste of good negative energy that could be cast in even more deserving places.

    Nancy Grace is scum of the earth. You better believe it.
    Kung Fu is good for you.

  4. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by Syn7 View Post
    doesnt prove murder in any way shape or form... you dont convict on hunches feelings and bad character... you just dont...
    The fact that she didn't ever report her own 2-year old daughter missing for 31 days was admitted to by the defense. As I've said before, innocent people do not do that.

    Also, an innocent person does not wait til they are on trial for murder to accuse their father and brother of molesting them.

    Quote Originally Posted by Syn7 View Post
    how bout ron williamson... justice??? i think not...
    I don't know about that case. Wanna fill me in?

  5. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by Lucas View Post
    you also dont duct tape an already dead bodies mouth. you just wouldnt.
    you'd be suprised at what some people will do... whether stupid, crazy or very smart and trying to skew facts, not everything is always as it seems... occams razor does not apply here...

  6. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by David Jamieson View Post
    Nancy Grace tried and convicted the women before she even finished her trial.
    People don't put any thought into who or what they choose to cast their negative energies upon.

    that's a waste of good negative energy that could be cast in even more deserving places.

    Nancy Grace is scum of the earth. You better believe it.
    can i get a.............................................. WORD

  7. #37
    I'm not defending Nancy Grace, but there is a reason she takes these cases so personal and gets so emotional about them. She was going to major in English until her then fiance was murdered. She decided to become a lawyer and victim's rights advocate. So in my book she is one of the few people to go to law school for the right reasons.

  8. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ-Blue View Post
    The fact that she didn't ever report her own 2-year old daughter missing for 31 days was admitted to by the defense. As I've said before, innocent people do not do that.

    Also, an innocent person does not wait til they are on trial for murder to accuse their father and brother of molesting them.

    look, im not saying shes clean... im just saying the case wasnt proven beyond a reasonable doubt and the right verdict was reached... none of that tells us what happened... thats called reasonable doubt... by the letter, man...

    I don't know about that case. Wanna fill me in?
    not really... look it up... its a big story, grisham wrote a book about it... basically dude got railroaded and put on death row for being a drunk scummy guy... the cops and the DA did whatever they had to do, right or wrong, top convict him of a crime he very clearly did not commit... which was shown years later... but they btroke a man who was having trouble anyways... very sad story... wiki it, get the rundown...

    edit: here...
    Last edited by Syn7; 07-06-2011 at 01:50 PM.

  9. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ-Blue View Post
    I'm not defending Nancy Grace, but there is a reason she takes these cases so personal and gets so emotional about them. She was going to major in English until her then fiance was murdered. She decided to become a lawyer and victim's rights advocate. So in my book she is one of the few people to go to law school for the right reasons.
    actually i believe the opposite... the less emotion in law, the better... we have enough zealots running around as it is... one more and i may start hurting people...

    she never gets tired of exploiting that story either... anger is no reason to be a prosecutor... it leads to injustice EVERY SINGLE TIME in some way or another... true justice is balanced and emotionless...

  10. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by Syn7 View Post
    actually i believe the opposite... the less emotion in law, the better... we have enough zealots running around as it is... one more and i may start hurting people...
    Depends. The Innocence Project is staffed by emotional people and they do alot of good. Jerry Spence is also very emotional, and he saved Randy Weaver from being railroaded.

    Quote Originally Posted by Syn7 View Post
    she never gets tired of exploiting that story either... anger is no reason to be a prosecutor... it leads to injustice EVERY SINGLE TIME in some way or another... true justice is balanced and emotionless...
    Again, I'm not defending her. I'm just giving her credit for having a good reason to become a lawyer. I'd rather have more lawyers like her than John Edwards types who just entered law to get rich and have a career in politics or those ambulance chasing injury lawyer types who advertise on tv. I believe people who bring passion into their work are better than those who dont.

  11. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ-Blue View Post
    Depends. The Innocence Project is staffed by emotional people and they do alot of good. Jerry Spence is also very emotional, and he saved Randy Weaver from being railroaded.

