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Thread: Bawang Quan in Cailifo/Choy Lee Fut?

  1. #31
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by bawang View Post
    i would like to thank the hung sing for naming a form after me
    I'd be curious to see this form. I'm guessing it's similar to that Chinese Tiger wrestling guy, or the people screaming with the nunchakus...

    as a side note, a bawang usually refers to a tyrant, and is not a complimentary term.
    "My Gung-Fu may not be Your Gung-Fu.
    Gwok-Si, Gwok-Faht"

    "I will not be part of the generation
    that killed Kung-Fu."


  2. #32
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    History has shown many times over....the BAWANG always gets overthrown. LOL


    I think you have everyone's interest now. but below is the opening moves of all three branches.....are you saying Bawang Kuen opening moves DO NOT look like the ones below?

    the video link of buk sing

    This is our Hung Sing opening moves

    Typical Chan family opening moves
    Last edited by hskwarrior; 09-14-2011 at 12:17 PM.
    Hung Sing Boyz, we gottit on lock down
    when he's around quick to ground and pound a clown
    Bruh we thought you knew better
    when it comes to head huntin, ain't no one can do it better

  3. #33
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    in kung fu bawang means brute strength, a bully.

    Honorary African American
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  4. #34
    Hey, sunwokon, that's the form I was talking about in the Shaolin do Norte community at Orkut!

    Now, are you sure that's the one Sifu Chan Kwok wai calls "Bawang Quan"?
    I ask this because I have juste remembered that I used to see Alex Takahashi de Moura teaching it as "Tigre" to his Northern Shaolin students in Rio (just like the title of that video). Besides, that was not the first form that Sifu Marcello Teixeira - on whom be Peace - used to teach to his Choy Lee Fut students.
    See, both Alex Takahashi and Marcelo Teixeira were Chan Kwok Wai's representatives in Rio, the former for Bei Shaolin, the last one for Cailifo.
    So wouldn't that form on youtube be the "Hu Xing Quan / Forma de Tigre" referred to in CKW's CLF curriculum (see page 1 of this thread)?

    As to the opening, Chan Fam, Hung Sing and Buk Sing share some similarities, and CKW's does not fit any of those others completely.

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marcelo-RJ View Post
    Hey, sunwokon, that's the form I was talking about in the Shaolin do Norte community at Orkut!

    Now, are you sure that's the one Sifu Chan Kwok wai calls "Bawang Quan"?
    I ask this because I have juste remembered that I used to see Alex Takahashi de Moura teaching it as "Tigre" to his Northern Shaolin students in Rio (just like the title of that video). Besides, that was not the first form that Sifu Marcello Teixeira - on whom be Peace - used to teach to his Choy Lee Fut students.
    See, both Alex Takahashi and Marcelo Teixeira were Chan Kwok Wai's representatives in Rio, the former for Bei Shaolin, the last one for Cailifo.
    So wouldn't that form on youtube be the "Hu Xing Quan / Forma de Tigre" referred to in CKW's CLF curriculum (see page 1 of this thread)?

    As to the opening, Chan Fam, Hung Sing and Buk Sing share some similarities, and CKW's does not fit any of those others completely.
    It is not uncommon for branches to have openings that are slightly different. Ours are slightly different from others but you can tell the basis is the same. Don't know if that was fu ying kuen but CLF has a lot of fu jow (tiger claw) in all forms so who knows. It is definately not Northern Shaolin though.

  6. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by Marcelo-RJ View Post
    Hey, sunwokon, that's the form I was talking about in the Shaolin do Norte community at Orkut!

    Now, are you sure that's the one Sifu Chan Kwok wai calls "Bawang Quan"?
    I ask this because I have juste remembered that I used to see Alex Takahashi de Moura teaching it as "Tigre" to his Northern Shaolin students in Rio (just like the title of that video). Besides, that was not the first form that Sifu Marcello Teixeira - on whom be Peace - used to teach to his Choy Lee Fut students.
    See, both Alex Takahashi and Marcelo Teixeira were Chan Kwok Wai's representatives in Rio, the former for Bei Shaolin, the last one for Cailifo.
    So wouldn't that form on youtube be the "Hu Xing Quan / Forma de Tigre" referred to in CKW's CLF curriculum (see page 1 of this thread)?

    As to the opening, Chan Fam, Hung Sing and Buk Sing share some similarities, and CKW's does not fit any of those others completely.

    marcelo, its a commom mistake here in brazil to call CLF as "Tigre", mainly because of fu jow movment.

    i will try email sifu horacio the link for this topic

  7. #37
    Thanks, brother sunwukon.

    Now it'd be interesting to know if that form on the video is Sifu CKW's Hu Xing Quan/Fu Ying Kuen or Ba Wang Quan/ Ba Wong Kuen.
    Later we try to figure out where does it all come from.

