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Thread: Anyone here ever eat dog?

  1. #121
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Westerners protest

    ...or perhaps they fuel?

    Western tourists fuelling demand for 'abhorrent' dog meat trade in Southeast Asia, activists say
    Some of the animals are boiled alive because of a belief it tenderises the meat
    Lizzie Dearden @lizziedearden Saturday 23 January 2016

    Caged dogs sit on the side of Renminzhong Road, waiting to be transferred to a slaughterhouse in a narrow alley AP/Humane Society International

    Western tourists are funding “abhorrent cruelty" in the dog meat trade that sees family pets stolen, skinned and boiled alive, activists say.

    The Soi Dog Foundation, which campaigns against the practice in Vietnam, China and South Korea, said what would be a waning tradition is being fuelled by foreign consumers.

    John Dalley, the charity’s co-founder and vice president, told ABC News that the animals are clubbed to death “if they are lucky” but others are strung up and skinned, burned or boiled alive.

    “The cruelty is abhorrent. There is literally no method to the slaughter, it's almost madness,” he said.

    “What we are seeing more and more of is tour guides in Vietnam, pushing Western tourists to try dog meat, because it is a cultural thing.

    “Tourists are not realising what the dog has gone through and also the danger they are putting themselves in - the health issues are real.”

    Rabies has been found in dog meat, although it cannot transmit the disease to humans, and it has also been linked to outbreaks of cholera.

    An estimated five million dogs are eaten in Vietnam every year and 2.5 million in the Korean Peninsula, while activists believe 70 per cent of those are stolen pets.

    Celebrities including Ricky Gervais and Dame Judi Dench have appeared in a campaign video by the Soi Dog Foundation to raise awareness of the horrific trade.

    Warning: Some viewers may find scenes in this video distressing

    “I didn’t know that these innocent creatures are crammed into cages so brutally that their bones almost break, so tightly that they can’t move,” Dame Judi said.

    “They’re trapped like this for the smuggled journey, which can take days.”

    Footage filmed by activists shows dogs being thrown into cages where they are left starving and crying, before being stacked on to lorries for transport.

    Many are crushed or suffocated on the journey, while others starve or die of thirst.

    Some abattoirs boil the dogs alive because of the belief that the adrenaline released during pain tenderises the meat.

    Authorities are cracking down on the trade in dogs for meat and skin in Thailand, which is often linked to organised gangs exporting to Vietnam and China.
    All meat is treated harshly. Cows, pigs, chickens, turkeys...we just relate to dogs better.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  2. #122
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    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Speaking of harsh

    This is the epitome of a bad employee. I can't imagine there are that many wild corgis in China. What an idiot.

    Chinese factory worker cooks and eats employer’s ‘wild’ corgi
    PUBLISHED : Sunday, 21 February, 2016, 8:54pm
    UPDATED : Monday, 22 February, 2016, 12:28am
    Gloria Chan

    A Pembroke Welsh Corgi. The animal at the centre of the dispute was worth US$1,840, according to The Mirror newspaper. Photo: AFP

    A factory worker in eastern China has been charged with theft and released on bail after killing and eating his employer’s corgi because he thought it was “wild”, a Beijing newspaper reported.

    The man, surnamed Zhang, found the corgi in the public toilets at the factory grounds in Xuzhou, Jiangsu province, on February 13, according to The Mirror.

    Thinking it was a wild dog, Zhang beat it to death with a wooden stick, then took the dog's body to his staff quarters that night. He and his two roommates shaved and skinned the dog, then cooked and ate it the next day.

    The dog was worth an estimated 12,000 yuan (US$1,840 or HK$14,300).

    They did not know that the dog was their employer’s pet until the factory owner, surnamed Wang, put up a notice about the missing animal the next day, offering a reward of 8,000 yuan for any information about it.

    The “missing” poster the owner put up. Photo: SCMP pictures

    Wang received a phone call from a factory worker saying that he saw Zhang beating a dog on the night it went missing. Wang visited Zhang’s quarters where he found the floor covered with dog fur and a knife with fur stuck to it.

