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Thread: KUNG FU TAI CHI 20 YEARS: June 9-10, 2012

  1. #106

    How convenient

    Video of her set and others should be up on the web very soon.

  2. #107
    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    Thumbs up June 9, 2012

    Congratulations to everyone involved with the Tournament and Banquet, it was outstanding.
    Visit the past in order to discover something new.


  3. #108

    Wang Yin

    She is in this video

  4. #109
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    KUNG FU TAI CHI 20 YEARS Grand Champions posted

    TCKFMC4 Grand Champions.

    We've been posting new YouTube vids and facebook photos daily.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  5. #110
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    How fast are you?

    For a hidden treat, watch Load In for TCKFMC 2012. The treat is at 2:09, but you have to be super quick to catch it.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  6. #111
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Nice one Gene.
    For whoso comes amongst many shall one day find that no one man is by so far the mightiest of all.

  7. #112
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Rachel Radcliff's blog

    Kung Fu Tai Chi Magazine’s 20th Anniversary & Tournament
    Rachel helped photograph KFTC 20 YEARS for us. You'll see more of her work on our facebook page and in the upcoming issue.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  8. #113
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Our KFTC 20 YEARS Gala Program winners are announced

    See our KFTC 20 YEARS Gala Program winners thread.

    We've been posting a ton of photos on our facebook albums and videos on our YouTube channel. Be sure to take a look. We love the bump in our view counts.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  9. #114
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    is there a way to view facebook pictures without a facebook account?
    For whoso comes amongst many shall one day find that no one man is by so far the mightiest of all.

  10. #115
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Just click the link above, Lucas

    As long as you're not blocked from your terminal (as in surfing at work), we've set the photo albums to public so anyone can see them. facebook might kick you out after a while - ask you to sign up - but you should be able to just start over by logging out, logging back on and looking at another album. Try it and let me know if it works.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  11. #116
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    More on Wang Yin

    There seems to be more coverage on her than on our event. I think we've been upstaged.

    Wang Yin, Fan Demonstration

    The most beautiful martial arts girl the United States to win

    "The most beautiful martial arts girl," said Wang Ying, Chinese girl, the fourth American Wushu Championships held recently in San Francisco all the way through the finals, winning the champion of women's tai chi fan.

    The final, Wang Ying in the melodious music will be traditional Chinese tai chi fan show was hard and soft economy, the elegant chic, the scene from multiple countries and regions, professional martial arts referee agreed to play a high score.

    Wang Ying was born in Anhui Province in 1988, to obtain the Central Academy of Drama in 2007. A casual experience, Wang Ying, come into contact with a traditional Chinese martial arts, and met a famous movie star Jet Li Tuition teacher Wu Bin, Wu Bin, a professional study performed martial arts disciple. Five years, Wang Ying won the sixth Hong Kong Wushu Open champion, and many other honors. She said that the future will certainly do my best to make contributions to promote the China Wuhun.
    " the fourth American Wushu Championships held recently in San Francisco" should read "the 4th Tiger Claw's Championships in San Jose" but who's quibbling?
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  12. #117

    That is going around

    One of the southern California school also posted their pictures under the heading "San Francisco Martial Arts Tournament"

  13. #118
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    You just can't beleive what you read in the Chinese press...

    功夫女孩王滢美国夺冠 将成动作电影新宠儿
    2012-06-14 17:54:06 来源: 网易娱乐 有124人参与 手机看新闻

    美国旧金山时间6月10日11点10分,有着最美功夫女孩之称的Monica王滢一路过关斩将杀入全球武术 赛事最高级别之一,由美国《功夫》杂志举办的2012年第四届美国武术锦标赛决赛,并在决赛中以极其优异的 表现获得女子太极扇冠军。


    网易娱乐6月14日报道 美国旧金山时间6月10日11点10分,有着最美功夫女孩之称的Monica王滢一路过关斩将杀入全球武术 赛事最高级别之一,由美国《功夫》杂志举办的2012年第四届美国武术锦标赛决赛,并在决赛中以极其优异的 表现获得女子太极扇冠军。据悉,该项赛事在全球武术界有着很高的声誉和知名度,被业内人士称为“世界武林大 会”,本届武术锦标赛决赛参加人数为450人,选手遍布全球各大洲,有来自美国、加拿大、德国、英国、中国 、法国等数十个国家的运动员参赛。

    Monica王滢俘获美国观众 留学生现场高喊我爱你

    据了解这已经不是Monica王滢第一次夺得国际级武术赛事冠军了,早在2011年第四届香港武术锦标赛M onica王滢就已经获得了长拳、剑术两项冠军,在全球武术界中已经聚集了大量的人气与关注度。此次Mon ica王滢获得此项冠军可谓众望所归,当Monica王滢在美国旧金山圣何塞体育馆中随着悠扬的极富中国元 素的音乐将传统的太极扇打的刚柔并济、可攻可守,整套动作充满了飘逸潇洒的美感与武术的阳刚威仪,扇到之处 虎虎生风,令现场来自多个国家的专业武术裁判出奇一致的打出了高分,当场Monica王滢毋庸置疑的获得了 女子太极扇冠军。王滢的夺冠令现场观众沸腾了纷纷起立鼓掌,现场华人留学生更是在王滢夺冠时激动的喊出了“ Monica我爱你”。