    Sifu Frank, thank you for your helping hand. I'll check with a Northern Shaolin teacher who's a friend of mine if I'm missing any piece of the opening and will let you know if it's similar to Buk Sing or Hung Sing. Not even a chance to be Chan Family.

    Since those forms have been taught in Brazil for many years and still will be, and since none has recognized the piece that was given out by sunwukon, maybe Sifu CKW has a peculiar, less known, modality of CLF. Not saying he created it, but would not condem him if he did.

    Hope brother Di Renzo appears and gives us some light.

  8. #38
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    Since those forms have been taught in Brazil for many years and still will be, and since none has recognized the piece that was given out by sunwukon, maybe Sifu CKW has a peculiar, less known, modality of CLF. Not saying he created it, but would not condem him if he did.
    there's nothing wrong with someone creating a form as long its not wrongly claimed to be a form created by the founder or someone else. I have created a form or two myself to be honest.

    so marcelo, based on your knowledge, how close was the Bawang Kuen to that of the one sunwukon posted?
    Hung Sing Boyz, we gottit on lock down
    when he's around quick to ground and pound a clown
    Bruh we thought you knew better
    when it comes to head huntin, ain't no one can do it better

  9. #39
    hskwarrior, i think thats the problem: i believe that the form i posted is the same marcelo knows, but the thing is he want to know the name.

    i believe its bawang. thats how i learned it, but i cant "write in stone"

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by sunwukon View Post
    but is very close, dont you think?

    i've found some bits, but its very poorly executed.

    I trained at a school that taught this same form... the form name was in fact Ba Wong Kuen. We were always told it was a Choy Lay Fut form but, I could never find a CLF stylist that had ever heard of it...

    The lineage was through Chan Kwok Wei...
    Sil Lum Hak Fu Mun
    RIP Kuen "Fred" Woo (sifu)

  11. #41
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    Hi everybody! I see you ve been very busy discussing this subject!
    GM Chan Kowk Wai hasn't invented anything. He has been taught this version of FUTSAN HUNG SING CHOY LI FAT, by his teacher. His teacher didn't have any other student continuing the way so we are nowadays the only ones who train these TEN forms of Choy Li Fat PLUS ONE FORM FROM BAK SING: SAP SHI KAU TA KUIN.

    The first form si calles Ba Won Kuin meaning something like "TOUGH PERSON" (in brazil you would say "Malandro" ;-)
    although the secuenses are different, the style is pretty similar to the present day Fatsan CLF.
    About inventing forms, nothing wrong with this. King Muy Hung Sing CLF had originally THREE forms. 160 years later it has 100.

    All CLF schools are the same family! the core movements are the same, kua choy, sou choy, chap shoy, etc.

    The CLF taught by Chan Kowk Wai IS NOT BAK SING! Bak Sing comes from our style.
    Horacio Di Renzo
    Asociacion Kai Men Kung Fu -Buenos Aires - Argentina
    Formal Student of GM Chan Kowk Wai

  12. #42
    Thank you, Sifu Di Renzo, for your clarification on Sifu Chan Kwok Wai not being the one who created that form.

    I have a couple of questions for you, but, please, go free to ignore them if you feel I'm being impertinent.

    a) is this the final part of Ba Wang Quan or is it Sifu Chan Kwok Wai's Hu Xing (Tiger) set?

    b) is there any record in Sifu CKW's school regarding the creator of the Ba Wang set? It seems at least Sifu Frank of SF Hung Sing Kwoon does not recognize that form, so maybe it was a special set of the Yim You Chin's family?

    I have learned that form 21 years ago here in Rio de Janeiro, and now that I'm back to CLF I'd like to know a little bit more about it if you don't mind speaking about the contents of Sifu CKW's style.



  13. #43
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    allow me to clarify, yes, there are sections in that form that would make me ask "hey is that a hung sing form?" I will say that at least as far as i know how to identify a Hung Sing form i will say that video had some things and didn't have some things i'd recognize.

    either way, CKW people are our love.

    Last edited by hskwarrior; 09-14-2011 at 11:02 PM.
    Hung Sing Boyz, we gottit on lock down
    when he's around quick to ground and pound a clown
    Bruh we thought you knew better
    when it comes to head huntin, ain't no one can do it better

  14. #44
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    According to this Chinese blog article on the history of Kung Fu in Brazil:

    Chan Kwok-Wai Sifu was born in 1936 and he learned CLF from 陈松威(Chan Cheok Sing)in Toishan 台山, where he was born, from the age 4 - 14, then he went to Hong Kong in 1949 and learned Lohan Kuen and Northern Shaolin (and a few other styles like Yang Tai Chi, Xingyi and Bagua) before he migrated to Brazil in 1960 and was the first to promote Kung Fu there. So altogether Chan Sifu had 10 years of CLF training when he was a kid, if the interview with the Vice-President of the Brazilian Kung Fu Association (巴西武术总会副会长高建滔) is correct.


