Mouth Boxing has become rampant in this day and age of the internet.

Many people feel comfy and safe hiding behind the net, but should they be allowed to snipe and curse and insult people who are known, post up where they teach, etc?

I for one call anyone who starts trouble yet refuses to step up as an adult, a mouth boxer. They are cowards. If they really were interested in learning and sharing they would have no issues with telling people who and where they are.

I am not a mouth boxer, and always post up where people can find me for friendship or to learn how to be one with the floor or whatever you desire from the encounter.

Mouth Boxing can also get you into some serious trouble, like the kid who was mouthing off and then got chocked out. You talk crap, you need to understand the ramifications of said crap talking.

What say you fellow forum members?

net ghosts should be treated with the utmost contempt for being cowards.