    王滢不仅获得了功夫冠军更是用自己出众的外表和精湛的身手俘获了全场观众的心,当比赛结束后,现场裁判、工 作人员、美国观众不断的用英语称赞王滢China Beauty,更纷纷要求与王滢合影留念,赛事评委会主席保罗先生更是感叹Monica王滢是美国武术锦标 赛有史以来最让人惊艳的功夫冠军,在拥有天使面容魔鬼身材的同时竟然还功夫超群、身手了得的武 林高手。

    继甄子丹后获邀登《功夫》杂志封面 将成为动作电影新宠儿

    赛后Monica王滢在现场接受多家美国主流媒体的采访,用流利的英语回答记者提问,全程对话零障碍更是让 现场媒体记者为之惊叹不已。在现场接受采访时Monica王滢透露她已经习武五年,其中专门用了两年时间来 学习太极。

    美国《功夫》杂志社长GIgi女士更是决定将安排Monica王滢成为继李小龙、成龙、李连杰(点击观看李 连杰影视作品《白蛇传说》、《英雄》)、甄子丹(点击观看甄子丹影视作品《八星抱喜》、《英雄》)后第五位 登上美国《功夫》杂志封面的中国武术明星,同时Monica王滢也将成为首位获此殊荣的中国女武术明星。据 悉,该杂志在全球武术界影响力很大,被业内誉为全球影响力最大、覆盖面最广的英文武术杂志。有媒体提问王滢 是否想过像这几位登上过美国《功夫》杂志的前辈一样从武林转行去拍动作电影,王滢回答目前她还没有想那么多 ,一切随缘。

    有电影制片人士评论王滢有条件成为新一代武打女星,王滢的外形条件和扎实的武术功底都十分适合在大银幕发展 ,随着老一代女打星杨紫(点击观看杨紫影视作品《女孩冲冲冲》)(微博)琼、李赛凤等转型的转型、息影的息 影,横扫目前华语影坛能打的女演员寥寥无几,女打星在华语影坛正属青黄不接,急需新一代女武打明星成长起来 ,相信王滢一旦转向大银幕发展一定会大有所为。
    (本文来源:网易娱乐 )
    There are so many embellishments to this article that I almost don't know where to start. First off, the bit about the cover is totally BS. Her agents contacted us about putting her on the cover when she was first applying to compete, but we didn't know her at all, so we replied with a clear 'no'. Now that her publicity people have pulled this stunt, it's even more unlikely. That's right - more unlikely than 'no'.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  14. #119
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Tarpon Springs, Fl. area
    I need to learn how to read all that. Go get em Gene!

  15. #120
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Here's one in English for you, Featherstone

    From Violet Li, a frequent freelance contributor to KFTC.
    June 21, 2012
    Thank you Kung Fu Tai Chi Magazine for your vision and generosity
    Violet Li
    Tai Chi Examiner

    Frequently martial art practitioners tell me that they don’t have a qualified instructor in town to study from. People are happy if they can see a master. They feel great when they actually meet a lineage holder. So how would you describe an event that you can rub elbows with a dozen of masters and grandmasters? You probably will be overjoyed. And how would you feel if you are with over 50 masters/grandmasters in one room? Trust me that you will have to pinch yourself and to realize it is not a dream.

    I was one of a couple of thousands luckiest practitioners who witnessed the great events put together by Kung Fu Tai Chi Magazine (KFTCM), Tiger Claw Group and Shark City Nationals to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Kung Fu Tai Chi Magazine on June 9 -10 in San Jose, California.

    Established in 1992, KFTCM has been one of the most important establishments that promotes Chinese martial Arts and Qigong in the world. It is the largest English print media on Kung Fu, Tai Chi, Wushu and Qigong with distribution in the U.S. and overseas. Later with its online magazine eZine and now with its mobile version, Kung Fu Tai Chi Magazine is accessible anywhere and anytime in the world.

    In the past 20 years, KFTCM has spent great effort to discover hidden treasure and presented the best of the Kung Fu in each category to the global community. KFTCM has introduced hundreds of masters to the global arena to educate practitioners of all interests. Readers enjoy learning the secret techniques and profound theories of the various Wushu as well as the exciting story behind the success of a master. KFTCM is a staple for martial artists.

    In an Internet age when news is free for all online, newspapers and magazines folded one after the other. Martial Arts print media has been severely impacted. But the leadership of Kung Fu Tai Chi Magazine continues to invest for better printing, high quality reporting and new technology and the magazine is surviving well or thriving. They appreciate the support from the martial art community so they put on world-class events to show their gratefulness to celebrate its anniversary. They invited all the past cover masters along with many other masters/grandmasters to the three major celebration events. At least 50 paid their own way to San Jose and many came as far as China just for the two-day extravaganzas.