    提起中国功夫在巴西,就不能不提陈国伟(Chan Kowk Wai)这个名字。陈师是巴西武术界公认的中国功夫在巴西传播的先驱者。从1960年陈师到巴西教拳,到2 010年正好是50载。50载,陈师桃李满巴西。2008年,圣保罗市议会还向陈师颁发了圣保罗荣誉市民称 号。

    陈师1936年出生于广东台山,4岁开始习武,习武之早不多见。陈师习武并非家传,最开始时他是“偷艺”。 过去的习武之人很有讲究,不正式拜师者不传,女孩子不传,尤其忌讳别人偷看偷学,何况4岁的陈师一边偷看一 边还投入地比划了起来。别人偷艺,轻者被赶走打跑,重者还要受惩罚,要向教拳的师傅道歉。但陈师不但没受责 骂,没被赶走,还被收了徒弟。原因何在?陈国伟实在太有天赋了,在一边模仿得惟妙惟肖,陈松威 (Chan Cheok Sing)师傅惜才,不仅没有责备他,还收下了他这个小徒弟。

    就这样,从4岁一直到14岁,十年功夫,陈国伟一直跟着陈松威学习蔡李佛拳(Choy Lee Fut)。1949年,大陆解放前夕,陈国伟随家人迁居香港,在那里他师从马剑风师傅(Ma Kim Fong)学习罗汉拳。不久,北派少林拳大师严尚武也来至香港,在陈国伟家中开馆授徒,陈国伟又开始在严师 门下学习北派少林拳,陈老师也是严尚武师傅在香港的首徒。陈国伟老师天分极高,练拳又刻苦,再加南北融会贯 通,博采众长,功夫日益精进。除了少林拳法和蔡李佛拳,陈国伟师傅还学习了气功、杨氏太极拳、八卦掌、形意 拳、六合拳等中华武术拳种。

  15. #45
    Quote Originally Posted by extrajoseph View Post
    According to this Chinese blog article on the history of Kung Fu in Brazil:

    Chan Kwok-Wai Sifu was born in 1936 and he learned CLF from 陈松威(Chan Cheok Sing)in Toishan 台山, where he was born, from the age 4 - 14, then he went to Hong Kong in 1949 and learned Lohan Kuen and Northern Shaolin (and a few other styles like Yang Tai Chi, Xingyi and Bagua) before he migrated to Brazil in 1960 and was the first to promote Kung Fu there. So altogether Chan Sifu had 10 years of CLF training when he was a kid, if the interview with the Vice-President of the Brazilian Kung Fu Association (巴西武术总会副会长高建滔) is correct.


    提起中国功夫在巴西,就不能不提陈国伟(Chan Kowk Wai)这个名字。陈师是巴西武术界公认的中国功夫在巴西传播的先驱者。从1960年陈师到巴西教拳,到2 010年正好是50载。50载,陈师桃李满巴西。2008年,圣保罗市议会还向陈师颁发了圣保罗荣誉市民称 号。

    陈师1936年出生于广东台山,4岁开始习武,习武之早不多见。陈师习武并非家传,最开始时他是“偷艺”。 过去的习武之人很有讲究,不正式拜师者不传,女孩子不传,尤其忌讳别人偷看偷学,何况4岁的陈师一边偷看一 边还投入地比划了起来。别人偷艺,轻者被赶走打跑,重者还要受惩罚,要向教拳的师傅道歉。但陈师不但没受责 骂,没被赶走,还被收了徒弟。原因何在?陈国伟实在太有天赋了,在一边模仿得惟妙惟肖,陈松威 (Chan Cheok Sing)师傅惜才,不仅没有责备他,还收下了他这个小徒弟。

    就这样,从4岁一直到14岁,十年功夫,陈国伟一直跟着陈松威学习蔡李佛拳(Choy Lee Fut)。1949年,大陆解放前夕,陈国伟随家人迁居香港,在那里他师从马剑风师傅(Ma Kim Fong)学习罗汉拳。不久,北派少林拳大师严尚武也来至香港,在陈国伟家中开馆授徒,陈国伟又开始在严师 门下学习北派少林拳,陈老师也是严尚武师傅在香港的首徒。陈国伟老师天分极高,练拳又刻苦,再加南北融会贯 通,博采众长,功夫日益精进。除了少林拳法和蔡李佛拳,陈国伟师傅还学习了气功、杨氏太极拳、八卦掌、形意 拳、六合拳等中华武术拳种。

    yes, but master CKW had 2 CLF teachers: one when he as a kid (4 to 14 yo) and the second many years later (yim you chin)

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