    “I thought it was a wild dog, I did not know it was so precious,” Zhang was quoted as saying. He and his roommates offered to pay Wang for his loss, but Wang refused and took the three men to the police station.

    Zhang was charged with theft and released on bail. The other two men were fired by Wang.

    According to Wang, he bought the corgi as a month-old puppy for his daughter in May last year.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  3. #123
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    Dec 2015

    Post Forgive me dogs

    A long time ago (+/-1980 when I was 17) as I was leaving Canal street in Manhattan's China town I saw meat in the window of a store and I was hurt. I went in the store and asked the inhabitant if they had dog meat in dismay not knowing that dogs would suffer a consequence of saying that. How can dogs ever forgive me? Man's best friend are dogs and eating dog meat shows you have no honor for yourself and man and I can see it in your misbehavior around me. When I was 8 or 9 I threw a dog in the latrine in Guyana and my sister Ann got someone to retrieve the dog. This is why we may have endured complex situations in the past and currently (like war and broken cars). I think they manipulated my soul to make me do that.

    Time ratio 17:02 ∆ Force forgotten 03-03-1963 dogs

  4. #124
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.


    A hashtag to support.

    Thousands of dogs killed for Chinese dog meat festival
    Animal rights activists globally shun this shocking festival #stopyulin.
    Apr 5, 20162

    Gruesome images have surfaced of hundreds of terrified dogs being slaughtered, skinned, and cooked in China for the annual Yulin Dog Meat Festival.

    A reported ten thousand cats and dogs will be slaughtered over the Summer solstice, reports The Sun.

    The festival has been condemned by animal welfare groups globally, yet every year the same images rock the world, and every year animal rights activists beg the Chinese Government to stop this barbaric act on man’s best friend.

    Chinese authorities have guaranteed that the tradition of eating dog meat would only be observed during the festival in June, however an animal rights activist group claim that over 300 dogs and cats are killed for eating every day in Yulin.

    Many of the animals are wearing collars which indicated that they are domestic pets that have been stolen for trade.

    “The dogs and cats I saw were visibly traumatised, their spirits broken from their terrifying ordeal,´said Dr Peter Li, HIS’s China Policy Specialist.

    “It's hard to imagine their mental suffering, watching other dogs being killed, disembowelled and dismembered in front of them. It was like a scene from a nightmare that will haunt me forever.

    “It shocked me to see how close these awful scenes are to local schools, with a high risk of young children being exposed to sounds and sights of extreme animal suffering.

    “And it is apparent from the volume of dogs, and animals wearing pet collars, that Yulin remains a hub for dog and cat theft.”

    It is believed that between 10 and 20 million dogs are killed for consumption annually in China, a practice that The World Trade Organisation confirms is linked to cholera and rabies.

    Humane Society International are leading the campaign to #StopYulin. The online petition can be signed at here.
    The petition will be submitted to Chinese officials in June.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  5. #125
    Nope and I'm not planning to taste one.

  6. #126
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Yulin Dog Meat Festival time again

    He means 'summer solstice'

    As Yulin Dog Meat Festival Ramps Up, So Do Protests in China and Abroad
    The winter solstice is on June 22

    Charles Liu, June 8, 2016 5:41pm

    As the summer solstice on June 21 draws near, so does the Yulin Dog Meat Festival. With two weeks left to go, the annual Guangxi festival is drawing protests from animal welfare activists both inside China and abroad.

    Although located at the opposite end of the country, Jilin hosted a public demonstration against the Yulin Dog Meat Festival. Some 100 protesters gathered in the city’s People’s Square and stood behind the message, “Jilin protests the Yulin Dog Meat Festival”.

    Meanwhile, protesters outside the country targeted Chinese Embassies in London, New York, and Dublin (shown above) last week in order to pressure the Chinese government into stopping the Yulin Dog Meat Festival.

    Hundreds of protesters including celebrity Carrie Fisher and Labor Party MP Rob Flello were on hand in London when a petition with 11 million signatures was delivered to the embassy (shown above).