    The 4th Annual Tiger Claw Kung Fu Magazine Champions was hosted on Saturday 6/9. The turnout was totally unexpected. There were over 500 contestants coming from various parts of the North America and China competing in 206 divisions and ended up with 23 grand champions in various categories – see a video on the left for the highlights. For the list of the grand champions, click the link here. Additionally, Qibo Sun won Wildaid Tiger Claw Champion and Yang Chengiun won Songshan Shaolin Champion -- You can click a link here to see some the highlights of the Wildaid tournament. Many of the masters served as judges for the tournament making it a high-standard international competition.

    The KFTCM Gala Banquet was a sold-out. Actually, due to the overwhelming participation, KFTCM had to add tables to accommodate 450 celebrities, masters and guests. Forty masters/grandmasters performed on stage. The entire banquet room was electrified with high energy.

    Audience’s jaws dropped when the 74-year old Wah Lum Mantis Grandmaster Chan Pui descended on the floor swiftly and popped right up effortless, the 70-year old Eagle Claw Grandmaster LiLy Lau did a double lotus kick with the foot touching her forehead and the 70-year old Grandmaster Liang Shou Yu flew in the air with a straight sword.

    You would not know which one of the astonishing stunts hurt most, whether it was Master/Monk Shi Yanran staying flat in the air with few spears “supporting” his entire body, Master Jin Le turning his foot totally backwards, Master/Monk Shi Yongyao letting others kick his crotch, the 20-year old Jenny Tu bending a spear at her throat, or Master Phillip Wong throwing himself on the ground hard like a drunkard.

    Master Helen Liang’s Wuji boxing and Master Chen Bing’s Chen Style Tai Chi were exquisite so was Master Yang Chenhan’s Free Spirit Taking Down. Grandmaster Ren Guangyi delivered a thunderous impression with his Chen Style Tai Chi.

    Masters/Grandmasters Grace Wu-Monnat, Wayne Peng, Li Siu Hung, Benny Meng, Jack Fu, Wang Zhihai, Daniel Tomizaki, Dino Salvatera, Jimmy Wong, Yang Jwing-Ming and Mai Yu Qiang all performed not-commonly practiced traditional Kung Fu forms, which really brought the richness of Chinese martial arts to the audience.

    Masters/Grandmaster Mimi Chan, Bai Wenxiang, He Tao, Dennis Brown, Zou Yunjian, David Chin, Zhang Hongmei, Alex Tao, Chen Yanyang, Chen Tongshan, Daniel Weng, Hoy Lee, John Leong, and Wang Tat Mau all demonstrated their own specialty.

    Grandmaster Tu Jin-Sheng had not performed his famous amazing act of Chinese Calligraphy for a while. It was a special treat for the audience to witness him do the beautiful Chinese calligraphy live in front of them while standing on eggs.

    There was star power at the banquet. Hollywood superstar Jet Li’s famous coach Wu Bin made a special trip from China for this event. His new protégé martial art champion and movie star gorgeous Monica Wang was a co-host for the Banquet show. Action movie superstar Jacky Chan’s only inheritor movie star Jack Tu came from Beijing to celebrate. He co-hosted part of the show and also performed his own creation Kung Fu Whip. Appeared in many Kung Fu movies, Grandmaster Chiu Chi Ling is best known for his part in Kung Fu Hustle. He demonstrated a Hung Gar form. Prominent global business leader and CEO of Digital Media Jonathan Miller first time publicly demonstrated his passion for Tai Chi by performing a Chen Style Tai Chi routine.

    On Sunday 6/10, KFTCM hosted a large Kung Fu Tai Chi Day, which is a free Street Fair from 10 am till 3 pm in downtown San Jose and attracted close 2,000 people. Masters/Grandmasters Bai Wenxiang, Jack Xueli Fu, He Tao, Benny Meng, Shi Yanran, Alex Tao, Jin Le, Jack Tu, Monica Wang and others performed. Beijing Shaolin Wushu School and Beijing Shaolin Wushu School along with many U.S. and Californian martial art schools provided all kinds of exciting Kung Fu demonstrations. There were also free Shaolin Kung Fu, Tai Chi and Wing Chun workshops hosted by various schools. KFTCM Publisher Gigi Ou said that they want to use this event to promote Chinese martial arts to the general public.

    Financially, it was extremely costly for KFTCM and Tiger Claw Group to host all three major events. Employees of both companies spent more than a year and countless hours to prepare and execute the plan. Everything went well. Not only the competitors and audience were grateful for KFTCM/Tiger Claw Group’s effort to put these together. Masters were very excited that such a large event was so well organized for the benefit of the global martial art community. Masters also cherished the opportunity to reunite with their peers whom they have not seen for years in some cases.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

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