Quote Originally Posted by diego View Post
about a year ago when I started to relax enough to understand the BM posture I realized I would hate to fight someone now...If a junkie robber tried to attack me I would probably use basic boxing technique I wouldn't be able to slow down if I ran through him with sub jee footwork and i really dont want to jik bo his eye then sink a heart punch to his throat or go hop gar and kick him in the nuts and hammerfist the back of his neck...that **** is grimy or what if I have a pocketknife on me am I going to start jik bo'n at his face and chest?. fuk that You're better off just to submit him.

LOL very nice diego.

You see Mr Yum cha, Merci of this-Self control speaks much louder.

Indecently diego when would you use your Pm on anyone?