    International attention against the Yulin Dog Meat Festival came to prominence last year with a number of online campaigns. A Twitter hasthag “#StopYulin2015” received some 250,000 retweets, while a petition received 200,000 signatures. However, much of the international attention last year made Chinese netizens reject any criticism because it was coming from abroad.

    Unfortunately, last year’s efforts to rescue dogs from being slaughtered for the Yulin Dog Meat Festival haven’t been successful. Despite the fortune spent to buy their freedom, only 440 out of the 1,381 rescued dogs had survived as of last September. Many of the rescued dogs had succumbed to illnesses. Dog rescuers said support and money to care for the dogs had dried up in the months following the festival.

    Source: 365 Jilin, HuffPo, Humane Society International, UTV, Global Times
    Photos: 365 Jilin, HuffPo, UTV, Global Times
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  7. #127
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    Share this video

    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  8. #128
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Speaking of racism...

    I was trying to think up something analogous for another race, just for comparison, but everything came up so offensive, that I'll just post this without that.

    China demands German retailer apologize to the Chinese people for 'Save a dog, eat a Chinese' shirts
    BY ALEX LINDER IN NEWS ON MAR 13, 2017 5:00 PM

    The Chinese Embassy in Berlin has demanded an apology from the German online retailer that was caught last week selling offensive shirts on its site. allows users to create their own T-shirt designs and then sell them on its online platform. Recently, two of its users decided to take advantage of this creative freedom to create a pair of controversial designs, reading: "Save a dog, eat a Chinese" and "Save a shark, eat a Chinese." The racist designs made international news, causing a horde of angry netizens to descend upon the German company's social media pages.

    Apparently, the Chinese government were also not fans of the designers' work. The Chinese Embassy in Berlin has demanded that remove all associated products from its site, offer appropriate explanations and make an apology to the Chinese people. The embassy has even gone so far as to issue a complaint to the German government, demanding that Germany "tighten regulations to avoid the risk of hurting the feelings of the people's of the two countries."
    An editorial published by the Global Times over the weekend tried to link the t-shirt controversy to a "disturbing pattern" of double standards when it comes to racism against Chinese that it claims is partly supported by "biased coverage" from Western media:
    The company initially argued that the expressions are meant to be humorous not racist. How could these obvious racist and offensive remarks be allowed to appear on a product? Is too numb about the boundary of racial discrimination or could it be that it just doesn't care about how the Chinese people would feel when the company touts racist slur as creative design?
    From time to time, similar incidents have occurred in Western countries, but it is often dismissed as slip of the tongue, a careless joke or even considered as freedom of expression. It is unimaginable that anyone or any company could display racist remarks without worrying about the backlash. Put it another way, will anyone take anti-Semitic expression as humorous or creative in Germany?
    " is now notorious in the eyes of Chinese people. Those who intend to engage with China should know where the bottom line is," the editorial ends.
    While a spokesperson did say that the controversial T-shirt design were meant to be humorous and not racist, and stated that they would not be pulled from the site, the designs have in fact disappeared from the platform. Meanwhile, its not clear what kind of regulations could be put in place to prevent this from happening again. likely does not have the manpower to content check each of its user's t-shirt designs.
    Additionally, similar t-shirt designs have been spotted up for sale at various online shopping sites, including Zazzle and Amazon. The Chinese Embassy in Washington has yet to seek out an apology from either of these companies.

    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  9. #129
    In Germany eating people is a sign of affection.

    But Chinese officials throwing a fit over deplorable but ultimately silly user content and demanding new laws? Nonsense. Why don't they even try to sue with the existing laws? Maybe fallout from admitting Ai Weiwei.

  10. #130
    Oh no!! I hope this never happens. and if it happens, I do not want to know about it

  11. #131
    A big NO for me. But I have some friends in the Philippines who eat dogs. They love it especially when their drinking beers.

  12. #132
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    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    More celebrity protests

    There's an embedded vid if you follow the link.

    Protesting Korea's Dog Meat Trade

    7/17/2018 3:08 PM PDT
    Kim Basinger and Priscilla Presley Use Dead Dogs to Protest Korea's Dog Meat Trade

    Kim Basinger held a photo of dead dogs skinned and hanging on hooks to protest the dog meat trade in Korea, but Priscilla Presley took it a step further ... by holding an actual dead canine.