    Again, I'm not defending her. I'm just giving her credit for having a good reason to become a lawyer. I'd rather have more lawyers like her than John Edwards types who just entered law to get rich and have a career in politics or those ambulance chasing injury lawyer types who advertise on tv. I believe people who bring passion into their work are better than those who dont.
    a defence attourney with a ton of cash is a good sign man... as a defendant who cares whether you have a rtighteous trial or not, as long as you get off... feel me???
    my lawyer was fresh coz she was about winning... she got me off charges i was guilty of but she did also get me off charges i wasnt guilty of... love that woman...

    yeah, i should re-phrase my other comment... emotion in law is actually very important... i just dont feel it actually belongs in the courtroom or during the investigative process... if you can use emotion to get strength to do rigteous trhings, cool. just dont let it cloud your judgement around the facts... and most often it does just that... nancy grace does let it infect her judgements... clearly...

    the prosecution dropped the ball on this one, bottom line... the justice system worked exactly how it was supposed to, they jjust went at the case in a dumb way... guilty or not, she didnt deserve to be convicted of anything they brought foreward... they simply did not make their case...

    and now you hear hopw pi$$ed off the jurors are at the prosecution... that one juror says she was sick to her stomach that she couldnt convict casey of more than just lying... and i agree... booo on the state, massive fail... get better at your job and murderers wont get off with book deals...

    and that comes baxck to money and emotion again... cochrane was after dollars, the DA was after justice... in this instance greed is the more powerful of the two, OJ got off... as far as MJ is concerned, i dont think he did anything wrong INTENTIONALLY... i think the duder just really likes kids. in a way that is scary to parents in this fear mongering world... if you are different and have a huge love for kids, people look at you funny... i think he juist re-lives his cghildhood that was raped from him thru these kids... very sad actually, but not criminal...

  12. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by Syn7 View Post
    as far as MJ is concerned, i dont think he did anything wrong INTENTIONALLY... i think the duder just really likes kids. in a way that is scary to parents in this fear mongering world... if you are different and have a huge love for kids, people look at you funny... i think he juist re-lives his cghildhood that was raped from him thru these kids... very sad actually, but not criminal...
    Totally agree 100%. I just cant imagine him doing that. He had such a horrid childhood that he wanted to help as many other kids have a great childhood they could always remember fondly.

    And you're right, people do look at you funny. True story: Back when I had my '65, I was doing some work on it quite a bit. There was a kid who lived down the street, he was around 13. His parents were, to put it nicely, not the best parents. They both drank, fought like cats and dogs, and worked irregularly. But the kid loved cars. So when I worked on it he would often come over and help me with it. I was really nice to him because I knew he had a pretty sad life. I'm nice, but I have common sense. He NEVER went into our house, and I made sure after the first time he came over to have his parents come by and meet me and my wife.

    So one day after we finished working on it I went and got him a Coke and we were chillin by the car. The neighbor nextdoor to me (whose house I was facing) actually came over and asked me why I was looking at his house. I was confused. I said I was just watching cars go by and happened to be facing his house. I then asked if there was a problem. He just walked off. A few months later he moved. So one day another neighbor was talking to me and he mentioned the old neighbor. I told him the story of that odd day. He says, 'Well he thought you were a child molester because the neighbor kid came by alot.' I just laughed and said how ridiculous that was and how his parents knew he came by cause he liked my car and that he's never even been in our house. The neighbor said he of course didn't believe it, but he just wanted to explain me why the guy was like that to me that day.

    I'm alot of things , but I'm not a child molester. It's just sad in this day and age if you do do something nice for a kid, some people actually look at that as a sinister thing. Sadly, I think it's one of the reasons people just arent as nice to others anymore. No good deed goes unpunished.

  13. #43
    yeah its very unfortunate, but we live in a society that is far more concerned with selfish desire and judging others to make ourselves feel less fukced up than with actually getting to know people for who they really are... i would say on average, regular folks miss out on 95% of the opportunities that fall in their laps cause they are too busy pre-judging and deciding where we personally fit in any given equation, rather than actually seeing it for what it is...

    and im totally guilty of it too, even tho i try not to.... im fighting 20 years of bad learning, bad habits and bad role models with like 10 years of forweward thinking... mos def causes some nice conflict within... like everyone else with a bit of foresight, im working on it

  14. #44
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    the general idea seems to be she seemed guilty, but there was not enough evidence.

    shes a high school dropout that went partying and gets a tatoo when her daughter goes missing. even if shes innocent, shes a dumb slat.
    Last edited by bawang; 07-11-2011 at 05:21 PM.

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  15. #45
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    The next time she appeared in court after the verdict, she had shed the school marm look and had her party face on. She has had many death threats so far, and is quite likely to suffer a sudden lose of friends over this. Her life is never going to be the party it once was. Oh, guys will still want to bang her, but then they will just want to drain their bladders on her.
    Jackie Lee

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