Friday 3/30/2012
2 hours of muay thai
went back to 3 min rounds
focused mostly on boxing
got through 300 skip knees (each leg) - was averaging about 100 a round
got in my explosive calisthenics and some tire work as well.

Saturday 3/31/2012
Mowed the lawn, packed up the family, drove to Houson, and played in the pool for a couple hours once I got there.
219 when I woke up, I was down to 217 after mowing the lawn.

Sunday 4/1/2012
Played in the pool a couple more hours before packing up and driving home.
Made it home in pretty much record time.
Realized that I've associated that drive home with alcohol.
Had the worst cravings to fall off that I ever had.
Was hurting for pizza so bad I started getting a lump in my throat like I was going to cry.
I was hungry again as soon as I finished my dinner.
I ended up falling off and ordering from domino's.
First full on cheat meal in 5 weeks at least and I didn't drink.
I knew I was going to cheat eventually, just was hoping to wait until easter weekend.
Time to let it go and move on.