    We talked to Kim at the protest, which went down in L.A. Tuesday at the Consulate General of the Republic of Korea, and she says the demonstration is about speaking out against what's wrong ... and killing dogs is definitely wrong.

    She admits the dog meat trade has been part of Korean culture, especially with the older generation in S. Korea ... but she thinks it's time for a change.

    The protest itself got very graphic. Basinger and many others from the group Last Chance for Animals held signs with disturbing images reading "Stop Dog Meat" ... while Presley and a few other women looked to be holding dead animals.

    Other celebs at the protest included Donna D'Errico and EG Daily and Basinger's boyfriend, Mitch Stone. There were also 2 more protests in D.C. and Seoul.

    The poor dead dogs were reportedly recently euthanized and provided by a local L.A. vet for "shock factor."

    It definitely did the trick.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  13. #133

    This sucks !!!!!!!!!!

    I disagree 99%.

  14. #134
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    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Daron Cruickshank

    This isn't as bad as most Busted MMA fighters and fights entires...and Koreans eat dogs too. How come they seldom get called out on it? Koreans run a surprising amount of Japanese and Chinese restaurants in the U.S.

    Ryan General·April 15, 2019·4 min read
    MMA Fighter Blasted For Racist Video Mocking Random Japanese People as Dog Eaters

    'Just a joke, relax.'

    Mixed martial arts fighter Daron Cruickshank is being called out for mocking random Japanese people with the dog-eating stereotype in a video posted on his Instagram.

    Cruickshank, who earns a living in Asia, is employed by RIZIN Fighting Federation, a Japanese MMA company.

    In his controversial clip, re-uploaded by MMA apparel label Dynasty Clothing on its Facebook page, showed the MMA fighter inside a pet store which he dubbed a “Japanese meat market.”

    Referring to a group of Asians in his video, Cruickshank noted that they are “checking out what they’re gonna eat for dinner.”
    “Yummy huh? Yummy?” he asked while laughing at the clueless onlookers.

    Cruickshank then posted a link of the clip on Twitter, writing, “Ok, I recently learned that it’s not the Japanese that eat dog. It’s the Chinese… #funnyvideos #funnymemes…”

    Responding to early criticisms from fans and fellow MMA fighters on social media, he brushed it off as “just a joke,” advising everyone to “relax.”

    The joke, of course, is that they must be looking to eat the dogs because they are Asians.

    Finding nothing funny about the whole thing, Dynasty Clothing berated Cruickshank for his juvenile stunt.

    “Posting anti-Asian ‘jokes’ to mock Asians while ironically being employed by Asian companies and while fighting/working in Asia is moronic, shameful, and wrong.”

    “For the record, if you travel anywhere in the world, different people from many different cultures including within Europe and Scandinavia also consume different animals such as dogs, cats, horses, whales, cows, seals, maggots, etc. – yet you won’t hear a single word about this in the media,” the post read.

    “Just because western media loves to highlight what small groups of people in Asia like to consume, doesn’t mean all Asians consume the same thing,” it added.

    The brand further noted how individuals like Cruickshank “contribute to the perpetuation of harmful stereotypes against Asians worldwide with his fanbase / online which should have no place in martial arts or the world.”

    The post, which tagged ONE Championship owner Victor Cui and chairman Chatri Sityodtong, reminded Cruickshank how his career depended on the culture he is making fun of.

    “Himself a practitioner of Asian martial arts, while employed by Asian MMA companies such as RIZIN Fighting Federation – Daron has forgotten that without Asian people or culture – he wouldn’t even have a career in the first place.”

    Cruickshank has since deleted the video but has yet to apologize for his actions.

    Featured image via YouTube/daron cruickshank and Facebook/DynastyClothingStore
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  15. #135
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    CA, USA
    This guy c0ckshank is an idiot. "Duuhhhh...I recently learned it's not the Japanese that eat dog. Duuhhh."

    How does this doofus even have a fan base at all, LOL.

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