Tuesday 8/22/2011
Went to Cardio bag class tonight.
I'm probably not doing this class right.
I notice some folks go apesh!t on the bag
others just bounce & kinda sorta punch with the music
i sacrifice a bit of the speed on the number of repetitions of a combo, in order to try for proper form when i can.
dude next to me was one of the ones going apesh!t
nonstop, with almost nothing in the way of proper mechanics.
i wish i had his endurance and his speed
good workout though.
pretty fried after an hour.
felt a little easier than last time, probably because I knew what i was in for and because we didn't have to kick.

Sticking to the diet and doing okay on that front.
but my wife is already creating a lot of friction when i try to make the simple request of measuring ingredients; or asking for a recipe with a portion size & calorie count.
May end up having to do all my own cooking.